Wednesday 15 April 2015

jsonschema - What is the purpose of the "description" field in JSON Schemas? -

I'm not sure what the purpose of JSON schema "description" field is, as a place to comment on what area Does it serve? What serves as the field id?

  {"id": "", "schema": "http: // json" "topic": "organization "" Type: "schema" for "online", "online", "type": "object", "property", "$ Ref": "# / definitions / organization"}, "person": {"type "" "" ":" "," Item ":" item "," $ ref ":" # / definitions / person "}" definition ": {" organization ": {" description ":" university " "Type": "object", "attribute": {"name": {"type": "string"}, "url", "location": {"description": "location", "type": "type ":" Urin "," type ":" string "}," descriptionofinstitution ": {" type ":" string "}," location ":" string "," come " Shikk ": true}}   


everything in JSON There is data, so there is nothing special in the area called description , this is just another field because id or type

Of course details can have a special meaning in your domain, but as far as JSON is concerned, there is only one more asset.

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