Monday 15 July 2013

python 2.7 - OWL File Query Execution Error in RDFLIB -

I am trying to create a SPARQL query on an OWL file (see) but this is the first time that I have an OWL file , So I used RDFLIB in Python to create SPRQL queries. I get an error when I run the code (shown below the code) which I do not understand. What could be the reason?

  import rdflib graph = rdflib.Graph () prefix = "" "PREFIX DC:  PREFIX FoF: & lt; http: //> PREFIX olia-ar: & lt; http: //> prefix digitum : & Lt; http: //>PREFIX rdfs: & lt; http: //> PREFIX OWL: & lt; Http://> PREFIX xsd: http: //> PREFIX lexvo: & lt; http: // Lexvo org / id / iso639-3 /> PREFIX rdf: & lt; http: //> PREFIX p1: & lt; http: // Dependent>PREFIX Base: & lt; http: //> PREFIX xmlns: & lt; http: // www .owl-ontologies com / unnamed.owl # & gt; "" "queryString = prefix +" \ n "+" "SELECT? Animal class WHERE {? Animals: Has_Usage "Ride"; Rdf: type? AnimalClass.} "" Graph.An Animal.owl ') result = graph.query (queryString) for the resulting line: print line   


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