I am sending data to a server I do not know the required content-length one-priority, so I select "Selected" I am using encoding.
When I tried it with
client.println ("POST / myurl HTTP / 1.1"); Client.println ("host: 12.345.679.999"); // changed with the test server's IP client. Println ("User-agent: Ardino / 1.0"); Client.println ("Transfer-Encoding: Selected"); Client.println (); Client.println ("4"); Client.println ("test"); Client.println ("0"); Client.println (); Or, with the escape characters:
client.print ("4 \ r \ ntest \ r \ n0 \ r \ n \ r \ N "); I get an error from my server:
HTTP / 1.1 411 length Required Requested method POST Requires a valid content-length Server: Apache / 2.2.22 (Ubuntu) However, the "selected" encoding should not require content-length header fields, see
Do I have a field ? Why does this call not work?
For records, non-encoded-encoding works:
if (client.connect (server, 80)) {string postdata = "test"; Serial.printLN ("POST / MYURL HTTP / 1.1"); Client.println ("host: 12.345.679.999"); // was replaced with the test server's IP serial.printline ("User-agent: Ardino / 1.0"); Serial. Print ("Content-Length:"); Serial.println (PostData.length ()); Serial.println (); Serial.println (POSTDATA); } UPDATE
Apache 2 error. From log: "Barring the selected encoding encoding"
after searching
forbidden chunk transfer encoding In my Apache 2 log, I concluded that That error was not what I was making in that post.
I have found that Modesse (Layer Between Apache and Diegogo) does not enable chunk transfer-encoding by default.
, I found that
at WSGIChunkedRequest is allowed in my Apache httpd.conf file Overall request (no other 411 error)
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