I do not understand that this is an acceptable operation. I have to select a record from the database of SQL Server 2008 and then have to delete them, as a transaction from all the ASP.NET code. Note that the .NET code should be able to retrieve previously received data.
Something like this:
SELECT * FROM [tbl] WHERE [id] & gt; 6; DELETE FROM [TBB] WHERE [id] & gt; 6 I am with SQL Bedle but then if I do:
SELECT * FROM [tbl] < P> I get a full table as if nothing was destroyed. Edit below is requested to complete the records below. The NET code is: string strSQLStatement = "SELECT * FROM [TBB] WHERE [ID]> 6;" + "DELETE FROM [TBB] WHERE [ID]> 6"; (SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {while (rdr.Read ()) {// value read val0 = rdr.GetInt32 (0); (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand (strSQLStatement, connectionString)) Val3 = rdr.GetInt32 (3); //e.t.c. }}}}
This selection will be deleted and deleted together: < Exclude> Deletion [tbl] Output Deleted * WHERE [id] & gt; 6
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