Just wondering if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Working with a little code with experimentation with my cherry project
import glob import os def get_html (apath): print (apt) fhtml = open (apt, 'r') data = FHATL data return data article_path = OSGCWD () + '/ articles / *. Html 'myArticles = [glob.glob (article_path)] for MyArticles: get_html (items) Results for:
['/ Home / sd / documents / projects / cherryweb / articles / module 5-exploitation techniques and exercises.pdf.html'] traceback (most recent call final): file "fntest.py", line 22, & lt; Module & gt; The string or buffer is required to get , I accept it because the file name I am passing ['and'] from the list on the string, I can trim these parts I can write a function, but this is the only option, or I'm stupid.
myArticles = [glob.glob (article_path)] should be:
myArticles = glob.glob (article_path) glob.glob < Returns a list by adding / code> [] , so that you make it a list of lists. Then, in this loop:
items in my articles: get_html (item) The error has been raised to get_html and . Demo:
& gt; & Gt; & Gt; Open ([]) traceback (most recent call final): File "& lt; ipython-input-242-013dc85bc958"; Line 1, & lt; Module & gt; Open ([]) Type error: Unicode effect: String or buffer is required, list found
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