Friday 15 June 2012

ios - pushing UIViewController without Navigation Controller -

  initViewController * MW = [InitViewController alloc]; MW = [self. Storyboard Instant ViewController Identifier: @ "Inte"]; [Self. Navigation Controller Push ViewController: MW Animated: Yes];   

I have changed my architecture now and I have just removed my navigation controller. That is the reason, this step will no longer help me because of the existence of any navigation controller. Now I can push another view controller without pressing buttons - (IBAction). I wanted to use it in the storyboard

Regards. You can not push another controller without the UIIDA controller. FYI: You can not push another controller without UI navigation controller.

You can complete


  [self-present ViewController: objPortrit animated using a controller: yes Are: ^ {}]; >  

Ex: initViewController * MW = [initViewController alloc]; MW = [self. Storyboard Instant ViewController Identifier: @ "Inte"]; [Self Present ViewController: MW Animated: Yes Complete: ^ {}]; >

edit :

  for your comment:   

ViewController with After creating the PresentViewController, you need to dismiss it to create another ViewController

in this way, you can opt out of it, in this way, use your method in their respective view controller. :

  - (zero) viewdisplayed viewer {{self-removal model view controllerUnlimited: yes]; }    

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