Monday 15 July 2013

c# - ASP Dropdown list not changing the value -

First of all, I still find me down my web god I so posts, blogs, newsgroups and stacks of articles I have been working through and I am unable to fix my problem. This is similar to at least 10 different positions seen by me.

I have an ASP gridview, which acts as a demonstration and a select column. When you click on the selection, it throws the data in the description view. I have a field that needs to be a drop down box, but whenever I change the value and update the value that is sent to the command The original value is

Page Markup:

  & asp: TemplateField HeaderText = "Planner Name" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; EditItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; ASP: DropDownList ID = "cboCurrentPlanner" runat = "server" DataSourceID = "plannerDataSource" DataTextField = "planner_name" DataValueField = "planner_id" SelectedValue = '& lt;% # Eval ( "planner_id")% & gt;' AutoPostBack = "true" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: DropDownList & gt; & Lt; / EditItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ASP: TemplateField & gt; & Lt; Asp: CommandField ShowEditButton = "True" /> & Lt; / Fields & gt; & Lt; FooterStyle BackColor = "#CCCC99" ForeColor = "Black" /> & Lt; HeaderStyle BackColor = "# 333333" font-bold = "true" ForeColor = "white" /> & Lt; PagerStyle BackColor = "White" ForeColor = "Black" HorizontalAlign = "Right" /> & Lt; / ASP: DetailsView & gt;   


  SelectCommand = "vendor_key, vendor, Planner_name, road, select the city, State_country, Planner_id, country V_MAP_MarkerInfo where (vendor_key = @vender_ke) "Updtkmnd =" Map_usp_vebpdteplantovendor "Updtekmmandeepe =" Storedprosedure "Onupdting =" Mpdaetalsurs_updting "& gt; & Lt; SelectParameters & gt; & Lt; Asp: ControlParameter ControlID = "GridView1" name = "vendor_key" property name = "selected value" type = "int32" /> & Lt; / SelectParameters & gt; & Lt; UpdateParameters & gt; & Lt; Asp: parameter name = "vendor_key" type = "string" /> & Lt; Asp: parameter name = "planner_id" type = "int 32" /> & Lt; Asp: parameter name = "vendor" type = "string" / & gt; & Lt; / UpdateParameters & gt; & Lt; / ASP: SQLDataSource & gt; & Lt; ASP: SQLDataSource id = "plannerDataSource" runat = "server" ConnectionString = "& LT;% $ ConnectionStrings: vendor_mapConnectionString% & gt;" Select [MAP_planners] from SelectCommand = OldValuesParameterFormatString = "original_ {0}" & gt; [planner_id] [planner_name] "; & Lt; / ASP: SQLDataSource & gt;   

I will not post the stored procedure code, I know that it is working. The original value makes it easy for the price parameter only

I have tried all kinds of combinations of and ### Bind / eval ()% & gt; Postbacks But I'm not getting the right combination.

When I click on the selection, I want the current planner to be selected in the dropdown list. When I select a new Planner and click Update, I would like Planner to update. I am not sure why this is so difficult or I have made it difficult for this, but I am at the end of my mind, if possible, I would like to know what is happening and not just that magical line code Which does this work.

There is a particular badge.

EDITS: Wustaitianbag ટેડ = "true" has been added to the dropdown list, selected index has changed event is firing

Re-edit: & lt; Asp: ControlParameter & gt; DetailsView1_OnDataBind and MapDataSource1_updating and the value is in all places but I do not know why it is being reset. Set to EnableViewState = "false"

@ Control or @ Page settings? If visibility is not enabled, the control will always be the default value as the selected value. It can be set at the ASPX level or SSCX level.

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