Friday 15 August 2014

ruby on rails - Convert HTML to word file ? -

Converting a Ruby file into a word file ie (docx file) for PDF, we have for Shrimp Mani but the word file GEMI I am trying to convert my HTML file to a word file so that it is editable for the user. What should I do in that case? I was planning to convert that file into a word file whether it would be possible or not

Using the rail:

In initializers / mime_types.rb:
  Mime :: type. Registrar 'app /' ,: msword   

In your controller:

You want to export the show action: < Pre> def show @item = item. Paragraph parameter [: id] answer_ what to do. Format | Format.html # show.html.erb format.xml {Render: xml = & gt; @item} format.msword {set_header ('msword', "#{@item.title}.doc")} format.pdf present: pdf = & gt; 'Coming soon ...', Layout = & gt; P_type <'[CacheControl'] ['Content-Dispos'] = "Attachment; File Name = \" # {'} 'as the' Xls' header ['content-WWW]] as DEF set_header (p_type, filename) Filename} \ "" type [type] "type '] =" app /; Charset = UTF-8 '] [' content-type '] = "header / []; charset = UTF-8" header [' content-dispute '] = "attachment; filename = \" # {file Name} \ "header ['cache-control'] = '' end end

define a show now. Mmsword .rb # you use any template handler like hamb etc. .
  normal ERB template like normal HTML    

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