Monday 15 July 2013

php - WordPress .htaccess RewriteRule not working -

A website has been relaunched and many old pages need to be redirected to new ones.

I thought it would be simple with htaccess but there are other ideas of WordPress. HTX's 'Redirect 301' does not seem to be supported with all the accessories. Many platforms and posts suggest 'rewrirals'.

Here is the HTXus code I am working in the root directory. My code is the two rows starting from 'rainbatbase', I was hoping that by visiting HTTP: // it will redirect me to the HTT page: // It just does not work

  directory index index.html index.htm index.php # BEGIN WordPress and lieutenant; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; Option + follow-up clerical rewritingInign on # Rainbowbase / Revert rules ^ skps / contact.html $ one ???? Http:// [R = 301, L] #ReiritBase / Disneyison / REVERT RULES ^ Index \ .php $ - [L] REVRATICOND% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! - De Rivet Raul /digiseen/index.php [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; # And wordpress    

However this does not answer directly Your question, I've got a better fortune using this plugin for this kind of thing.

It is very easy to use, and when I am changing a new format or changing site structure, then I use this plugin for a few months (unless the search engine has re-indexed the site Of course, if you want, you can leave it indefinitely.

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