Tuesday 15 January 2013

java - pass multiple value to property -

I am new to iBatis, I would like that if it is possible to pass multiple values ​​in XML. For example,

  & lt; Select ID = "to get" resultClass = "object" parameterClass = "object" & gt; * From the table & lt; Select the isNotEmpty property = "startDate, endDate" prepend = "and" & gt; Date_start & gt; = # Start date # and date_end & lt; = # EndDate # & lt; / NotNotEmpty & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt;   

Is that possible? If not, any way?

Thanks in advance.

No, it is not possible to use multiple values ​​in the property attribute but you get nested to get it Tag.

  & lt; Id = "getSth" resultClass = "object" parameter class = "object" & gt; Choose * from the table & lt; IsNotEmpty property = "startDate" & gt; & Lt; IsNotEmpty property = "end date" & gt; Where date_start & gt; = #startdate # and date_and & amp; Lift = #anddate # & lt; / IsNotEmpty & gt; & Lt; / IsNotEmpty & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt;   

PS: You can not use '& lt;' Can not use less, '& Gt; The symbol inside the more than 'query' instead of the & amp; Lt; and & amp; Gt; Use .

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