Saturday 15 May 2010

jpa - Java Apache Derby Database Restoration Error -

I am developing a JSF + JPA application that includes Netbeans & amp; JavaDB I have copied the entire database folder when the database is offline as it has been instructed. When I copied the specific database sub-folder to another derby location or created the entire database folder as a new java database location in the Netbeans Java database, it returns the following error.

  Unable to connect to jdbc: derby: // localhost: 1527 / hr org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver (DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ040 SQLERRMC: The connection can not be established to fail to initialize the database 'HR', see the next exception for the details: SXLSTAT: XSDatabaseTice D: \ Data \ PDHS \ HR in an incompatible format with the current version of the software Database was created or upgraded by version 10.8 Ia was.).   

How can I resolve this error?

Thanks in advance.

Message says:

  Created by database version 10.8 or Was upgraded.   

Which version of the derby is running?

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