Wednesday 15 May 2013

lotus notes - XPage not found because database name is in uppercase -

We inherited a web application in Lotus Notes, in which we are trying to present XPages (both of us Lotus Notes and new ones are XPages, please forgive our inexperience).

We have an idea that we are trying to swap with a XPage. The current view is called from the Applications menu in this way (this view is being asked from a form):


And we are trying to call XPage like this:

  & lt; A href = "prueba.xsp" target = "ifat" & gt;   

For some reason, the link is expanded on runtime at: CARLOS / TBS_AGORA_FIN.NSF / Prueba.xsp   

not found because the database name page in uppercase (in fact, if we Tibis_agora_fin. NSF change in Tibis_agora_fin. NSF, then it works Does). It is also strange that the current link is also in uppercase, but still it works: FRVWFACSPROVXEstadoAno? OpenForm   

We want to know why the DOMINOVE server can do this in the database uppercase?

I'm guessing by your question that you're on your links that form or page Those who are calling from as HTML are provided. Since this is a relative link, you are probably navigating through that link in which the title. Includes uppercase for NSF. So that it can be resolved by fixing all your links or so. NF can be lowercase, or better link by calculating your exposure.

To the latter, I usually following XPage link:

  & lt; A href = "& lt; Consolidated Price"> XPage.xsp "& gt; Link & lt; / A & gt;   

While XPage.xsp name of my xpage and value of text count:

  "/" + @WebDbName + "/" < / Code>  

this will calculate the link based on the wants notes references as the database.

Hope this will be helpful.

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