Tuesday 15 March 2011

ios - Adding/removing tabs to UITabBarController programatically gives console warning -

In my application, I have a custom UITabBarController that is set as the rootview controller. During the lifetime of the application, I add / remove additional tabs based on the user's contact in the program, and when I do this, I see the following message several times in the console:

  Two-step Rotation animation has been deprecated. This app should use smooth single-phase animation   

Any idea how to stop it from happening?


Adding additional tabs (for example, only 1, but actually 4 is being added).

  UIViewController * viewController = [[MyCustomViewController alloc] init]; ViewController.tabBarItem.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "icon"]; ViewController.tabBarItem.title = @ "Title"; UINavigationController * navViewController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: viewController]; [Self-Settle Controllers: @ [Naviguent Controller] Animated: No];    

Is your MyCustomViewController an excluded two-step rotation Methods?

As an error message says, it is deprecated (since iOS 5.0) replacement mechanism: an active FolphofrotationtoInterfaceAuthentication: - KNetNumFastHalfOffrootationToTunesFirectionation-ViliumAsecondHalfOffrotationForm InteractionOrmentation: Duration:

Take a look at their documentation to see what's (basically, willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation: Duration: instead).

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