Saturday 15 May 2010

URL Schemes on iOS -

I try to launch an application (App1) from another application (App 2) using URL schemes I am here. Is there a way I can check the application name which is launching my app? Example App2 has launched App 1 (so can I check the name of app 2 1 app 1) Or can we get information on the source starting at App 1?

Thank you in advance

To apply to launch from any other application For, you need to configure "Supported URL Schemes" in your information plist file. You will be able to know the reasons for the following method in your app delegate along with your application launch.

  • (BOOL) Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) launchOptions

    Here are the launch options

    A dictionary indicating the application that was launched (if any). In this situation, the contents of this dictionary can be empty where the user started the application directly

    are the possible keys

    NSString * const UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey; NSString * const UIApplicationLaunchOptionsSourceApplicationKey ; NSString * const UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey; NSString * const UIApplicationLaunchOptionsAnnotationKey; NSString * const UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey; NSString * const UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey; NSString * const UIApplicationLaunchOptionsNewsstandDownloadsKey;

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