Wednesday 15 July 2015

Visual Studio 2012 C++ build failed but nothing on the error list or output -

OK, so I had a few weeks in the program until I did not wake up this morning and tried to run it The project fails again when I try to run it but there is no error of any details in the error list or output views. I checked and ensured that VS Showing all the errors and commenting all the new code from the days I have passed.

I also started a new project and tested different code and it worked just fine. I have looked around the net, but I can not get anything from the use. I am hoping someone can be able to put some light on this here. The project has about 24 files at this point, so I'm not sure that I can actually post the code.

One thing I know is that recently a single friend of mine has used me to watch this project from my computer on the same network. I do not know that this would be the cause of this problem, but I thought I should mention it, if it is related. I should also note that I have made the project twice again with no effect, the only thing I can do is I can copy and paste the code into another project but I really do not Wanted that he came on it. thank you in advanced.

Try removing * .suo * .aps * .sdf in your project directory and release or Delete debug directory containing * .obj files.

Then rebuild your project.

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