Friday 15 August 2014

internet explorer 9 - Can I force IE9 *from the user side* to operate in quirks/standards mode? -

I've seen a dozen different "force IE9 quirks / standard mode" questions, trying to figure out.

I want to force IE9 which is installed on my Windows machine to use QuarkX mode (or IE9 standard mode, or whatever mode). How can I do this in browser settings?

That's right: I do not want to know no to ask the browser to operate in X or Y mode to change the page HTML. (I already know how to do this!) I always want to configure my browser which always looks in X or Y mode, even on those pages that I do not control the source. Use the registry key:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Main \ FeatureControl \ FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION]

Add the following name:


It forces the values ​​of 5,7, or 8 on each related mode give.


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