Sunday 15 July 2012

Using a USB printer with C#, with and without driver or API -

I'm not really C # expert, I did something funny like a piano roll for the concert, WPF canvas all Mathematics and such) and some simple programs to perform common tasks such as expanding some data on the fly (math operations, GUI interactions, etc.). I need a very general overview of how I know I can install a USB computer on my computer I and I work with it. I have already searched here and on Google, and this is what I found:

/ P>

OK, what I came here (I have as short as possible):

A) To use a printer without drivers (this definition can not be accurate, But i am a little ul I'm in ...)

I want to:

1) Find a way to detect the USB doors and which device they are associated with the product In the special case of Id and Seller ID Developer Fusionarticle, the author tells a few basics of US and asks you to use the Human Interface Device to find out. (I'm using windows 7 and no one can hide me, just another random USB drive, and I do not have any way to interact with them)

2 ) Create a stream of data and send them the USB printer with commands on the correct message pipes (or whatever device you want is the pilot intent).

B) To use a printer with drivers or window APIs or preeded drivers:

I want to:

1) [MSDN system. Printing Libraries] [Link Number 6] and pilot systems directly to the printer (later) device By using the right methods from those sections ...

OK, by creating a point:

I'm not really IDEA on which the right steps are, And this is that I am trying to ask you:

How to do it, it is a step by step, especially the first one (as I looked at the question of MSDN platform Second, it is actually a matter of studying the code). I do not want you to write the code for me (though you can do so). I'm just asking for a general guideline on which the right steps are to get the final result. Post links, whatever works ...

This answer is for choice A

Really difficult problem is by reaching lower level hardware, it is much harder than such high-level programming language. It used to use the assembly, which was Can regulation is only one thing I can think is that good wrappers for C # provides direct access to USB devices such as printers. To get started with a good C # easy USB devices will be able to hang it.


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