Friday 15 August 2014

python - Google Contacts: Missing Fields -

I'm trying to get a person's Google contact information using the contact v3 SDK, with Python with OAuth .

I get the XML feed with the person's contacts, however, I can only get the person's name and email.

I know that when I look at it in the Gmail interface, there is additional information on a person's Google contact page - addresses, blog URLs, phone numbers, and many others who import the app for my cell phone. Contacts that use these additional fields.

How do I access these additional areas?

Get complete information to use the full URL

  Https:// {userEmail} / full   

and the Python client

  def retrieve_computer (gd_client ): Contact = gd_client.GetContact (' feeds / contacts / default / full / contactId') # Connect something. Refund Contact   


 Get rid of / code / m8 / feed / contact / default / full response: HTTP / 1.1 200 OK content type: application / atom + Xml; Charset = UTF-8; Type = feed ...   

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