Wednesday 15 July 2015

android - How to make a drawn TileOverlay invisible -

I have an Android Maps v2 tile overlay that works great I have my own tile provider that generates bitmap Everything works great, I want to temporarily make the invisible time on the runtime, using code like this:

  Private tile overlay tile overlay; ... tileOverlay = googleMap.addTileOverlay (new tile overlayoptions (.) .jindex (100f) .tailprovewder (new MyTailProvider (Credential, MacNext)); ... tileOverlay.setVisible (false);   

The tile provider works and pulls the tile properly, but when I use set-up (wrong) the tile never disappears.

I even read tile overlay. Usable () and it gives false, but tiles are still visible.

Can an Invisible Tile Make Invisible?

Thank you.

Yes, it is possible to make a tile overlay invisible. The bug was in my code: I removed null detection on GoogleMap, which is said during both the activity (and) of the honors (), and therefore there are several maps so TileOverlay.setVisible (false) or .remove () Even after calling on, there were still other map tile overlay with the balance. The strange thing is that without any blank investigation, the app works in every other way. See the important tap check below:

  Private zero setUpMapIfNeeded () {// Make a blank check to confirm that we have not already installed the map if (googleMap == zero ) {// - Do not forget it !! GoogleMap = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager () FindFragmentById ( GetMap (); // Check that we have been able to get the map. If (googleMap! = Null) {setUpMap (); }}}    

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