Tuesday 15 April 2014

ruby on rails - Can't start unicorn, master failed to start, check stderr log for details -

I do not know what's wrong with the UNICORN. RB file. My Unicorn .bbconfig

  APP_PATH = "/ var / www / demo" functional directory APP_PATH stderr_path APP_PATH + "/log/unicorn.stderr.log" stdout_path APP_PATH + "/ log / Unicorn Stderr .log "pid APP_PATH +" /tmp/pid/unicorn.pid "  

make NGX successful

  Sudo Servier NGN Startupa Unicorn - C / Var / www.demo / config / unicorn.rb -D    

socket "file" Which is the use of nginx and rhinoceros as a channel for all communication between them where you have defined it ? In our Unicorn congues, we usually have a line:

  listen to APP_PATH + "/tmp/pid/.unicorn.sock   

Then, In your nginx.conf, you must tell NGN about this socket, such as:

  upstream unicorn {server unix: /var/www/demo/tmp/pid/.unicorn.sock Fail_timeout = 0;} location / {root / var / www / demo / current / public; try_files $ url_unicorns;} place @ unicorn {proxy_pass http: // unicorn;}   

this configuration In the file, the first section defines how NGNC is assembled. The second thing actually routes requests to a different place, which is "@nickorne", which, in turn, is defined in the last section, in this way you can reuse @unicorn shortcodes. If you have more complex nginx routing going on.

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