Monday 15 July 2013

jQuery - Error in parsing value 'opacity' with .animate() -

I have created a simple jQuery script that has faded, and fade the ones with the lesson. It works fine in the exercise, but I get this error because at some point the ambiguity is more than the regular price limit, I should say that I'm really a newbie when Javascript and jQuery come in

  Function haikuSwitch () {Var $ active = $ ("#hequirper.exeactive.activ"); If ($ active.lenght == 0) $ active = $ ("#heekeworker. Ahiku: first"); Var $ $ next $ sibl = $ active.siblings (); If ($ sibl.lenght == 0) $ next = $ ("#hyakavir.aihu: last"); Other {var Randanam = Mutt. Floor (Math.Rendum () * $ sibl.length); $ Next = $ ($ Sybil [randanum]); } $ Active.animate ({'opacity': 0}, 2000). CSS ({'z-index': '10'}) .removeClass ('active'); $ Next.css ({'Opacity': 0, 'z-index': '10'}). Adclass ('active'). Value ({'opacity': 1, 2000); AddClass ('Active'). CSS ({'opacity': 1, 'z-index': '10'}); Set interval ("HaikuSwitch ()", 10000);}); I do not know where this problem arises. help?  

I do not see any problems in the categories for opacity.

See syntax error though ... you have height

$ active.length Behind the misspelling is $ active. Length

At one place I think this is an error $ next when is empty or zero

It should be a good idea to add a check status to that selector.

  $ next.length & amp; Amp; $ Next.css ({'Opacity': 0, 'z-index': '10'})    

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