Sunday 15 July 2012

Connection between COM exe and a .net dll -

The following scenario is:

We found the following files from our VC ++ team:

a.exe a.tlb

We used tlbimp.exe to generate a .net DLL from a.tlb, say a.dll.

We refer to this new generated dll in our pure application and everything is working fine.

My question: Although we have not registered this com x (a.exe) anywhere, then how is the generated generating NLL (AAL) working right? How is this connection made?

With Com DLS, we used to register Com DL and then one from Com Net DLL used to generate tlbimp and generated in our project Used to refer to DLL. I can understand that the generated generated NSL stores the GUID of DLL COM and can detect the COM using the system registry. However, I am not able to understand how I worked in the beginning.

Thanks in advance.

This can be done using a regfree com, thus using a manifest file Is able to detect which defines the identity of the assembly.


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