Sunday 15 July 2012

android - Java not running with Eclipse, editing eclipse.ini gives error -

I recently installed the latest version of Android SDK, which includes eclipse, when I try to run Eclipse, I first The error came with

A Java Runtime Environment or Java Development Kit should be available ...

As many other users have found me Realized that I have installed Java in the wrong way, and fixed this problem. The error message no longer appears, however, now I am getting the message:

Failed to load the JNI Shared Library "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Java \ jdk1.7.0 _17 \ bin \ .. \ jre \ bin \ client \ jvm.dll

I saw this issue and found that to include a VM logic to many people, eclipse.ini I get a suggestion to edit the file. I have tried this, but I can not save the file. I try to get an error message in which entry is denied.

I am running Windows 8. Both Eclipse and Java are 64-bit I are the only administrator on the computer If you can give me an idea to fix my problem, then I really appreciate it.

Do not insert the eclipse in the" Program Files "folder. By default, eclipse a The Ishtapan wants to write in the sub-directories, which does not work at that location. File.

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