Saturday 15 May 2010

How to remove username from Django registration 1.0 -

I used the DNS 1.5 (DjangoProjectDocs) authentication to login with email instead of the user's name and its place of work Optimized, but I'm using Django-registration 1.0 to register user.

How do I remove the user name field from the registration, so that the user will only need to enter the e-mail and ambassador. Password when registering

Thank you in advance to all of you. Yaniv M

This should start with you. There is a sub-section of the registration form which create your own form. Register with /

  in the registration. Formula class registration registration form category MyRegistrationForm (RegistrationForm): # override registration form def __init __ (self, * arg, ** kwargs): super (registration form, itself) .__ init __ (* args, ** kwargs) self.fields. Pop ('username')   

thoughts in Py

  from registration. Import Import from yourapp.forms Import MyRegistrationForm class MyRegistrationView (RegistrationView): form_class = MyRegistrationForm   


  url (r '^ Accounts / register / $ ', MyRegistrationView.as_view (), name =' registration '),    

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