Tuesday 15 January 2013

elasticsearch - No query registered for [match] -

I am working through some examples in the ElasticSearch Server Book and am trying to write a simple matching query < / P>

 <">" "" {"matchname": {"displayname": "john smith"}}   

This gives me an error:

  {\ "error \": \ "SearchPhaseExecutionException [Phase [query] failed to execute, ... SearchParseException [[script] [4]: ​​to [-1], size [- 1]: Pars failure [failed to parse source ... question marking exception [[kbcg]] [match]] No question is registered.   

I also tried

  {"match": {"displayname": "john smith"}}   

Edit: I think the remote is not the server I am using the latest 0.20.5 version because "text" instead of "match" Using the query allows the query to work

I have seen a similar problem here:

It looks like I'm using Remote server is not the latest 0.20.5 vers elastic search ion, as a result "match" query is not supported - instead it's "text", which works

I have a similar problem here I have come to this conclusion after seeing:

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