Saturday 15 March 2014

iphone - How to reduce time to load the markers on the ios google mapview? -

I have added an array of markers at'm using Google Maps SDK for iOS application, where I Mapvive. The markers added in the map view are very much in counting, so blocking the UI while loading markers on the map. Is there any other way to add markers to the map which UI will not block? It is such that I am adding markers to map viewers.

  GMSMarker * marker = [[[GMSmmarker Alok] init]; Marker.position = location; Markrkaicon = [Uiimage Imagavitkantentsofile: [[Nsbndle Mambundle] Pathforresurs: Imagenme Ofteepe: @ "stripping"]]; Marker.title = Title; Marker Animated = animated; Marker.tappable = tappable; = _mapView;   

A marker was created for the loop set above the code and duplicated using the map join.

Thank you.

block another) place marker in my case an order (i loop thread Keep the entire setup of the series first run, include visual setup for look and show each marker on the main thread back on the map. Hope this helps =]

Version 1

  dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (Int (QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED.value), 0)) {dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue ()) {the markers for {the placemarker = placemarker () = self.mapView}}}   

version 2, I found this method works on your iPhone, but crash simulator

  dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (Int (QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED.value), 0)) {{markers go placemarker = placemarker (for) dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue ()) { = self.mapView}}} < / Code>   

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