Saturday 15 May 2010

c++ - Cannot find -lglut but freeglut3-dev is installed -

I'm trying to start a test for my OpenBall on the Kubuntu 64b. OpenGL, Fly and FullGlat are installed, but when I compile it, it says that the nervousness is not found.

  Clean successful (total time: 52ms) "/ usr / bin / make" -f nbproject / Makefile qmake = sub = .build-conf [1]: enter Directory `/ home / RXP / NetBeansProjects / Cpptest '" / usr / bin / create "-f nbproject / district / debug / gnu-linux x86 / making cpptest [2]: Accessing directory` / home / RXP / NetBeansProjects / cpptest 'mkdir -p build / debug / gnu-linux 86 rm / debug / gnu-x86 / main build -f .od g ++ -c g i ../ oglpg-8th edition / included - MMD -MP -MF build / debug / gnu-linux x86 / main.od -o build / debug / g Nu-linux 86 / main.o main.cpp mkdir -p district / debug / gnu-linux 86g ++ -o district / debug / gnu-linux x86 / cpptest build / debug / gnu-linux x86 / main.o l ../ oglpg-8th edition / lib -lGL -lGLEW -lGLU -lGLUT / usr / bin / ld: -lGLUT collect2 can not be found: Error: return to ld 1 to create position [2]: ** * [District / debug / GNU-Linux-x86 / cpptest] create error 1]: Directory `/ home / rxp / NetBeansProjects / Cpptest 'create [1]: *** [build-conf] error 2 makeup [ 1]: Excluding directory `/ home / RXP / NetBeansProjects / Cpptest 'make: *** [.build-impl] Ruti 2 BUILD failed (exit value 2, Total time: 358 mms)   

Can you help me?

You are using-LGGUT Note that library cases are sensitive, so you should instead -lglut Need to use. In the build command, the libraries should be linked in such a way:

  -lGL -lGLEW -lGLU -lglut    

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