Wednesday 15 July 2015

tsql - How to automatically pad a SQL Server column -

मेरी SQL सर्वर तालिका में एक कॉलम परिभाषित किया गया है:

  टिकटन varchar (5) < / कोड>  

इस तालिका में पंक्तियों को विभिन्न स्रोतों से कुछ थोक लोड फ़ाइलों द्वारा डाला गया है।

अब, थोक भार इनपुट फाइल तैयार करने के आधार पर, कभी-कभी टिकटन के पास अग्रणी 0s है, कभी-कभी नहीं।

मैं तालिका में INSERTS को कैसे लागू कर सकता हूं ताकि टिकटन हमेशा अग्रणी शून्य के साथ सेट किया जा सके, कुछ ऐसा:

  टिकटनहीं = राइट ('00000' + टिकन, 5)    

आप एक चेक (सीआर) (5) कॉलम को चेक बाधा से उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

  टेबल बनाओ आपका टेबल (टिकिट नोज़ चार (5) चेक (पेटींडेक्स ('% [^ 0- 9]%', टिकन नो) = 0))   

अपडेट करें:

इसके द्वारा प्रयोग करने के बजाय यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि केवल 0- 9 की अनुमति है, इसके बजाय इसका उपयोग किया जा सकता है।

  तालिका बनाना आपकाटैबल (टिकट नं चार (5) कोलाट लैटिन 1_General_CS_AS चेक ('पैंटइंडएक्स ('% [^ 0123456789] % ', टिकटनॉ) = 0))    

Combine jQuery functions to make simpler -

I have a simple task that changes the source of an image on mouseover and changes it back to mouseout. It works very well, but when I try to apply this effect to several pictures of the same category then the wrong images are being changed. So I have written different functions for each mouseover image. It is becoming a lot of code. Can anyone tell me some ideas how do I return all the images back to their proper hover image with a specific class switch I can summarize this code for.

  $ (document) .ready (function () {var passiveBio = $ ("# index_container"). Attr ("src"); var hoverBio = passiveBio.replace ( ".jpg", "_hover.jpg"); $ ("# index_container") .mouseover (function () {$ (this) .attr ("src", hoverbio);}) .mouseout (function ($ {This ($)} .attr ("src", passiveBio);}); var passiveSamples = $ ("# samples"). Etr ("SQL"); Were hover samples = passive samples. (".jpg", "_hover.jpg"); $ ("# index_container img.smplez"). Mouseover (function () {$ (this) .attr ("src", hoverSamples);}) .mouseout ( Function () {$ (this) .attr ("src", idle session);}); var passiveServices = $ ("ARTR" ("src") ARTR ("src"); Where Hover Services = Passive Services: Rellest (".jpg", "_hover.jpg"); $ ("# IndexX_ Container IMG.Services") .Mosovar (Function () {$ (This) .attr ("src", hover services);}) .mouseout (fu encryption () {$ (this) .attr ("src", idle services);})}} ;   

It has div with images.

  & lt; Div id = "index_container" & gt; & Lt; A href = "samples.html" & gt; & Lt; Img class = "index_box samples" src = "pictures / samples.jpg" /> & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "services.html" & gt; & Lt; Img class = "index_box services" src = "pictures / services .jpg" /> & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "about.html" & gt; & Lt; Img class = "index_box bio" src = "images / bio.jpg" /> & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Img class = "index_box" src = "image / gray page" /> & Lt; Img class = "index_box" src = "images / light_blue.png" /> & Lt; Img class = "index_box" src = "picture / dark_blue.png" /> & Lt; Img class = "index_box" src = "image / gray page" /> & Lt; Img class = "index_box" src = "images / light_blue.png" /> & Lt; Img class = "index_box" src = "picture / dark_blue.png" /> & Lt; P class = "clear" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;   

I have tried to make all the images the same class and just change the .jpg to the hoover.jpg but they are not changing in the right image. They all do not change the same hover image of their own.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Target all images, or give them a normal class and use it as a selector, and Simply replace it inside the function on the fly:

  $ ('#index_container img'). ({Mouseenter: function () {this.src = this.src.replace ('.jpg', '_hover.jpg')}}, mouseleave: function () {this.src = this .src.replace ('_ Hover.jpg ',' .jpg ');}});    

sql server - Binding multiple items of data from SQL to label -

How do I bind many data items to a label from SQL?

This is my code:

It only adds one item to the data, I can add data to a particular column

You can create a string in the SQL statement and tie it on:

  String = "Select curriculum + '(' + Cursured + ') as" ASTLL1FROM tbl_course "as a slow str1   

.. < / P>

  lbl.DataBindings.Add ("text", dataset1, "course.lbl1")    

python 2.7 - How do I install software with an RPM (cx_Oracle) onto CentOS 6? -

I have RPM for software module that I want to install on a CentOS 6 system. I have this RPM to 'rpm is installed in the yum database through -ivh' command my understanding is that RPM can be used to install modules via 'yum install', but it did not work , That means I get the message "Nothing" to install it. So should I not do anything right? ? Can anyone give advice

FYI Here's what I've tried so far:

  $ rpm -ivh cx_Oracle-5.1.2-11g-py27- 1.x86_64.rpm Preparing ... ################################ [100%] 1: cx_Oracle ################################ [100% * extras: mirror.symnds .com * update: cash went hostfile * is fastestmirror load based on mirror speed:] $ Yum looking cx_Oracle loaded plugins basis | 3.7 KB 00:00 ext. 3.5 KB 00:00 update | 3.5 kB 00:00 ============================ N / S Matches: cx_Oracle ========= == ================= cx_Oracle.x86_64: Oracle $ to Python interface loaded on through established cx_Oracle plug-in loading fastestmirror the hostfile went cache Mirror speed * Base: * Extra: * Update: Support | 3.7 KB 00:00 ext. 3.5 KB 00:00 update | Install 3.5 kB 00:00 set is nothing to $ Yum update plug-ins loaded on cx_Oracle process: loading fastestmirror the hostfile went cache mirror speed * basis: mirror.ash.fastserv. Com * Extra Artist: * Update: ftp.linux Support | 3.7 KB 00:00 ext. 3.5 KB 00:00 update | 3.5 KB KB 00:00 Update no installation package for any package marked for update   

Thank you in advance for any suggestions, insights, etc.

You have already installed the package. You used rpm to install cx_Oracle-5.1.2-11g-py27-1.x86_64.rpm. "Cx_Oracle.x86_64" that the Yum Search cx_Oracle report is very one that you have installed on your machine through your RPM order.

config - Extjs configoptions vs properties -

There are properties and properties by adding those properties to a Java class. An ExtJS class has properties, methods and configOptions .
Conceptually, what is the difference between the configOptions and the properties? Why do we need both?

According to my understanding ...

Config - The constructor has defined, which defines the behavior of the class, the configuration should not be changed at run-time because it will have no effect, suppose you need to specify a title for the panel , Then you can add a configuration example {title: 'some title'} to use the panel's title time Used to set Nder time, but then, if you try to change the title, you can not change the property changed easily to the configuration options.

Properties - Used to store useful information for that class, it is usually not passed through the constructor, but it does not pass the recipient and setter methods You should change the property at run-time (if the setter method is defined) and class objects should detect this change, only properties can be read, which can be read by class objects. Modified, we should not just change all this.

More info

My answer to this question is a bit simpler and idealistic I am afraid that to give a complete answer , In which all the nuances are included, instead of clarifying the situation there is more chance of adding confusion.

Configuration objects are used to configure objects when trying to set them as property on the object when it is created, there will often be no effect.

  Ext.create ('Ext .panel.Panel', {// configuration options go here}};   

An object has many properties but only those people listed in the properties section should be considered public property. Although you have nothing to prevent from reaching private property, It should be done only in the form of the last resort, where there is probably a method of documenting them to manipulate Try to use.

  // is a public property presented to indicate whether the panel was provided If (panel.rendered) {// can be in the panel panel but this is not a public property, use getEl instead varel = panel.getEl (); ...}   

The only reason is that the lines are blurred, that the object is usually a copy of your configurations Award the copy you are:

  Ext.apply (This, config);   

This is the result of at least initially becoming a personal property in all configuration options, internally classes can manipulate those properties appropriately but externally Accessing properties violates encapsulation and should be avoided.

Windows Azure Websites Latency -

Run a website on the Windows Azure website for clients. I run in reserved mode and there are two medium instances. I run these PHP sites on Windows and I have a separate MySQL server (running on Windows) There is not enough memory, no high usage, but every minute or two minutes I have interpreted a high latency (instead of 3 seconds, 300 milliseconds).

Does one experience the same behavior, or recognize it?

All of them are within a Windows Azure Datacenter.

When I load it from a device, the tool thinks that my website runs in Redmond, how does it come?

I believe that what you see is a distortion of hot and cold websites. WindowsZoor websites use a concept of hot websites for an active connection and after few seconds when there are no active connections for websites, the website gets cooled down. And when a website is in a cold mode, it may take a little while for the first time to start, though the load time is much faster after the later connection.

Similar discussions have been found here:

php - What's causing this (phperror_reporting) -

यहाँ मेरे कोड का सबसे ऊपर है:

  & lt;? Php error_reporting (E_ALL);   

यहां तक ​​कि अगर मैं error_reporting (E_ALL) से पहले 100 खाली लाइनें करता हूं; (या कोई अन्य फ़ंक्शन), मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है:

  घातक त्रुटि: अपरिभाषित फ़ंक्शन को कॉल करें phperror_reporting ()   

यह क्या कारण है, और यह कैसे होता है मैंने इसे ठीक किया?

अपनी फ़ाइल एन्कोडिंग जांचें, सर्वर पर निर्भर करता है कि यह लाइन अंतराल को अलग ढंग से पार्स कर सकता है, अर्थात्, खिड़कियां उपयोग करती हैं एक सीआरएलएफ लाइन समाप्ति ( \ r \ n ) और लिनक्स / मैक सिर्फ एक लाइन फ़ीड ( \ n ) का उपयोग करता है। सीरियल को समाप्त करने वाली लाइन (आपके टेक्स्ट एडिटर में जिसे आप कोड लिखने के लिए इस्तेमाल कर रहे थे) को सीआरएलएफ में बदलने की कोशिश करें क्योंकि यह दोनों परिवेशों में सही तरीके से काम करेगा और देखें कि क्या यह समस्या को हल करता है।

huffman code - compression algorithm for street names wanted -

I have millions of street names and compression algorithms I'm not sure which algorithm will be the best fit. In most street names, they have general substrings, such as "road", "path", ...

The set of all road names is fixed and will not change dynamically < P> At first I was thinking about Huffman coding, but only one letter code, so this would not give great performance, so I thought of generating a trilogy and calculating the most common substring. Then I can code some sort of code to get the word back, and pressing these codes using something like Huffman coding, I'm not sure that it is not making it more complicated than that.

Does anyone know a compression technique that makes sense in my case?


I am used like this: I have a limited storage size phone device. This phone needs to have all the street names of all roads in a particular country. Now every street object has some value and one of them is the name of the road in the form of a string. It takes up more space and I would like to reduce it because the name is quite similar, that means ending at "... road" or "... way", I thought that a specific compression algorithm applied to this scenario May be worth doing.

A simple Gzip has brought about a compression of 50%, I think it is possible to get more than that.

Edit 2

AB M. The solution of Pedersen is actually giving very good performance results. Here are some code (written in C #):

  Private induced item [_] _ items; Public Zero Compressions (string [] strings) {array; strings; _Items = new indexed item [string.label]; String end string = string Empty; For (int i = 0; i  J & amp; Previous string [J] == Strings [I] [J]) {J ++; } _Items [i] = New Induced Entom () {prefix = J, suffix = strings [I]. Asbestring (j)}; Last string = wired [i]; }} Private start indexed item {public byte prefix; Public string suffix; }   

Even after compression, I am sending it through DeflateStream, which results in approximately 30%

Full compression happens to answer

Depending on your data set, You can start by giving order, and then you can represent the name of each street in the form of the name of the previous street + 'different part'.

An example of some similar street names:

  Copying the name of the previous road is in Hex. Road Name Rest Original Original VVV Oriz Size New Size Broadwalk 0 Broadwalk 9 10 Broadwater 7 Tier 8 Broadwater Access A Access 17 Broadwater Bluff B Bluff 16 Broadwater Branch C Farm 17 6 ​​Broadwater Bridge Dee Dies 17 Broadwater Cametery B Semitic 19 9 Broadwater Creek Sea Reich 16 5 Broadwater Point B Point 16 6 Broadwater Private Sea Weight 14 Broadway A211 Broadway 7 W8 Broadway And Union 8 And Union 18 11 Broadway A Article 9 Partitions 19 10 Broadway Avenue 9 Places 15 6 --- 220 93 You will need a series of names to be able to get the real names, but if you fulfill Record each N in the way you can customize it according to your needs.  

Only add 5-6 bit per letter to it together, and maybe replace some normal objects, you should see 50% with BPIP.

php - jQuery not working in Chrome and IE -

I am working on a WordPress theme On the header I check that this is the first visit (the user has just entered the website).

If this is the first visit, the animation will appear. Animation = A sidebar appears in the middle of the page, it opens in some milliseconds and the page appears. In the code, ub_sb_closed_on_hp is an option that only sets the sidebar to display on the homepage.

It works under Mozilla, but it does not work under Internet Explorer and Chrome. Animation on IE and Chrome appears on all pages.

See code here:

Try these changes: < Pre> if ($ _SESSION ['first_time_ here'] == ''): // On the Set page to open (get_option ('ub_sb_closed_on_hp')! = 'Yes') {// print "?" Gt; If (jQuery (Window). With ()> 9 80) {jQuery ('# Page'). CSS ({'display': 'inline', 'width': '300px', 'overflow': 'hidden', 'margin-right': '340px'}); JQuery ('# sidebar'). CSS ({'margin-left': '326px'});} "" & lt ;? php}? & Gt;

Anything else:

  if (get_option ('ub_sb_closed_on_hp')! = 'Yes') {? & Gt; print "if (jQuery (window) .with ()> 980) {jQuery ('# sidebar'). Delay (800) .Met ({'margin-left': '0px'}, 2100); JQuery ('# Page'). Delay (800) .met ({margin-right ':' 0px ',' width ':' 666px '}, 2100);} ""; & Lt ;? Php}? & Gt; Edit 1: I could not see where you start  $ _ session ['first_ time_here'] . If you have not started it, then you can try the following changes  

find: if ($ _ session ['first_ time_ here'] == ''):

Change: if (! Isset ($ _ session ['first_time' ']')):

c++ and xcode - calling objects function throws EXC_BAD_ACCESS -

This code works well in VS2010, but now I am trying to shut down my Mac in xcode 4.5 and this is giving me something bad. Access errors in run time In fact, I have a board class in which there is a 2d array of tiles, when I make the board, I can use the tile function, but later when I run my Draw function then I Gives poor access here. Here's a sample of my board class.


  # Include class "Tile.h" class board {Private: // This is the 2D gameboard Tiles tile *** Game of the Gameboard ; Zero CreateBoard (const int size); Fill zero (); ... public: board (full size); Zero drawer (); ...}   


  board :: board (integer shape) {win = false; Lost = false; BoardSize = Size; Gameboard = new tile ** [size]; CreateBoard (size); } Zero Board :: CreateBoard (const int size) {... FillValues ​​()} Zero Board :: FillValues ​​() {for (int x = 1; x & lt; BoardSize + 1; x ++) {For (int y = 1; Y & lt; BoardSize + 1; y ++) {if (gameboard [x] [y] -> type () == "numberless") {Intel neighbors = counting ( X, Y); Gameboard [x] [y] - & gt; SetValue (neighbors); // it works}}} zero board :: drawboard () {for (int i = 0; i & lt; = boards + 1; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j & lt ; = BoardSystem + 1; J ++) {if (gameboard [i] [j] -> type ()! = "Border tile") {game board [i] [ja] - & gt; Draw (); // This does not work, I get an error while trying to use it - & gt; Type ()}}}} ...   

I call a function like this

  gi = new board (SCREEN_SIZE); GI- & gt; DrawBoard ();    

gamebird = new tile ** [size];

This just creates an array of tile ** . You do not have any real tile s or even tile * and later, when you type the array with the GameBoard [x] Attempting to access elements] [Y] - & gt; , you're killing undefined behavior.

If you have it, you will need to:

  GameBoard = new tile ** [size]; // Assign an array of tiles ** (int i = 0; i   

However, this is terrible. This is three very dynamic allocation, which you will have to remember in the end (and arrange it correctly).

A simple approach would be just 2D array tiles:

  Tile gameboard [CONSTEXPR_SIZE] [CONSTEXPR_SIZE];   

Or better yet, use the std :: array container:

  std :: arrays & lt; Std :: arrays & lt; Tile, CONSTEXPR_SIZE & gt;, CONSTEXPR_SIZE & gt; Board of Games;   

Here, the given size should be continuous expression. If you need to dynamically resize it, use a std :: vector instead.

In the comments below, you say that the size of your array is actually BoardSize + 1 . However, for your external and inner both code loops:

 for  (int i = 0; i   

It should be:

 for  (int i = 0; i & lt; boordes + 1; i ++)   

Also in the comment below, you say that type a char * . This means that you can not compare your string in this way:

  gameboard [i] [j] - gt; Type ()! = "BorderTile"   

This only indicates the comparison, since the left operand is a char * and the correct operand is const char * Is convertible to. It does not compare stars themselves, instead you want:

  gameboard [i] [j] - gt; Type ()! = Std :: string ("bordertile")   

This will be bound to be compromised using std :: string .

c# - loading dropdown with value -

I have a dropdown that gets data on the fly, I want to show the current selection when the page is loaded and the user Let anyone choose from the list if they want.

All the data related to a site are present on the site and I want to get the current value from the site on my dropdown. The dropdown list is dynamically created by ASPX

  & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td square = "big" & gt; ASP: Dropdown List ID = "Dropmarket" Run = "Server" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: dropdown list & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; In Aspx.cs  
  Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventAgds E) {if (! Page.IsPostBack) {market (); Cellsite Utility = New SellSitivity (); Var siteID = Guid.Parse (Request.QueryString ["ID"]. ToString ()); Var site = utility. GatecLite Beide (Site ID); If (site! = Null) {txtsitename.Text = site.SiteName; Txtaddress.Text = site.SiteAddress; Txtzip.Text = site.SiteCityStateZip; Dropmanager.SelectedValue = site.Manager; Dropmarket.SelectedValue = site.Market; }} Private Zero Market () {Sailesite utility utility = New cell site (); Var siteID = Guid.Parse (Request.QueryString ["ID"]. ToString ()); Var market = utility.getMarketsByCellsiteID (Site ID); Foreign exchange (Marketmarket M) {dropmarket.Items.Add (New list item (M. MarketNet.Oustring), M. Market ID.ToString ()); }}   

How can I load at dropmarket when the page is loaded? Thanks in advance.

You can select a list item on page_load:

  ListItem selectedListItem = Dropmarket.Items.FindByValue (site.Market); If (Selected ListItem! = Null) {selectedListItem.Selected = true; };   


  dropmarket.SelectedIndex = 0; If (dropmarket.Items.Contains (site.Market)) dropmarket.SelectedIndex = dropmarket.Items.IndexOf (entry); Edit   


This example assumes that the site. Price from the market dropdown list is worth. As:

  & lt; Option value = "some value" & gt; Some text & lt; / Options & gt;   

If the site. Use the text from the market dropdown, then use it:

  list item selectedList item = dropmarkatt.imams.findbytext (site.Market);   

Hope it helps!


Weird error in Eclipse with Android -

It has not started until today, but I'm wondering what is happening because of it. Whenever I compile, as if only one of the 10 times is shown 2 errors, which indicates

  this.onBackpressed ();   


  Android: Theme = "@Android: Style / Theme. Holo"   

both of which API level of 5 'is required' or API level of 16 'is required.

The point is, projects & gt; & Gt; Clean it every time, because it works fine, every time I do this, but it just keeps happening. What could be the reason for this?

These are errors, which warn you that you are using the API level attributes More than minSdkVersion (your AndroidManifest.xml ). For example, the API was introduced in level 5. Trying to call it will cause an accident from an API level 4 or less device to the application.

Of course, if you run it on device API level 5 or higher, then your application will work fine, so why it always seems to work.

erb - Rails view conditionals if/elsif on user fields -

I am trying to show a table of user data on my site - that's why I'm using a loop It displays the user and their information before, it was really simple, but I wanted to add in a situation that handled matters where they did not have any city, state or even entry. When I have the same case registered, then it works fine when I have it, it works fine User Location is defined in the model of the city and state in a joint form. So do not worry there, but when I do not have it, it does not show '---' which I want. What am I missing here?

  & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt;% @ user.each do | User | & Gt%; & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = link_to user.username, public_profile_path (user.username)% & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt;% If user.state! = Zero and! = Zero% & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = user.location% & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt;% elsif user.state! = Zero and == zero%> & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = user.state% & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt;% elsif user.state == zero and! = Zero% & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt;% else% & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; --- & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt;% If! = Nil% & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt;% else% & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; - & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = mail_to, "Email this user" ,: cc = & gt; "" ,: Subject = & gt; "Contact overflow member"%> & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt;  

I will add a helpful method, called location_display All the arguments around what should look what handles.

  def location_disk (user) return user.location if user.state & amp; Amp; return user.state user.state & amp; Amp; Return to and use & amp; Amp; User.state.blank? "----" End   

Again, in your opinion, just change all those lines like this:

   & Lt;% = location_display (user)%> & Lt; / Td>    

android - why custom style for rating bar error inflating? -

Am I having a problem with custom style for rating?

  03-26 15: 22: 12.229: E / AndroidRuntime (2075): Fatal Exception: Main 03-26 15: 22: 12.229: E / AndroidRuntime (2075): android.view. InflateException: Binary XML File Line # 54: Errors in Classroom Enlarging Android widget.RatingBar 03-26 15: 22: 12.229: E / AndroidRuntime (2075): android.view.LayoutInflater.createView ( 03-26 15: 22 to: 12.229: E / AndroidRuntime (2075): 22: 12.229: ( at 03-26 15 e / AndroidRuntime (2075): android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag (on 568 ) ...... 03-26 15: 22: 12.229: e / AndroidRuntime (2075): java.lang.NumberFormatException: because of race / drawable / ratingbar_yellow.xml 'Unable to parse as an integer < / Code>  

My ratingbar_image Xml

  & lt; Android Android: id = "@ + Android: ID / Background" Android: drawable = "@Picture a ble / rate_star_small_off" /> & Lt; Android Android: ID = "@ + Android: ID / Secondary Progress" Android: Drawable = "@ Drable / Rate_star_sml_off" /> & Lt; Android Android: ID = "@ + Android: ID / Progress" Android: Dragon = "@ Drauble / Rate_star_sml_on" />   

My style

  & lt; Style name = "yellowRatingBarSmall" generator = "@Android: Style / Widget.RatingBar" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Progress Drawable" & gt; @drawable / ratingbar_lila & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item Name = "Android: Secondary Progress" & gt; @drawable / ratingbar_legames & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Minhite" & gt; 14dip & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: maxHeight" & gt; 14dip & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: isindicator" & gt; True & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: only uncertain" & gt; Wrong & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt;   

In my layout

  & lt; RatingBar android: id = "@ + id / restaurant_rating" style = "@ style / yellowRatingBarSmall" Android: layout_width = "Wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" / & gt;    

caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Unable to parse ' Res /drawable/ratingbar_yellow.xml As an integer

I think the problem is your announcement id you are doing it wrong.

  android: id = "@ + Android: id / background"   

should be:

  android: Id = "@ + ID / Background"    

Phone number formatting an EditText in Android -

I am creating a simple Address Book app (Targeting 4.2) that includes a name, address, city, state, zip and phone Takes it.

I want to format the phone number input as a phone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX, but I need to drag the value as a string, so when I save it I Can I store this in my database? I have set the edit test for the "phone number" input but it does not do too much explicitly.

is a library that can help you with phone numbers conversion and comparison. For example, use ...

  EditText text = (EditText) findViewById (; PhoneNumberUtils.formatNumber (text.getText (). ToString ())   

... to format your number in a standard format. PhoneNews (String A, String B);

... helps with fuzzy comparison. See for a lot more.

Setting the p.s edit code to phones is already a good choice; Eventually it may be helpful to add numeral to your layout, it looks ...

  & lt; EditText Android: id = "@ + id / editTextId" Android: inputType = "phone" android: points = "0123456789+" />;    

Execute javascript only in specific url -

I have an external JS file inside this code:

  var mobile_number_perm = document GetElementById ('mobile_number_param'); Mobile_number_param.maxLength = 9; Mobile_number_param.readOnly = True; Var email = document.getElementById ('email'); Email.readOnly = true; Var user_notes = document.getElementById ('user_notes'); User_notes.maxLength = 90; Var admin_notes = document.getElementById ('admin_notes'); Admin_notes.maxLength = 90;   

Now my goal is to implement the code related to "mobile_number_param", but only when I am on the "reserved.fp" page otherwise I do not have permission to modify my mobile phone number My profile page in other area.

Someone told me this:

You can identify the current URL by checking the window.location.href reserved.FPP to search for know that you Reservation page. Then apply your code.

Unfortunately I am not a codeer and I have no idea how to do it. / P>

Any suggestions? Thank you for your time ...

  if (window.location.href.indexOf ( 'Reserved.fp')! = -1) {// Reserved .fif content here}}    

Append a text line to a file and remove the first one if there are more than 4 lines in python -

I have an IRC client, while I'm chatting while broadcasting my desktop. I wanted to show it on my broadcast and found an easy Shock-Wave Flash Title Plug-in that could read text files and display them on the screen.

My IRC client uses Python scripts and can call the function every time someone writes a message.

I can write these text lines in a text file, like they come, but I want a method of coding in Python, when the text is more than '4' lines. >

I had planned to do this when the append line function is called, after reading the last 3 lines, adding new and rewriting it, writing it in the original file.

Of course when the script runs first, the file should have at least 3 lines so that the dragon must have an account for it and only read the previous 2 or 1 or 0 ...

I tried to write some code in the last question but it is not working so I will not add it here.

you should not give

  1. using a deck Open the input file

    / code> to get to the last few lines, and add your new line
    (using a new line separator \ n )

  2. Reopen file as output file and write your archive lines. Open the import deck path = 'test.txt' from the archive (path, 'r') as in the file: lines = deck (file, 4) ) Lines .append ("\ nIt is an extra line.") Open with file (path, 'W') as file: file.writelines (lines) < / Html>

c# - Check TreeView ScrollBar Visibility -

How can I check if vertical scrollbar is visible in the tree vee?

You have to p / p to get the style of TreeView.

  private const int GWL_STYLE = -16; Private Contact Int WS_VSCROLL = 0x00200000; [DllImport ("user32.dll", exact spelling = false, charset =] Private static extern int GetWindowLong (IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex); Bool VScrollVisible () {int style = GetWindowLong (myTreeView.Handle, GWL_STYLE); Return ((style and WS_VSCROLL)! = 0); }    

javascript - Greasemonkey snapshot outdated after page refresh? -

परिदृश्य: एक ग्रेज़म्की स्क्रिप्ट लिखना जो चहचहाना टिप्पणियों को छुपाता है (कक्षा के साथ सूची तत्व द्वारा इंगित किया जाता है) बीबीसी लाइव स्पोट्र्स रिपोर्ट्स पर। "

मैंने कुछ ऐसा काम किया है जो मोटे तौर पर काम करता है (नीचे की चेतावनियां) waitForKeyElements का उपयोग कर:

  // == UserScript == // @name myName // @ namespace none // @ वर्णन myDescription // @ शामिल करें* // @require लिब्स / jquery / 1.6.2 / jquery.min.js // @require // @version 2.0 / @grant none // यूआरआइस्क्रिप्ट == समारोह doHousekeeping (jnode) {// कमेंटरी के भीतर सभी ट्वीट आइटम खोजें, और उन्हें var snapResults = document.evaluate (".// div [@ id = 'live-event-text-commentary'] / ol / ली [शामिल (@ वर्ग, 'वर्ग- TWEET')] ", दस्तावेज़.body, नल, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, नल); के लिए (var i = snapResults.snapshotLength - 1; i & gt; = 0; i--) {snapResults.snapshotItem (i) .style.display = "none"; }} // प्रारंभिक लोड doHousekeeping पर सफाई (); // मुख्य शरीर जब भी प्रतीक्षा करता है, तब सफाई की दोहराएँ। फेराकेईएलेमेंट्स ("# लाइव-इवेंट-टेक्स्ट-टिप्पणी", डूहाउसकीपिंग);   

समस्या: पृष्ठ रिफ्रेश करते समय, doHousekeeping करता है निष्पादित करता है (और अधिकांश अपमानजनक वस्तुओं का ); हालांकि, सबसे हालिया आपत्तिजनक आइटमों में से एक मुट्ठी अभी भी पृष्ठ के शीर्ष पर रहते हैं।

यह सब क्यों छिपाने में नाकाम रही है? मेरा संदेह यह है कि जब कोई शरीर बदलता है तो दस्तावेज / स्नैपशॉट को किसी तरह ताज़ा नहीं किया जा रहा है। इसके अलावा मैं jQuery के लिए नया हूँ, इसलिए मुझे पता है कि मेरे हाउसकीपिंग फंक्शन पुराने स्कूल और उप इष्टतम दोनों हैं; क्लीनर, पूर्ण-कार्यात्मक कार्यान्वयन के लिए कोई भी मदद काफी सराहना की जाएगी।

समस्या यह है कि ऐसा प्रतीत होता है waitForKeyElements को दिए गए चुने और चयनकर्ता के बीच एक बेमेल नहीं है।

इस मामले में waitForKeyElements का उपयोग करने का सही तरीका है: < / P>

  // == यूज़रस्क्रिप्ट == // @name myName // @ namespace none // विवरण @ mydescription // @ शामिल* // @require // @require // @ संस्करण 2.0 // @ ग्रैन्ट GM_addStyle // == / यूज़रस्क्रिप्ट == / * - @ ग्रैन्ट डायरेक्टिव को जीएम 1.0 में पेश किए गए डिज़ाइन परिवर्तन के आसपास काम करने की आवश्यकता है। यह सैंडबॉक्स को पुनर्स्थापित करता है * / / - कमेंट्री के भीतर सभी ट्वीट आइटम ढूंढें, और उन्हें छिपाने के लिए। WaitForKeyElements ("# live-event-text-commentary ol li.class-TWEET", doHousekeeping); समारोह doHousekeeping (jNode) {jNode.hide (); }   

इसके अलावा, @grant none का उपयोग न करें, क्योंकि यह असमान दुष्प्रभाव पैदा कर सकता है।

Firebase and intranet -

I'm not sure where the answer has been answered in the document, but by telling the pricing that Firebase is working Is connected to the internet with the customer all the time.

I am currently developing an application with Java-enabled server and has been in GWT (JavaScript) with the client side. The application has to be deployed to "corporate" customers - this means that in intranet.

Will the firebase be operational under these circumstances?

Do I have to fire my own server Can I run? Firebase is a hosted cloud service, so the normal answer is one ???? No. Some customers have very specific requirements where their sensitive data is physically stored and managed. , So we can make exceptions. Contact us for more information

vbscript + query different domain -

How do I set up a vbscript for a query of a different domain, and I want this domain name or full domain ldap path Instead of supplying a domain controller below?

Below is the current domain:

  set oRoot = GetObject ("LDAP: // rootDSE") sDomainPath = oRoot.Get ("DefaultNamingContext") msgbox (sDomainPath)   

What if I want to point it to a different domain


thx < / P>

Richard L. Try another script from Mueller.

c++ - Eclipse shows errors but project compile fine -

I have a C ++ project in Eclipse 4.2.1 I compiled it with errors with external make-up on the command line However, "Method 'Push_back' can not be solved for eclipse, such as Elpsay shows many warnings for vector classes. Any help to get rid of these errors will be greatly appreciated.


  • Save all files on
  • Close the app Li> Eclipse
  • Open Eclipse
  • Open the project

    This works for me with similar issues.

    In addition, check the solution: < / Div>

  • r - How to use zoo or xts with large data? -

    How can I use R package zoos or xts with large data sets? (100 GB) I know that there are some big packages like bigrf, ff, bigmemory which can deal with this problem but you have to use your limited commands, they do not have the work of zoos or exts and I do not know the zoo Or how to use extras. How can I use it?

    I have noticed that there are some other things related to the database, such as sqldf and houststeading, rhythm, or any other use is done by revolution r. what do you recommend? , Any other?

    I just want to encourage the series, cleanse and do some coins and plots.

    Added: I am on Windows

    I have a similar problem (though I was only playing with 9-10 GB) My experience is that there is no way that R can manage a lot of data on its data , especially when your dataset includes time series data

    if your There are so many zeros in the dataset, you might be able to use it sparse matrix - see the matrix package (); This manual can also be useful ()

    I have used PostgreSQL - the relevant R package is RPostgreSQL (). This allows you to query your PostgreSQL database; It uses the SQL syntax, the data is downloaded in the form of dataframe, it can be slow (depending on the complexity of your query), but it is strong and can be easy to data aggregation.

    Drawback : You will need to upload data. Database first needs to be cleaned and saved in your raw data in some readable formats (txt / csv). If your data is not already in a smart format, then it is likely to be the biggest issue. So far, it is easy to upload "streamlined" data in DB (see and share)

    I would recommend postgreSQL or any other relational database for your work. I did not try Hadop, but using CouchDB almost drove me out of the round. Stay with the good old SQL

    sql server - How to create table with data stored in columns instead of rows? -

    I have a table with 3 columns: Store ID, Product type, Product volume like this:

      store1 shirt 3 store1 hat 2 store2 shirt 1 store3 hat4   

    I want to change this table in the following format (caption in shirt volume and column 3 in column 2 With volume):

      store1 3 2 store2 1 - store3 - 4   

    To do this I used my select statement How do i write Thank you. Try multiple aggregates on rows:

    Try multiple aggregations on rows:

      select store, amount (Case when the product = 'shirt' then the quantity ELSE 0 END) AS shirt, yoga (in case the product = 'cap' then the quantity ELSE 0 END) cap from the store of your tomb group   

    If it is not what you mean, you have to provide more information.

    ruby on rails - Why is view code not wrapped inside classes? -

    This is one of the "work in certain ways" question.

    Since the rail, a purely object-oriented language, the controller code, the model code, the assistant code, the migration code are wrapped inside the classes. But the code does not look.

    So I was wondering: How does the train know what the visual code is? How does it work internally?

    All Ruby files run inside a class:   

    and you will see that your code will wrap in a object class when it is executed.

    css - Magento Styling Products in a Particular Category -

    In Magenta, how can I treat products in a particular category differently?

    Say, I have a category "special" and I want to present a little different from the rest of my products.

    I initially thought about hooking up the custom style to the name of that class category, but it does not seem silly, because if you use those products directly, So they do not always appear in that category (such as saying in cookies or sessions) and the custom style is ignored.

    Regardless of giving a custom layout template in that category, but I'm not using them as a layout and not using styles and in order to avoid problems in future, use I do not want to erase.

    Before this worry? Thanks for the help!

    You have 2 code oriented solutions:

    • If the "category" concept is that you are accessing a product through a category (on your product page, display a breadcrumbs category), then you (your catalog / product / view.phil) Dana :: Registry ('current_category') which contains your current_category and compare it to your "Special Category" (which is the configuration variable Otherwise, if you want your style to be applied even when you do not reach your product through category navigation. , You must manually check your product categories ( $ product- & gt

      PS: Keep in mind that as an episode a special Comparison with category (can be stored as a configuration variable

      Products can be assigned to many categories

      Hopes help you TML

    ruby on rails - link making GET (rather than DELETE) request to wrong controller -

    I have a link in view / question / show.html.erb that removes the tag from users <% = link_to "x" ,: Remote = & gt; True,: url = & gt; Remove_question_tag_path (@question, tag) ,: method = & gt; : Delete ,: html = & gt; {: Id = & gt; "Delete - # {}"}%> & Lt;% end% & gt;

    remove_question_tag_path The route is created by nesting tag resources inside question resources.

      Resources: questions do the resources: Answer: Members are created (Post: Vote) End Resource: Tags Member Member Deletion: End End End Ending   < P> The Rake Route shows that this route exists because I try to use it in the url  
      remove_question_tag DELETE /questions/?question_id/tags/:id/remove(.:format ) Tag #delete   

    However, when I click on the link, then this tag will be replaced by the controller N controller received a request to show the action, because shows the rake routes that the destination for the route.

      received "/ question / 25? Html% 5 bid% 5D = removal & amp; method = delete and url =% 2Fuctions% 2F25% 2Ftags% 2F2% 2Fremove" For on 2013-03-26 19:01:00 -0700   

    Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

    Try this:

      <% = link_to "x ", Remove_question_tag_path (@question, tag) ,: Remote = & gt; Truth: Method = & gt; : Delete ,: html = & gt; {: Id = & gt; "Delete - # {}"}%> Explanation: You do not specify the URL for the link, so from all the given arguments except  link_to   "x"  Creates a hash and behaves as a URL option, therefore, in the  GET  parameter instead of creating the : method  option only  DELETE  Is added.   

    css - Prevent nudging adjacent fontawesome/bootstrap icon on hover in table cell -

    I made a bela to demonstrate my problem and what I am trying to do.

    I have tried the following CSS:

      td a [class ^ = "icon -"]: first, td a [class] * = "Icon -"]: first {padding-right: 2px; }   

    I am using FontAwesome with Bootstrap and want to stop the sequel to the second sign (display / edited record link) in each cell, when the first link Enhanced and expanded. I tried the border transparent, padding-right: before the item, etc. and they were not able to correct it.

    How do I get it to work smoothly with CSS?


      .dr-fxwidth {width: 48px ; White-space: Abrop; / * & Lt; & Lt; & Lt;  

    It still changes the layout of the table, but the icon elements are replaced by text- Does not inspire to wrap.

    Julia: Problems with Adding Packages (BinDeps) -

    I'm new to Julia's package manager, and I'm having trouble installing GLPK and LinuxGLP.
    I have already installed Curl using Pkg.Init () and successfully using Pkg.add ("curl") . However, when I try to install GLPK or LinProgGLPK ( using Pkg.add ("GLPK") and Pkg.add ("LinProgGLPK")), , the following I get the message:
      Message: Installing BinDeps v0.0.0 Error: Path BinDeps already exists! Please remove to allow installation. 345 Anonymously on a file: pkg.jl at cd_pkgdir at 26 :: 163 file.jl in CD on pkg.jl on pkg.jl at pkg.jl Add to pkg.jl in add 143: 42 to 175   

    I seem to get the same message for other packages that are dependent on BinDeps (including Winston).

    I have tried to call Pkg.rm ("BinDeps") , Pkg.add ("BinDeps") , Pkg. Update () , and Pkg.resolve () , and then returned to try to add GLPK, but the same message stays the same. I want to remove the Bindups folder by clicking the < Code> ~ / .julia , but he has not worked either what I am losing?

    PS I'm running Julia in Linux Ubuntu.

    postprint = "text"> to clear just

    Really, when something gets worse, it's best to ~ / Add jajalia and package again.

    Just make sure you back up your local changes!

    php - Prepopulating form from get/post -

    I am not fluent in English and I'm a newbie in HTML so I do not know how to explain it. X.x

    This send.php:

      & lt ;? Php $ user = "user"; $ Password = "password123"; $ Url = "". $ User "& Amp; password =". $ Password; $ Get = file_get_contents ($ url); Get echo $; ? & Gt;   

    Will be redirected but will not show the link User = username and password = password 123   


      form action = send.php "method =" post "Gt; & lt; p class =" number-input "& gt; Number: 
    Select name =" phone number "id =" prefix "> option Value = "" & gt; & lt; / option & gt; option value = "0905"> 0905 option value = "0906"> 0906 Option & gt; Option Value = "0907"> 0907 & lt; Option Price = "0908"> 0908 Option Value = "090 9" & Gt; 090 9 & lt; / option & gt; Option == "0910"> 0910

    x86 - View contents of array in Visual Studio (assembly language) -

    In Visual Studio, is it possible to view the contents of an array when debugging the assembly language code? I already know how to add the array num to the "clock" window, but I'm still trying to figure out how to see the contents of the array. It is possible to add the sword array to the "watch" window in Visual Studio, but it is possible to view the contents of an array while doing a step during the program?

      .686p .model flat, stdcall.stack 2048 Data Lock Swords 1000, -1000,2000, -2000; When I debugging, I want to keep track of each value in this value. ; Is it possible to display all index contents during debugging? Exit Process Prototo, Execicode: Dvord. Code Start:! [Rather than the actual value of the array, are shown here? [1] mov ax, number; Mov ax, [num + 1]; Start Expression Process, 0 and Start   

    Enter image details here

    You can display the captured memory from your array.

    • Type in the "Auto", "Local", etc.
    • in the symbol name that you want to inspect, or the variable name in the source under the "Storage 1" tab Select and place it on the address memory window. The way in which I debug the code, I test it with the assembly, it seems that I need to type "in style", which is to display and Amp; Num is the num symbol address.
    • You can customize word size (1 to 8 byte per word) to display by right-clicking on the window, and you can choose the number of columns displayed in the toolbar options of the window < / Li>

    matlab - usre array elements as a index -

    Let's assume we have followed the array declaration in the matrix

      a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]   

    which normally appears in the form of matab

    a =

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I know how the following code works  

    [aa (a)]

    Here the answer is definitely from the book

      ans = 1 2 3 1 4 7 4 5 6 2 5 8 7 8 9 3 6 9 < / Code>  

    As I first understand the number of a bracket simple display original one, or 1 to 9, the second case is to use array elements in the array, then it means that the exmaple number For this, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    This is an index for array, first index a [1] = 1, a {2] = 2, a [3] = 3 .... a [9] = 9 Is this right? But why is it printed in a way to change? Should not it be like the original matrix? Thanks a lot

    In this case the rows are broken before the column one [2] = 4 , a [3] = 7 and a [4] = 2

    Azure/WebMatrix web.config 500 Error -

    I have tried to add a mime type to Azure in the WebMetrics web.config file: > pre & lt; & Lt; StaticContent & gt; & Lt; MimeMap file extension = ".json" mimeType = "app / jason" /> & Lt; / StaticContent & gt; & Lt; /system.webServer>

    But I get 500 (internal server error) in trying to load a JSN file.

    The site works locally.


    (Edit :)

    I have in the web. Configure:

      & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; & gt; & Lt; DbProviderFactories & gt; & Lt; Remove invariant = "System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" /> & Lt; Invariant = "System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" name = "Microsoft SQL Server® Compact 4.0" = "Net Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact" type = "System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeProviderFactory, System.Data. SqlServerCe, version =, culture = neutral, public keynote = 89845dcd8080cc91 "/> & Lt; / DbProviderFactories & gt; & Lt; /> & Lt; System.webServer & gt; & Lt; StaticContent & gt; & Lt; MimeMap file extension = ".json" mimeType = "app / jason" /> & Lt; / StaticContent & gt; & Lt; /system.webServer> & Lt; / Configuration & gt;   

    The mime type was created by the side webmatrix.

    Error in console:

    get 500 (internal server error)


    File changes Is not and is called by Javascript from the Architect Tutorial App. "Porsche", "Model": "911", "Value": 135000, "Wiki": "http: {"Name": "composite", "rating": 1}, {"name": "mechanical", "rating": 4}, {" {"Name": "internal", "rating": 3}, {"name"}: {"name"}: {"name": "body", "rating": 4}, {"name" : "Accessories", "Ratings": 2}]}

    Update 2

    I've found that the app is available locally Running (where the application runs properly) error logs detected The file is as Cars.json file / application, while on the Azure server, it shows the form of text / html.

    It seems that the Ezoor server is my web. Ignoring the config file is something else ...

    (I have enabled debugging in Ezur but not yet got a list of errors ...)

    HTTP 500 is coming from something else.

    I added what you did in a new blank website and the result was expected.

    To test the URL:

    This request marks a scholar:

      Obtain http: //jsonp.azurewebsites. Net / demo.json HTTP / 1.11 User-Agent: Fidler Host:   

    Also the response is expected:

      HTTP / 1.1 200 OK Content - Length: 30 Content-Type: Application / JSL Last-Modified: Wednesday, 27 March 2013 09:03:09 GMT Accept-Category: Bytes Itag: "cc2c13e7c92ace1: 0" Server: Microsoft-IIS / 7.5. Readability date: Wednesday, 27 March 2013 09:03:52 GMT {"Title": "Demo", "Count": 10}   

    I recommend that you turn on all possible logging Do and check the error log. Most often you define system.webServer , or something like that. How to enable logging.


    After updating the question it is clear that cars.json is not actual stable < / Code> file. So the question is a bit messy.

    UPDATE 2

    This is your Jason:

    Obviously you are having trouble with the rest of the website setup as I Said - Turn on all logging and check the real error message.

    authentication - ASP.Net MVC 4 Simple Membership specify Schema -

    I am trying to find out how to set up simple membership of ASP.NET MVC 4. The tables that have users of my current database have a different schema, then how can I specify the schema when starting my database connection 'dbo':

      WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection (connectionStringName : "Gauslistlink Connection", userTableName: "UserProfile", userIdColumn: "UserId", user name column: "username", auto cutlet: incorrect);   

    There is no substitute for schema, I tried to add schema to userTableName but it generates an error. Any suggestions?



    Web security database user Use default schema There is no way to specify another schema that I know.

    gettext - What does #, fuzzy mean at the top of a xgettext-generated .pot file? -

    जब एक .pot फ़ाइल उत्पन्न करने के लिए xgettext का उपयोग करते हुए उत्पन्न फ़ाइल के ऊपर मुझे यह मिलता है:

      # कुछ विशिष्ट शीर्षक ... #, फजी ...   

    क्या #, फजी मतलब है?

    मुझे पता है इसका अनुवाद क्या है फजी है (यह खराब गुणवत्ता है), लेकिन .pot फ़ाइल के शीर्ष पर इसका क्या अर्थ है?


    । उन नए पीओ टेम्पलेट फ़ाइल के अनुसार पुराने अनुवादित पीओ फाइलों को अपडेट करने के लिए प्रोग्राम को संदेश लागू करने के द्वारा उत्पादित किया जा सकता है, जब यह उपकरण कुछ नए परिकल्पना करता है कि पुराने में से केवल थोड़ा ही संशोधित किया गया है, और यह जो सोचता है उसे जोड़ना चुनता है नए संशोधित प्रविष्टि के लिए पुराने अनुवाद होने के लिए मूल स्ट्रिंग (कमांडिंग स्ट्रिंग) में मामूली बदलाव को अक्सर अनुवादित स्ट्रिंग में दिखना चाहिए, और इसके लिए अनुवादक के हस्तक्षेप की आवश्यकता होती है। इस कारण से, msgmerge कुछ प्रविष्टियों को फजी होने के रूप में चिह्नित कर सकता है।

    मैं Django का उपयोग करते हुए एक संदेश फ़ाइल (.po) उत्पन्न करते समय #, Fuzzy दिखाई देता है, और जहां मूल पाठ ( ) बदल दिया गया था, इस मामले में अनुवादक को पता होना चाहिए कि अनुवादित पाठ को भी बदलना चाहिए।

    networking - Android Image Cache/Web/Memory Library -

    So I have created my own Android code to handle many images for Android currently executed by the functionality < / P>

    1. Load image from url
    2. Save image to SD card
    3. Image library of ready SD card with zip, downloaded user first app Installs

      although it's working fine, I have some other profession Su and I want to switch to the full-featured. I'm not really streamlining the list scenes and I'm sure the implementation of my networking is not nearly as strong as it should be. In addition, I am not using any in-memory caching or recycling properly.

      I think I have already solved this kind of image issue compared to many people. Will a well-regarded library cover matters of my use and help in such issues?

      I decided to go with Square's Picasso Library:

      Just about everything and it is under aggressive development. Square people really know what they are doing!

    ajax - jquery custom validator which calls php function not working -

    I have a custom verifier that is written using the jquery plugin, to verify the input using the database A php page calls to the server. I do not know how to do this, but it's best, as I am not a JavaScript / AJAX programmer

      jQuery.validator.addMethod ('checkVehicleRegistration', function (Val, element) ) {Var x = $ .ajax ({type: "POST", async: false, url: "Ajax / Verification / CheckVehal Registry .php", Data: "vehicle_reg =" + val, success: work {resp} {} , Error: Function (E) {Warning ('CheckVellon Registration Fail');}}); if (x.responseText == '0') {Back true;} and {return false;}}, registration already is present ');   

    This is not the best code in the world because I have to make Ajax call synchronous, which defeats the object of all though, as I am not a JavaScript programmer, it is a The miracle that works perfectly.

    My problem is that verification is really slow Jquery appears to call this recognition function several times. I have come to know when verification work is done, and when you have to type in the text box, when you exit the text box and whenever you submit the form, verification is sometimes called, the address Have tried to use alerts to apply.

    How can I set up this custom verification function so that it is called only when users submit the press and not when they typing / tabbing in the text box? Apart from this, the 'design pattern' for any suggestion has been suggested how I should have done better by using this server-side verification by Ajax is very much appreciated

    Thank you very much


    You do not need to create your own method, for example, remote The method is the method of doing everything you do, e-mail address, and already exist or check some things Along with, this passes through usernames by mail:

      $ ("#myform"). Validity ({Rule: {email: {required} true, email: correct, remote: {url: "check-email.php", type: "post", data: {username: function () {return $ (" # Username ") .val ();}}}}}, Message: {email: {remote:" Type your message here "}}});   

    In addition, you can disable some events, so it will be faster, for example, when you submit the form, it will only check the verification:

      $ ("#myform"). Validate ({onfocusout: incorrect, onkeyup: false, onclick: false, rule: {}});    

    linux - Number of arguments requirement input validation -

    Write a script to search for a file for the pattern and the number of lines and the number of lines that accompany that file Output / P>

    I have a script

      #! / Bin / bash echo "------ file =" $ 2 "------" grep -ne $ 1 $ 2 "  

    It works just fine, But now I need verification, I have to write all what I want

      if [[number of arguments & lt; 2]]; Then repeat "Enter two arguments" and repeat   

    and anything that is

      if [[$ 2 / file / directory is not]] ;  

    Itemprop = "text">

    For Question 1: / H3>
      If [[number of arguments & lt; 2]]; Then, "two arguments should be entered", echoing   

    You can do this:

      If [[$ # -ne 2]] then Use "echo": Enter Question 2:  
      for two arguments "exit -1fi   

    if [[$ 2 files / directory] Do not have]]; then "need a second filing" />>

    You can do this:

      If [[! -a $ 2]] then "file does not exist!" Exit -2 fi    

    cygwin - bash in windows error? -

    I'm trying to execute a very simple script with Sagvin:

      #! / Bin / bash \ n "Hi" \ n   

    with cygwinpath \ bin \ bash.exe /cygdrive/c/my_path/test.bash

    but it says

      /cygdrive/c/my_path/test.bash: line 1: #! / Bin / bash: No such file or directory   

    However, it still prints 'hi'.

    Why is it, and how to fix it?

    Thank you.

    The first line of your script just #! / Bin / bash and no #! / Bin / bash \ n

    The code is still executing because the title #! / Bin / bash specifies a shell, and there is a command at echo "hi" \ N terminal

    For the sake of your problem, let me run the following path in the signin terminal There are no issues using the following:

      / cygdrive / c /    

    java - Handling large search queries on relatively small index documents in Lucene -

    I am working on a project where we index relatively small documents / sentences, and we consider these indexes to be large Here's a relatively simple example of the query that you want to use the documents: I am indexing the document:

      docId: 1 text: "back black"   

    and I want to query to use it July 25, 1980 Programmed release, "Back in Black" was the first AC / DC album, which was recorded without singer Bon Scott, who died on 1 February 9 at the age of 33 years. And he was dedicated. "

    What is the best way for this in Lucene? For simple examples, where the text I want to get is, exactly input query, Analyzer + by using a phrase QueryParser.parse (QueryParser.escape (.. my big input ...)) - that ends up preparing a big Boolean / word query.

    But I try not to use a phrase interpretation for a real world example I can do it, i think that I have to use a word ngram approach like a horn anchor wrapper, but as my input documents can be quite big, the organizer will be difficult to handle ...

    In other words, I got stuck and any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :) PS

    I did not mention it, but it is also an annoying thing to index small documents That "m Because the "float" is being encoded on only 1 byte, all 3-4 word sentences get the same value, so the phrase "ABC" as the search "ABC" and "ABCD" shows with the same score is.

    Thank you!

    I do not know how many sentences you have, but you may want to reverse the problem: store

    (Note: This is how Elasticsearch works.)

    Edit (2013-06-21) :

    If you have a large number of sentences, it may be better to store sentences in an index. But instead of using phrase questions, you can try indexing using Lucene. On the query time, instead of using QueryParser, your method is good for manually creating queries, but if you make index pulse, then you can create a pure bullion query where each clause is a query rather than a query Matches the Shingle.

    github - GIT SSH is not Working -

    I had the first problem and resolved with an answer given by our Stackhouseflow community member.

    Now I tried to use SSH for cloning a protected repository in Windows 7, first I created a public key using this URL.

    After following all the steps, working for me for everyone referred to in the URL, except when I try to do the fourth step of "$ ssh -T" , Then I got the following error

      Mohammed_ Hussein @ 18 ~ / .ssh $ ssh -T -p 443 ssh: Anyone related to the name Do not know    

    You need to use for step 4: < / P>

      ssh -T   

    (No ssh -T : If the error message persists:

    • This should not be a single one. Because you are not using one.

      Keeping in mind that trying to ssh on a private server (and not, OP:

      here is the problem It is that my network is blocking the firewall IP and port number 22.

    java - jtable in jtree with different row count -

    I'm trying to create a JTree that consists of JTables. So far, I have been successful in making a jetty with jetties. But, I can not change the row number of a table of a specific tree node. Whenever I used the line tries to adjust the calculation would, all tree nodes of line changes calculations

    I address the following link:

    I wrote the following code on the recommendation of Trashgod, but it did not work; Can you please give some working code ..

      Package HelperPack; Import java.awt.borderLayout; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import javax.swing.JFrame; Import javax.swing.JScrollPane; Import javax.swing.JTable; Import javax.swing.JTree; Import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; Import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; Import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; Public class JTreeTrial spreads JFrame {/ ** * @param arg * / public static void {SwingUtilities.invokeLater (New Runnable) {Public Zero Run} {DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = New DefaultMutableTreeNode ("node") ; JTree tree = new JTree (parentNode); JTable table = new JTable (); table.setModel (new DefaultTableModel () {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public int getRowCount () {return 2;} @Override public integer getColumnCount () {return 2;} @Override public object getValueAt (int row, int column) {return "" + "row" + ":" + column;}}); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMuta bleTreeNode) tree.. getModel () getRoot (); node.setUserObject (table); JTreeTrial test = new JTreeTrial (); trial.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane (tree); trial.add (jsp , BorderLayout.CENTER); Prikshnkpak (); test Ksetvijibl (true); test Ksetlainsriletto (void);}}); }}   


    | Node1 |

      | A | B | C. D.   

    | Node 2

      | E F |   

    | Node 3

      | G. H | | I J | | Kashmir | Meter | Instead of rendering the trees  in  tables,    

    Add a tree selection listener and update an JTable in one of the adjacent components. Each TreeNode Enter Tablemodel in, and JTable to setModel (to update) uses. Several related examples have been cited.

    How to redirect a nested resource in routes.rb in Rails 3 -

    मैं रीडायरेक्ट करना चाहता हूं (कुछ पुराने लिंक चला गया है) के लिए यहां मैं जो कोशिश कर रहा हूं:

      संसाधन: दस्तावेज़, केवल = & gt; [: सूचकांक,: शो] सदस्य करते हैं "कुछ पुराने लिंक" = & gt; रीडायरेक्ट ("कुछ-नया-लिंक") एंड एंड   

    लेकिन रीडायरेक्ट नहीं हो रहा है और मुझे सिर्फ कुछ पुराने लिंक पर 404 मिलता है। इस पर विभिन्न tweaks की कोशिश की लेकिन यह नहीं मिल सकता है। मैं यह कैसे करूँ?

    पहले, अपने कोड में "to" जोड़ने का प्रयास करें:

    समस्या यह भी हो सकती है: "कुछ पुराने लिंक" से मेल खाती है: पूर्व> सदस्य करते मैच "कुछ पुराने लिंक" = & gt; रीडायरेक्ट ("कुछ-नया-लिंक") अंत

    इस तरह sth की रीडायरेक्ट होने की उम्मीद है:

    / docs / id / docs / आईडी / कुछ-नए-लिंक

    संग्रह < सदस्य के बजाय / em>

    database - Should I just store email when its being used as username? -

    When creating a user registration system, I am using the user's email as a user name

    When creating database schemas, then should I assume them as 2 separate fields or should I assume them as 1?

    For example.




    I think the only argument to store 2 areas separately (even if they are the same) is for future proof of some kind, if we ever Decide to make a user a username which is not an email?


    I would like to avoid optimization ahead of time and will only use one field. If you ever need 2 fields, then it's easy to create and populate.

    iis - How to run a .wav in client. ASP.NET -

    I have an application that runs a wave file using the sound player class. However, when I publish the application in IIS, the file will not play. To use SoundPlayer class I have added a reference windows.dll, can it interfere?

      Public Zero PlaySound () {try {while {1 == 1} {list & lt; String & gt; Different music = GetMusicFile.Distinct (). ToList (); For (Int i = 0; I & lt; Different Music.Count; i ++) {player.SoundLocation = Specific Music [i]; Player.Play (); Thread Sleep (GetMusicDuration [i] * 1000); Player.Stop (); } Player.Dispose (); }} Hold (exception e) {//log.LogTxt (e.ToString ()); }}   

    Can anyone help me? Thx!

    There is no way to use C # in ASP.NET to play sound on client side (Except for the syllabus of the course) you need to use client-side technology like JavaScript.

    For example:

      & lt; Audio control height = "100" width = "100" & gt; & Lt; Source src = "mare.mp33" type = "audio / mpeg" & gt; & Lt; Source src = "horse.gag" type = "audio / og" & gt; & Lt; Embed height = "50" width = "100" src = "horse.m.p.p." & Gt; & Lt; / Audio & gt;    

    How to define an object inside a for loop for excel vba -

    I want to import data from multiple workbooks, all from the same sheet index (3) I am new to VBA, and I came to know how to open more than one file, and copy one file from one sheet to another file in another sheet in a separate workbook, but let me understand this It does not seem to be that how many files I highlighted where the error is, it tells me "the object does not support this property or method"

    Can you please help Are you Thank you sub-dataimport () 'set Vars dim ArbinBook as workbook, DataBook workbook dim I as integer, J as integer dim caption as string dim ArbinFile version, datafile The formulas are set to make 'weak assumption' as to the active workbook goal set Data Book = Application.ActiveWorkbook 'received Arbin workbook caption = "Please select the input file" to set the' open destination ':' ChDrive (' '' CHDIR ("e: \ chapters \ chap14") Finally it creates an array arbinFile = Application.GetOpenFilename creates "arbinfile" version, with "application" (as, "correct", caption, it True) 'Exit' when not canceling IsArray (arbinFile) then MsgBox "No file selected". Exit sub-end then set the default targetSheet targetSheet = DataBook.Sheets (1) 'ArginFile' for each integer array I selected in Arbinfile "ArbinFile" (ArbinFile) for ArbinBook = Workbooks.Open ( As an ArbinFile worksheet set (i)) targetSheet.Range ("A2", "G150"). Price = ArbinBook.Sheets (3) .Range ("A2", "G150") Price ** ** Workbook Error in the above line (datasheet) .Activate 'Reactivate Data Book Workbook (1) .Activate' Activate Data Sheet ActiveWorkbook.Sheets again (1) .Copy _ after: = ActiveWorkbook. Activate Sheets (1) workbooks (ArbinFile (1).) 'Arbin again activate book (i) ArbinBook.Close Next I beep ending sub

    My instinct tells me that ArbinBook.Sheets (3) is a chat sheet, not a worksheet (or, at least In, it is a somewhat worksheet addition) it may be hidden, but it will still be indexed as (3).

    If so, then sheet (3) to worksheet (3) .

    Added : If BTW is true, it also shows why use of an index-number is unbelievable. If possible, see the worksheet by its name. (I appreciate it that it can not always be possible.)

    Added (from comments) nothing in your code with the name DataSheet is. Add option clear at the top of your module.

    Line ending issue DOS > Linux > Java -

    I'm having trouble with 160,000 lines of files, this file was generated through an xlsx file exported in There is a .txt extension but I am afraid that it has been exported as a DOS-like file, at the end of each line it has a dos line break, I am using a parser written in Java, running on the Ubuntu environment I have been, and when I run a parser (I Because I can not use source code of part of a jar), I get number format expexation, hope for a number, my line ends in such a way:


    but the parser sees it as

      Input String: "4449 & amp; #xd;" & Lt;   

    Do you have the solution? Again, I can not reach the parser myself, I have to edit the file on my "Ubuntu Machine" and end the line.

    Try using the dos2unix command on that file it's line terminator Should fix

      & gt;   

    window managers - Android WindowManager.Layoutparams.flags to detect dispatchKeyEvent() -

    I have a CustomView which extends RelativeLayout, im using this layout with the following Flags WindowManager.addView () method Adding to the screen is

      final integer flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH;   

    dispatchKeyEvent () is overridden in the CustomView class, but after the window is not being called when I add the button dispatchKeyEvent (back to press it).

    If I remove WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE from the flag, then the dispatchKeyEvent () is called, but im not able to detect touch events inside the customView.

    Please suggest the flag combination through which my customView can detect both touch and key events and also touch out the scene

    Please delete me post if it is duplicate. After the text "itemprop =" text ">

    got the answer, just add the focus flag dynamically when your view is visible, add focus flag. When it removes its invisible flag to send touch events to other scenes.

    C# How to replace \" with " -

    I want to replace all \ "in the string with", but do not know how. I'v tried:

      results = result   

    This does not work thanks.

    Check the code below, it works perfectly.

      result = result.Replace (@" \ "+" \ "", "\" ");   

    How have I tried to:

      string =" Google \\\ ""; System.Console.WriteLine   


    google \ "


    c++ - Which is the proper style? -

    Announce all the variables at the beginning of the code or declare it before using, which is considered a good practice? Like

      int main () {int x, y, z, a, b, c; .....}   


      int main () {int x; // .... int y, z; // ...... int a, b, c; //, ....}    

    I like to make all announcements Above all, With a comment, it allows me to always go to one place. OTOH (on the other side) if I be local to variables in some areas (such as i for loop variables) I want to break that rule.

    javascript - Disable all style attributes for all elements -

    I am looking for compliance with the HTML 4Cecadator, because we are using htmLawed on back end so bad JS / CSS can be filtered / HTML Since coming into our database, we have set up "HTML" htmLawed to remove any HTML element from the "style" attribute. It works perfectly for main styles and font sizes / colors, as here is an example by my configuration: coreStyles_bold: {element: 'b'}, coreStyles_italic : {Element: 'i'}, coreStyles_underline: {Element: 'u'}, core style_strike: {element: 'strike'}, fontSize_style: {element: 'font', attributes: {'size': '# (size ), ColorButton_foresttyle: {element: font ', attributes: {' color ':' # (color) '}}, color button_back style: {element:' font ', style: {' background-color ':' # ( Color) '}}

    The problem I have is Inde With T I when I do have a list of ingredients (such as "UL" or "OL") I try to indent, then CK Iditr HTML shown below, which was sent to the server. HTM Lloyd then excludes the style attribute from the UL element and does not indent when I display it at the front end.

      & lt; Ul style = "margin-left: 40px;" & Gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Some text here & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt;   

    My question is ... how do I stop all the elements from setting any type of style attribute? I would like to use pure HTML to format CKEditor, because we only allow limited formatting options. I really want to see HTML created by CK Editor which looks like this:


    There are two different things - the Indent plugin should only be able to list the list (changing ) Their structure, do not add left margins), no block, a plugin does two jobs at this time, which does not make sense. For this the patch will be released in one month -

    However, it is now possible to configure indents to use classes instead of styles - see options.

    css - Footer won't extend into overflow -

    I do not have a real experience when CSS comes. I am working with Bootstrap and building footer. I got the footer to stick to the bottom of the page

    However, I can not get it to expand it overflow. In other words, when overflow occurs and I scroll right to see the overflow, then there is not a footer in the area on the right side. I have overflow and width CSS Tried to mess with properties but there is no luck.

    Here's one.

    If anyone else has this problem, then I came up with a solution using Hmhcreative's suggestions By doing, I chose the status: fixed; and width: 100%; has finished setting up. Updated here

    Thanks everyone!

    javascript - selecting a table row which contains a tr with a certain text with jQuery using .filter() -

    I am trying to select the row in the table containing one td Using a jQuery .filter () function, with a specific text: My function looks like this ....

      function getBudgetRowByType (service system) {warning (serviceTypeNum); If (parseInt (serviceTypeNum) == 1) {var line = $ ('.bgTablePopUp> gt; ct & gt; tr'). Filter (function () {$ (this). Children ("td: contains ('instruction')");}); Return line; } Else if (parseInt (serviceTypeNum) == 2) {var line = $ ('.bgTablePopUp> group & gt; tr'). Filter (function () {$ (this). Children ("td: contains');}); Return line; } Else if (parseInt (serviceTypeNum) == 3) {var line = $ ('.bgTablePopUp> entity & gt; tr'). Filter (function () {$ (this). Children ("td: contains ('administration')"};}); Return line; } Other {// Other Nada returns empty; }}   

    html will look something like this ...

      & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Instructions & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Research & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Administration & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt;   

    I'm getting an undefined result and I'm not sure why ...

    shell - Perl -- command executing inside a script hangs -

    When I run the following script, it does exactly what I have to do and get out:

      #! / Bin / bash Xvfb -fp / usr / share / fonts / X11 / misc /: 22-screen 0 1024x768x16 2 & gt; And 1 & amp; Export DISPLAY =: 22   

    When I run ./ , everything works fine.

    OK, this is where the fun begins ...

    I have a Perl script which sets the call ...

    Here is the script:

      #! Use / usr / bin / perl strict; Use warnings; My $ homeDir = "/ home / eamorr / dropbox / site /"; My $ CMD; My $ result; Print "----- Setting up the display ... \ n"; $ Cmd = "sh $ homedir / set display."; Print $ CMD "\ N"; $ Result = `$ cmd`; Print result;   

    When I run ./

    then I'm completely trapped < / Div>

    When you do this:

      $ result = '$ cmd`;   

    The pellel process is created by adding an external command, and Pearl reads from that pipe to EOF.

    Your external command creates a background process that still has pipes on your stdout (and since its stderr you did 2 & gt; & amp; 1 ) There will be no eof on that pipe unless it exits from the background process or its standout and stadder closure or redirects elsewhere.

    If you want to collect stdout and stderr of Xvfb Perl variable $ result , you have to wait to end it naturally If you do not want to do this, then I think that you have to do 2 & gt; & Amp; 1 .

    Also the script which is export command is questionable. It can only modify its own environment, and then it immediately comes out so there is no effect, generally it is an indication that someone can modify the process of parenting Is trying, which is not possible.

    c - Can't call _mm_dp_ps -

    Used for running some code on that window, for OpenSUSE 12.1 I am trying to port. But I'm having trouble compiling a part of the code that uses the SSE instructions

    OpenSUSE is running on an Intel Core i7 with these Flags: FPU VME DE PSC MSR PAE mce cx8 apic september mtrr pje MCA cmov pat pse36 clflush dts aCPI MMX fxsr SSE SSE2 SSHT TM PBE syscall NX pdpe1gb rdtscp LM CONSTANT_TSC arch_perfmon pebs BTS rep_good nopl xtopology NONSTOP_TSC aperfmperf PNI pclmulqdq dtes64 ds_cpl VMX monitoring station TM2 SSSE3 Cx16 xtpr pdcm sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt aes lahf_lm ida arat dts Tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid .

    Most SSE instructions are fine, but the compiler can not know: _mm_dp_ps . It is also complaining about the __ builtin_ia32_pshufd and _mm_cvtepu8_epi32 .

    Can anyone please help me? What am I missing?

    itemprop = "text">

    _mm_dp_ps and _mm_cvtepu8_epi32 are both SSE4 after

    1 - So you need it:
      #include & lt; Smmintrin.h & gt; // SSE 4.1 intrinsics   

    and you also need to compile with:

      $ gcc -msse4.1 ...    

    c# - Show a SplashScreen while loading form content -

    मेरे पास SplashScreen , मेनफ़ॉर्म है।

    मेरे MainForm_Load पर मेरे पास एक विधि है जिसका नाम कनेक्ट (); है। यह पद्धति SerialPort के साथ मेरे आरएफआईडी डिवाइस के कनेक्शन का सत्यापन करता है और इसे समाप्त करने के लिए कुछ सेकंड लेता है।

    हालांकि यह कनेक्ट () विधि के माध्यम से जाता है, मुझे अपना SplashScreen दिखाना है मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश की:

      निजी शून्य Main_Load (वस्तु प्रेषक, EventArgs ई) {Frm_Splash s = new Frm_Splash (); s.Show (); जुडिये(); }   

    कनेक्ट (); विधि, MessageBox का उपयोग कर एक संदेश दिखाता है।

    निजी शून्य टाइमर 1 वोल्ट (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, इवेंटएआरजीएस ई) {if (pbLoad.Value & lt; 100) {pbLoad.Value = pbLoad.Value + 1; } और {timer1.Enabled = false; this.Close (); }}

    मुझे पता है कि इसमें this.Close (); के साथ कुछ है। मुझे यह नहीं पता कि कैसे इसे ठीक करना है।

    शायद अगर मैं this.Visible = false का उपयोग करता हूं, लेकिन फिर SplashScreen बंद नहीं होता, यह अभी भी प्रसंस्करण होगा, बस अदृश्य होगा ... मुझे लगता है कि एक बेहतर विकल्प है।

    मुझे लगता है कि आप अपना संदेशबॉक्स MessageBox.Show () का उपयोग कर खोल रहे हैं ... इसके बजाय, MessageBox.Show (यह, "संदेश") का उपयोग करें;

    मुझे लगता है कि क्या हो रहा है, आपका संदेश बॉक्स माता पिता स्प्लैश स्क्रीन पर सेट होते हैं फोकस के साथ संवाद है

    Android DDMS v22.0.1 unable to generate a systrace using Droid Razor 4.1.2 -

    I have selected several trace tags and when I run the trace ( DDMS ) The following output is found:

      Unexpected error while collecting system trace Trace Start Marker 'TRACE:': Error opening / unable to find sys / kernel / debug / tracing / options / overwrite: such a file or directory (2)   

    error OPI (here the error has been truncated)

    Actually there is no debug file in the kernel directory, but which mechanism will generate the necessary path?

    It seems that your cellphone is running a boot image, which does not support the systress .

    "Error opening / sys / kernel / debug / tracing / options / overwrite: There is no such file or directory (2)"

    This error message means ADB Damon ( ADB module is running on the device side) / sys / kernel / debug / Tracing / options / overwrite on your device's file system Systrace works on ADB and communicates with kernel though / sys / kernel / debug / tracing Sysfs nodes under. If you are not exposing these nodes to the phone for any reason, systrace will not work right now.

    Then you should first get a shell on your device:

    open ADB

    then browse to confirm that / sys exists in all and if / Sys / kernel / debug / tracing is present.

    If they are those which are less likely, then you must debug to find out how systrace sounds that the nodes were not there otherwise you need to flash a different boot image. In which systrace support is supported, because sysfs is controlled by kernel (mostly by configuration at compile time) and init.rc, both of which are part of the boot image.

    You can unlock / retrieve the device by flashing a different boot image. You may also need to get fan sites like information and imagery for the image. Another option is to download the source of the kernel for your device, compile the kernel and create the boot image yourself. Linux is under GPL, so the manufacturers of your device are bound to use the source code of the special kernel to be used.


    windows clearcase: cleartool: Warning: Can not update license cache -

    There is an error while using ClearCase version on the windows site. How to fix this: "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ IBM \ RationalSDLC \ ClearCase \ var \ cache \ ClearCase_check \ desker" License Cache can not be updated:

      cleartool ls cleartool: WARNING: Please check ownership or permission.   

    What could be the cause of this error message?

    it is similar

    problem summary

    Clearly licensing does not control account-user changes without user name changes.

    This means something has changed (like the license server name)

    css - Rendering differences in Firefox and Chrome for elements with position:absolute -

    जाहिरा तौर पर, स्थिति: निरपेक्ष के साथ तत्व span में स्थिति: सापेक्ष फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स और क्रोम में अलग रेंडर करें मेरे पास ऐसे span में स्थिति: सापेक्ष में दो ऐसे तत्व हैं जिन्हें मुझे ओवरले करने की आवश्यकता है और समस्या यह है कि मैं उन्हें क्रोम और फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स दोनों में ओवरले नहीं कर सकता।



    मजबूत> सीएसएस: <प्री> । Csv-upload-btn {स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; मार्जिन: 0 0 10px 4px; ऊँचाई: 20px; चौड़ाई: 54px; #id_uploaded_file {स्थिति: पूर्ण; z- सूचकांक: 2; अस्पष्टता: 0; ऊंचाई: 16px; चौड़ाई: 47px; } .upload-btn {background: url (images / btn-upload-bg.png) दोहराए x 0 0; स्थिति: पूर्ण; पैडिंग: 0 5px; सीमा-त्रिज्या: 3px; रंग: #fff; चौड़ाई: 47px; }}

    संपादित करें: मैं समझता हूं कि यह बहुत कुछ नहीं है, लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से, यह सब मैं कानूनी तौर पर साझा कर सकता हूं। किसी भी विचार और सुझावों की सराहना की जाएगी

    "post-text" itemprop = "text">

    अपने #id_uploaded_file को सेट करने के लिए

    शीर्ष: 0, बाएं: 0. यह पूरी तरह से तैनात है लेकिन आपने स्थिति निर्दिष्ट नहीं की है।

      #id_uploaded_file {position: absolute; शीर्ष: 0; बाएं: 0; z- सूचकांक: 2; अस्पष्टता: 0; ऊंचाई: 16px; चौड़ाई: 47px; }   
