Tuesday 15 January 2013

xaml - How does the EntranceThemeTransition from LayoutRootStyle cascade to child controls? -

I am going through this time, and I can not understand why webview control is not the same gateway As another control, there is a section on the animation adding animation and changes which states that it is not expected to do this and need to do this for a storyboard with animation.

I've found that the standard setter is the standard style. The transition applies to other controls in Xml.

  & lt; Style x: key = "layout style" target type = "panel" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "background" value = "{static resource software application page backgroundthebrush}" /> & Lt; Setter Property = "Child Labor" & gt; & Lt; Setter.Value & gt; & Lt; TransitionCollection & gt; & Lt; EntranceThemeTransition / & gt; & Lt; / TransitionCollection & gt; & Lt; /Setter.Value> & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; It appears that with this style the entry of the child for the control of every child should be applied to the accumulation accumulation - or it should only apply the infection to their direct children. It seems that there is a small part of both.  

In addition to this, I expect controls that do not have the status of animating with their parents. It does not seem that direct guardians of the webview are just fine animated.

Is WebView so special in this case? Apart from the fact that this is not part of the default template. Why do we need to add a popiname animation and storyboard to move it to a control and why it takes at different speeds to control it, should it be inside ?!

A WebView is a specific control that can be accessed by its own HWND (classic WinAPI Window), as the rest of the typical XAM-based UI rendered in a flat space (a Jupiter window). As it stands on all other controls in its own airspace (it binges). You usually change it from any other control (like rectangle) when you want to animate it or overlay some other content on top (for example, app bar), then a WebViewBrush .

I think that using some subject animation or some other mechanism rather than regular storyboards, and it is possible that webvay control just does not work well with it.

My advice would be to: - If you are trying to use (do not work with entrepreneurship transmission) - use something different (a regular storyboard-based animation).

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