Friday 15 March 2013

xsl fo - XSL-FO conditional page sequence? -

I have seen how to use conditional-page-master-context to specify that page master Some of the criteria will be: empty-empty-empty, weird-or-or, or page-postian. I was wondering if there is a way to select a more specific conditional page master, for example, pages 1-3 use the Master A, pages 4-6 pages use Master B, and pages 7-9 Pages use Master A. Such criteria do not come within the conditional-page one of the 3 available options -Master-reference ... also assume that the page 4-6 pages for MasterB was fixed due to some data in the XML Was there. So, is it possible to use the data (XML) as the input for the criteria to determine the page master to use? Any ideas?


For example, page 1- Use 3 Page Master A, use Page 4-6 Page Master B, and Page 7-9 Page Master A to use.

This is done by specifying pages in the order that you expect:

  & lt; Single Page-Master-Reference Master-Reference = "A" /> & lt; Single page-master-reference master-context = "A" /> & Lt; Single page-master-reference master-context = "A" /> & Lt; Single page-master-reference master-context = "b" /> & Lt; Single page-master-reference master-context = "b" /> & Lt; Single page-master-reference master-context = "b" /> & Lt; Single page-master-reference master-context = "A" /> & Lt; Single page-master-reference master-context = "A" /> & Lt; Single page-master-reference master-context = "A" />   

So, is it possible to use data (XML) for criteria to determine Page Master to use?

Of course, if you are not changing the page master in the middle of the page sequence. If you need to determine the entire page sequence geometry at the beginning of your page sequence, then your XSLT can select the appropriate Master-Reference = attribute to use only.

However, you can ask about it that some users have to change page masters in the middle of the page sequence. For example, in technical writing, some users have to switch to a table geometry orientation, while in the middle of a portrait page sequence.

In this case, you can not use XSL-FO without first processing it before interpreting it. To make such preprocessing easier, I developed the free-to-use PSMI formatting semantics and published it here:

Many people use I have used PSMI in the case of: They need to switch the page geometry in the middle of the page sequence, which is not allowed in "pure" XSL-FO so XSLT XSL-FO + PSMI creates their XSLT Land and then they XSL-FO + PSMI that are using my free stylesheets to translate into pure XSL-FO in any Knformnt XSL-FO processor.

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