Tuesday 15 April 2014

ServiceStack logging FluentValidation errors on server eventlog -

I use the service manager's Log Manager as the target log. Apart from this, I use Fluent Validation built.

Both are working really well but when a verification error occurs, no loggers are created.

Any indication how can I log validation errors of any registered authenticator of flint-value?

Common logs are working (such as the way to configure it)

Configure my configured method here

  Configure the public override zero (FUNC) Container Container) Set // JSON Web Services idol Jason Camel CAS Properties Service Stack. Lesson JS Config Amitacamal Seasonnams = true; // Configure User Defined Rest Path Routes. Add & lt; ProcessKilnPushRequest & gt; ("/ Kiln / commit"); Plugins Add (new verification feature ()); Container.RegisterValidators (typeof (KilnCommitService) .asembly); // SetVVC to use MVC ServiceStack ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory (New FunqControllerFactory (Container)) as the same Funq IOC; LogManager.LogFactory = New EventLugFactory ("QAsor.laging", "KillListener"); Var Logger = LogManager.GetLoger (GetType ()); Logger.Info ("uphost up and running"); }    

Logs are started and started in static constructors most of the time so that It is possible that all components must be reconfigured to the configured logger, which should be set before appHost is started, for example Global.asax.cs:

  LogManager.LogFactory = New EventLogFactory ("QAServer.Logging", "KilnListener"); New apphost (). Init ()    

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