Friday 15 July 2011

android - How to use adb to launch an app and select a menu inside the app? -

I am able to launch the windcheck app using AW, the command was used: < Pre> starts ADB shell- A androidintent. Action. Mn-n com Blue.windmil / com. Pie 3D Player. Unintenseplayer proxy activity

After launching the app, I get a menu called "run demo", "run benchmark" and "about"

touchscreen or any other How do I choose "run demo" or "run benchmark" without using a button?

If you know the display coordinates of the control that you want to contact with you, you can input Tap & lt; X & gt; & Lt; Y & gt; to click on the command

or you can use input keyweek KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN to scroll down to the menu item, and then select < KEYCODE_ENTER> code> input key.

> The following options are in the Input command:

  Usage: Input ... Input Text & lt; String & gt; [Delay] input key event & lt; Key code number or name & gt; Input [touchscreen | Touchpad] & lt; X & gt; & Lt; Y & gt; Input [touchscreen | Touchpad] Swipe & lt; X1 & gt; & Lt; Y1 & gt; & Lt; X2 & gt; & Lt; Y2 & gt; Input trackball press input trackball rolls & lt; Dx & gt; & Lt; DI & gt;    

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