Tuesday 15 March 2011

actionscript - YouTube Video Player Rendering Problems In 2011 Samsung SmartTV Devices -

My team and I am preparing a video-based app for Samsung Connected-TV and Blu-ray players, and We were thinking that if any one has gone into similar graphic rendering problems which we are doing with the YouTube player, that is, if we try to create an instructional support popup panel on the player window while playing a video game, then Popup a bizarre user Under the experience, the video will be scattered in the form of render. Similarly, sometimes the YouTube video player does not render the progress bar completely, but instead appears as a hole in the left part, then partially presents video plays and markers with the progress bar The progress is on the right. [Please note: these issues are not compatible with Samsung, nor are they only in the 2011-2012 TV and Blu-ray players in any 2012 Samsung device.]

These devices In terms of self and their runtime support, we are investigating this:

Samsung Smart TV and BluRay (2010 and 2011): Flash 8.0 / Flashlight 3.1 / Action Script-2.0 < P> Samsung Smart TV and BluR (2012 and 2013): Flash 10.1 / Action Kript 3.0

Thanks a lot for any insights or suggestions for the attack on these issues.

I have also seen this problem. This is just another bug and Samsung probably will not cure it as AFAIK, they only provide this type of support for the current (2013) and previous (2012) year devices.

The last hope can be an alternative solution. Try to create a code filled with a transparent rectangle on the affected area, and then force it to fill the color again. Other such hexes may also be helpful.

PS: The fact is that Flash is not the most popular way to build your application, even in future, the firmware update also makes the chance to get around 0.

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