Friday 15 July 2011 mvc 4 - Issue submitting form values on post (works in Chrome but not FireFox) -

I'm guessing that this is a very simple issue, but since it is relatively new to mvc I will blame him Basically I have the form below, when I submit the value, posted in Chrome, but not Firefox.

  @using (Html.BeginForm ("MyAction", "MyController", New {ReturnUrl = ViewBag.ReturnUrl}) {@ Html.AntiForgeryToken () & lt; text & gt; Fill this form Homemade 

Lt; / Text & gt; Input Type = "Image" src = "~ / assets / img / male" Jpg "name =" iama "value =" male "/> @ Html.Raw (" & amp; nbsp; "@ Html.Raw (" & amp; nbsp; ")" input type = "image" Src = "~ / assets / img / female.jpg" name = "iama" value = "woman" />}

Thanks a lot: -) < / P>

  and  type = background: URL ('Property / IMG / Male JPG'), Width: 160px; Height: 160px; limit: 0; "/";    

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