Wednesday 15 May 2013

sql server 2008 - Executing a batch file to create a test file with xp_cmdshell - differentt results -

I am trying to use xp_cmdshell in a batch file in SQL Server 2008 Express. If I use it to execute a batch file which has the following command:

echo & gt; C: \ development \ test \ itworks.txt

A file named "itworks.txt" has been created and the text inside it is "ECO On". But if I run a batch file that has the command:

CD & Gt; Test1.txt

This does not work (no error, just nothing is made) nor does it:

Type NUL & gt; Test2.txt

Although both batch files form files, if the command prompt is double click / run I thought it might be a permissible error (I did not try echo command at that point) , Therefore changed file permissions so that NTAuthority (which runs as SQLServer service) had complete control over the folder, but it still does not work in the event log. I am a newbie in dos command, so I do not really understand the different orders. Does anyone know what is happening?

If you test commands directly at the command prompt, they work. The CD statement creates a text file that contains the name of the current directory; The type statement generates a zero-byte file, but it actually generates a file.

Most likely, implementing xp_cmdshell in a folder does not have any written privilege in it where it is running, and you can write the file to another location Are not specified. ( echo statement specifies a folder location for the text file, while your other two do not.)

Change your batch file to: < Pre> CD & gt; C: \ development \ test \ test1.txt

or type NUL & gt; If the echo statement works when running through xp_cmdshell , then you know that it is writable: C: \ development \ test \ test1.txt

By the NTA authorization account.

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