Tuesday 15 April 2014

iphone - MBProgressHUD resize works in version 0.4, fails in version 0.5 -

I am presenting an MBProgressHUD on the table with a back button in the navigation bar while requesting data from the remote web service .

By default, HUDD covers the entire window, prevents the tap from accessing the built-in UI elements. I want to change this so that the navigation bar can get the tap so that the tap request on the back button is canceled and the HUD is dismissed.

In MBPROHHD 0.4, I do this by changing the 'initWithView:' method:

  #if 1 // SPC 2012-02-25 does not cover the navigation bar ( Therefore the user can cancel) CGRect _bounds = view.bounds; _bounds.origin.y + = 64.0; _bounds.size.height - = 64.0; Id me = [self-initWithFrame: _bounds]; # Als id me = [auto initwithframe: see.bound]; #endif   

And it works as expected

I make the same change in MBPRGR 0.5:

  #if 1 // SPC 2013-03-15 The navigation bar is not covered (hence the user can cancel CGRT_bound = see.bound; _bounds.origin.y + = 64.0; _bounds.size.height - = 64.0; Return [auto initwithframe: _bonds]; #else return [auto initWithFrame: view.bounds]; #endif   

But the HUD still covers the entire window.

I have stepped through the code in both versions, and it has been done after the modified code

Any idea why is going to fail in 0.5, and I'm fine What can i do to

simply set hud userInteractionEnabled to NO And pass the hud touch event to its underlying idea.

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