Wednesday 15 July 2015

deployment - Maven Glassfish plugin for glassfish 4 -

I recently released the recently released Glassfish 4.0 with Java EE7. But I'm the Manwen Glassfish Plugin. This is my project pom.xml

  & lt; Plugin & gt; In the values ​​stored in it seems to be selected. & Lt; Group & gt; Org.glassfish.maven.plugin & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven-glassfish-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; $ {Org.glassfish.maven.plugin.maven-glassfish-plugin.version} & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Glassfishdirectory & gt; $ {Glassfish.home} & lt; / GlassfishDirectory & gt; & Lt; Users & gt; $ {Domain.username} & lt; / User & gt; & Lt; AdminPassword & gt; $ {Domain.password} & lt; / AdminPassword & gt; & Lt; PassFile & gt; $ {Glassfish.home} / domain / domain1 / config / domain-password & lt; / PassFile & gt; & Lt; AutoCreate & gt; True & lt; / AutoCreate & gt; & Lt; Debug & gt; True & lt; / Debug & gt; & Lt; Echo & gt; True & lt; / Echo & gt; & Lt; Brief & gt; True & lt; / Abridged & gt; & Lt; Leave & gt; $ {} & lt; / Leave & gt; & Lt; Domain & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; $ {} & lt; / Name & gt;   

// ... the rest of the file

After upgrading V3 to v4, user and administrator password property is not selected when I execute MVN glassfish : Deployment - As a result I get:

[Error] Authentication for user has failed: Administrator [error] with password from password file: C: / user / jhondoe / .. ./.../ Temp / mgfp6122921747148315370.tmp

Maven Glassfish Plugin commands by my user and pass The word is leaving the parameter for the plugin in pom.xml.

In this way I have to manually deploy to be able to test my app.

I do not always want to avoid filing man, I'm not sure there is a way to pass the parameter through the command line. Let me know if anyone knows about any possible solution! Thanks!

If you set a default GlassFish 4 instance, then only Administrators Users without a password The password file for that user is in the domain configuration directory named "admin-keyfile". In this situation, when you access the Glassfish Admin console, no authentication is necessary.

Provide only the user and password file in your plugin configuration (delete the adminPassword entry):

  & lt; Users & gt; Admin & lt; / User & gt; & Lt; PasswordFile & gt; [...] \ domain \ domain1 \ config \ administrator keyfile & lt; / PasswordFile & gt;   

If you decide to change the admin password with the asadmin utility, then change the plugin configuration in your pom.xml as follows:

  & lt; User & gt; Admin & lt; / User & gt; & Lt; AdminPassword & gt; YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD & lt; / AdminPassword & gt;   

Check the safety guide in the GlassFish 4 documentation for more information ()

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