Sunday 15 July 2012

multi-platform eclipse project using git branches? -

I have a very simple "C" project using eclipse. I use it as an introduction to git I am doing and keep the EGIT eclipse plugin. If this project is quite simple in scope, some of these platforms depend on independent source files and platforms. I've organized them:

  src / core / # platform independent code file1.c, ... fileN.c interface / #platform-dependent code fileaccount ... fileZ.c   

The code should eventually run on Linux (at least RedHat), OSX and Windows. All these "command line" will be executable but the interface code is actually different between the platform. For example, if I was writing a PAM (Pluggable Auth module) module, then Red Hat uses linuxPAM, OSX uses OpenPAM and windows does not do PAM at all (as far as I know, its There is no reason for it) PAM contains files and libs different, Windows will do some non-pAM.

I hope eclipse and GIT can help with this. My idea is to use git "branches" for each OS type I have tried this but ran into a strange situation and this is the reason I am posting it.

I started it with the Redhat version as a git "Master" branch. I made three branches from the master: linux, osx and windows. I started working on the branch of windows and then went on leave. When I came back I found a Linux branch, but it was "polluted" with windows change. << P>

  1. The correct way to do multi-platform projects in branches is thought I had changed all the windows before the holiday.


    1. ?
    2. Should the eclipse ".project" file and other metadata files be subject to source control?


      How to do multi-stage projects There is no way to manage the branches with different release cycles. In the case of multi-stage all your codes will be released at the same time. To manage it, create a directory structure that explains platforms (there is a directory for each platform).

      Project files must be checked in source control.

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