Saturday 15 August 2015

iphone - Distorted navigation bar custom back button -

दर्ज छवि यहाँ वर्णन

मैं एक कस्टम वापस बटन है और बटन दिखाई नहीं दे रहा के रूप में इरादा है, यह बढ़ाया जा रहा है, और भले ही वापस बटन टेक्स्ट रिक्त है यह अभी भी प्रदर्शित कर रहा है" वापस "पाठ।

अग्रिम धन्यवाद

मैं आमतौर पर लिए इस तकनीक का उपयोग यह काम करने के लिए।:

  1. छुटकारा डिफ़ॉल्ट शीर्षक प्राप्त करने के लिए:

      [[UIBarButtonItem उपस्थिति] setBackButtonTitlePositionAdjustment: UIOffsetMake (-400.f, 0) forBarMetrics: UIBarMetricsDefault];    
  2. आकार बदलने योग्य छवि का उपयोग करें:

      UIImage * backButton = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "back.png"]; [[UIBarButtonItem उपस्थिति] setBackButtonBackgroundImage: [backButton resizableImageWithCapInsets: UIEdgeInsetsMake (0, backButton.size.width, 0, 0)] forState: UIControlStateNormal barMetrics: UIBarMetricsDefault];      

Ruby, Map, Object attributes -

मेरे पास एक ऐसा ऑब्जेक्ट है जो नीचे दिखेगा:

  class attr_accessor: weekly_stats, : Report_times def initialize @weekly_stats = हैश.न्यू {| एच, कश्मीर | एच [के] = {}} @report_times = हैश.न्यू {| एच, कश्मीर | H [k] = {}} मान = [] अंत की समाप्ति   

मैं साप्ताहिक_स्टैट्स और रिपोर्ट_टाइम के माध्यम से लूप करना चाहता हूं और प्रत्येक कुंजी को अप-केस करना चाहता हूं और उसे इसके मान को असाइन करना चाहता हूं।

अभी मेरे पास यह है: do | attribute_name, मान | Report.values ​​& lt; & lt; {: नाम = & gt; Attribute_name.upcase,: content = & gt; मान || = "वर्तमान में उपलब्ध नहीं है"} अंत रिपोर्ट.रेपोर्ट_टाइम्स.मैप करो | गुणक_नाम, मान | Report.values ​​& lt; & lt; {: नाम = & gt; Attribute_name.upcase,: content = & gt; Format_date (value)} end report.values ​​  

क्या कोई तरीका है कि मैं साप्ताहिक आँकड़े और रिपोर्ट बार दोनों को एक लूप में नक्शा कर सकता हूं?


  (@ report_times.keys + साप्ताहिक_स्टैट.कीज़) .map do | attribute_name | {: नाम = & gt; Attribute_name.upcase,: content = & gt; @report_times [attribute_name]? Format_date (@report_times [attribute_name]): @weekly_stats [attribute_name] || "वर्तमान में उपलब्ध नहीं है"} अंत    

Matlab figure keeps the history of the previous images -

I'm working on rotating the image manually. Every time I run my code with a different image, the previous images have been rotated, shown in the picture. I can not get it. Any help would be commendable code here:

Enter image details here [screenshot ]

  im1 = imread ('gradient.jpg'); [H, w, p] = size (im 1); Theta = p / 12; Hh = round (h * cos (+ theta) + wade * abs (sin (theta)); % Closest integer ww = round (w * cos (theta) + h * abs (sin (theta)) round;% closest integer R round = [cos (live) -n (theta); sin (theta) cos ); T = [w / 2; g / 2]; rt = [for (r) t; 0]; for z = 1: x for x = 1: y = 1 ww: hh% Using matrix multiplication i = zero (3,1); i = rt * [x-ww / 2; y-hh / 2; 1]; %% nearest neighbor i = round (i); if i (1) Gt; 0 & amp; amp; amp; (2) & gt; 0 & amp; amp; i (1) & lt; = w & amp; amp; amp; (2) & lt; = h im2 (y, x, Z) = im1 (i (2), i (1), z); end end end end x = 1: ww; y = 1: hh; [x, y] = meshgrid (x, w) ;) Generate X and Y arrays for the% 3-D plots. Orig_pos = [X (:) 'Y' (''; ''; people (1, numel (x)); elements in array or subcriptive array expression Number of orig_pos_2 = [X (:) '- (ww / 2); y (:)' - (hh / 2); people (1, numel (x)); New_pos = round (RT * orig_pos_2); % Check the nearest neighboring% to the neighbor that the new status comes from the map: valid_pos = new_pos (1, :) & gt; = 1 & amp; New_pos (1, :) & lt; = W & amp; New_pos (2, :) & gt; = 1 & amp; New_pos (2, :) & lt; = H; Orig'pos = orig_pos (:, legal_pos); New_pos = new_pos (:, valid_poz); Siz = size (IM1); Siz2 = size (im2); Expand the 2D index to include the third dimension IndiOver_poz = sub-ind (Sees 2, Orsipop (2 * ones (p, 1), :), parent_pose (w (p, 1), :), ( 1: P) '* ones (1, length (parent_position)); Ind_new_pos = sub2ind (siz, new_pos (2 * ones (p, 1)), new_pos (ones (p, 1), :), (1: p) '* ones (1, length (new_pos))); IM2 (Ind_orig_pos) = IM1 (IND_NU_pos); Imshow (IM2); There is a problem with the introduction of  im2 ,    

im2 has been created in the following section:
  If i (1) & gt; 0 & amp; Amp; I (2) & gt; 0 & amp; Amp; I (1) & lt; = W & amp; Amp; I (2) & lt; = H im2 (y, x, z) = im1 (i (2), i (1), z); End   

If this code is present before im2 and its width or height is greater than the image that you are generating a new image then only the top Attempting to start im2 by adding Do;


 for  z = 1: p for x = 1: ww y = 1: hh ...          

javascript - Showing specific text output based on 2 drop down selections -

I want to display two text strings based on the user's selection with two drop down lists.

Then there are two drop down options: Enter image details here < P> For each month's option, I want to keep a related value. So for the January option, the value will be "Jan's name". For each color option, there is a similar value too. For the green option, the value is "Green Name".

Once the user selects both options (months and colors), then I want to display the output with the completion of two values ​​to display the text.

For example, if I select January and green, the output will be:

 Enter image details here

If I change something else a month, then the name will be updated accordingly.

I have put some HTML / CSS code as a start. I highly appreciate if anyone has shed some light on how I can use this work jquery! Apart from this - how can I fade in text output? Thanks a lot! & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Find your animal's name & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Select your birth month and your favorite color and find your animal name. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Form & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "month" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; - Birth month - & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "Jan" & gt; January & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "February" & gt; February & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "march" & gt; March & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "April" & gt; April & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "may" & gt; May & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "June" & gt; June & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "July" & gt; July & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "August" & gt; August & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "September" & gt; September & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "Oct" & gt; October & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "November" & gt; November & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "December" & gt; December & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Label class = "jan" = "january" & gt; January name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "February" = "February" & gt; February name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "march" for "march" & gt; March name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "April" for = "April" & gt; April name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "May" for "May" & gt; May name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "June" for "Jun" & gt; June's name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "July" for = "July" & gt; July name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "August" for "August" & gt; August name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "September" for = "September" & gt; September name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "october" = "october" & gt; Name of October & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "November" = "November" & gt; November name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "December" = "December" & gt; December name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "Color" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; - Favorite Colors - & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "green" & gt; Green & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "blue" & gt; Blue & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option value = "red" & gt; Red & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Label class = "green" = "green" & gt; Green name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "blue" = "blue" & gt; Blue name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label class = "red" for = "red" & gt; Red Name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt ;! - & lt; P class = "output" & gt; Your animal name generator name is Green Name & lt; / P & gt; - & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt;

BTW - I also want to make selected field style ... so does it make more sense to write as LIST (LI, UL)?

  $ ("# months, #color"). Change (function () {var month = $ ("# month") = ("#color"). Val (); var content = ''; if (month & amp; color) {var monthlabel = $ ("label "Color" = "" ("label [for + color +"] "for [+ +" (+ + "+ color +"]. Text (); content = 'Your animal's name is + month's label + '+ + + Color label;} $ ("#output"). Text (content). FadeIn ();});   

rails search form 'no such column: name' error -

I am trying to apply a simple search box in my index view, but he gave me this error: < / P> <<">" Ticket "from where (name '% s%')

I can" TICK "Find out why this is and I How do I correct it? Below is my MVC



listing ticket & Lt;% = form_tag tickets_path ,: method = & gt; 'get'%> & lt; p & gt; & lt;% = text_field_tag: search, parameter [: search]% & Gt; & lt;% = submit_tag 'search'%> & lt; / p & gt; & lt;% end% & gt; & lt; table & gt; & lt; tr & gt; & Lt; / tr & gt; & lt;% @ tickets.each do | tickets & gt; & lt; tr & gt; & lt; td & gt; & lt;% = ticket.caller_name% & gt; <% = ticket.called_date%> <% = ticket.problem % & Gt; & lt; / td & gt; ... & lt;% end% & gt; & lt; / table & gt;


  class tickets & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base attr_accessible: called_date ,: caller_name, problem: has_many: logs,: dependent = & gt; delete DEF (search) if search (all :: conditions => Other end and end   


  Class Ticket Controller & LT; ApplicationController def index @tickets = Ticket.all @tickets = tickets. Search (params [: search]) response_to do | Format | Format.html # index.html.erb format.json {render json: @tickets} and end    

You are trying to query the column name on your ticket table. So replace it with the column in your column, caller_name . Change the following line:

  find (all:, conditions => [['name'? ','% # {Search}% "])   
  find (all:, conditions => [like 'caller_name', '% # {search}% "]) - Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") VS2010 and VS2012 -

I'm very strange for me, I started developing a web site in Visual Studio 2010 and ended in 2012. This is VB.NET, Framework 4.0. During the Web site, I use Request.ServerVariables ("LOGON_USER"). Everything works just as it should be.

I have recently started developing another web site from the beginning of 2012. What happens is the request. Whitelist ("LOGON_USER") does not return any value! It's just empty! However, if I open this same application with Visual Studio 2010, then it works!

Can anyone tell me what is happening here and how can I fix it in VS 2012? Thanks!

This problem occurs because the authentication-related variables in the ServerVariables store are not populated. Use anonymous access protection to access the aspx page. This problem can also occur when you give an anonymous user access to the section of the Web.config file.

To populate the LOGON_USER variable, when you use any authentication mode other than anyone, you can deny access to an anonymous user in the section of web.config.

Just change the authentication mode to anything other than the Web.config file. For example, the following entry in the Web.config file sets the authentication mode for form-based authentication: < / P>

  & lt; Authentication mode = "form" / & gt; & Lt ;! - To deny access to the anonymous user in Web.config file, use the following syntax: -! & Gt; & Lt; Authority & gt; & Lt; Deny users = "?" / & Gt; & Lt ;! - This anonymous / unregistered user - & gt; & Lt; Allow users = "*" /> & Lt ;! - This allows access to all registered users - & gt; & Lt; / Authorization & gt;    

I'm not sure that this is a VS 2010 & amp; 2012, but before that this has happened to me, and I used the above steps to remedy it. Like I said, just your web Check config file!

Answer this question for your questions!

Delphi mask for binary numbers -

I have a string grid and want only cells in it 1 or 0 . I try to use StringGridGetEditMask

  Process TForm1.StringGrid1GetEditMask (Sender: Tubect; ​​Acol, Arrow: integer; var value: string); Starting value: = '0'; If not ([0,1] in strontone (value) then value: = # 0; End;   

But I can input all the numbers from 0 to 9. How do I filter all the numbers except 0 and 1?

For your intentions you will need a sub-class of the class and in these sub-classes the in-site editor Allocate examples of this event in the Interposor class:

  Type TStringGrid = class (Grids.TStringGrid) Personal process InplaceEditKeyPress (Sender: TOBject; var key: four); Protected function CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit; Override; End; Implementation {TStringGrid} function TStringGrid.CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit; Start the result: = inherited CreateEditor; TMaskEdit (Results) .OnKeyPress: = InplaceEditKeyPress; End; Process TStringGrid.InplaceEditKeyPress (Sender: TOBject; var key: four); If not start (# 8, '0', '1'] key) then key: = # 0; End;    

c - call to write() fails unknown reason -

I open a file with open (), I checked my file descriptor and looks fine (3) . But when I try to write on this FD, then write () Return -1 I also print my string, which is shown correctly.

  errno = 9, "bad file descriptor"    

sql server - Select month in MMM format -

How do I select the month where the month field is in MMM format, such as in January, February, March in the IMONTH field The months listed are I used the Detector function but the destination field type is in nvarchar format and I get an error below: Error converting nvarchar value to 'mars' to data type difference conversion failed.

When I use the Datanum function, the query runs, but no output is drawn, I am starting SQL programming and any help will be useful.


  1. your iMonth one Type actual date
  2. Create a lookup table for 3-digit months and join your query.

spring - Java Digits Validation -

I am using verification in a full attribute:

  @Digits (integer = 6, fraction = 0) private integer ID order;   

But I wanted this feature to have 6 digits.

How can I do this? (JSP + spring + using hibernate)

As you need 6 digits, I think If you need the string for the property in some cases, then you

  public int getIdOrder () {return Integer.parseInt (idOrder)}}   

On String You can use pattern verification. This can happen in this way:

  @ patent (regexp = "\\ d {6}") private string idOrder;   

Another option puts idOrder an integer and creates a string for the string:

  public string getIdOrgetAsString () {String s = "000000" + IDODARE; Return s.sbstring (s.length () - 6); }   

Anyway, there are some options.

xcode - How to make TabBar transparent -

I want to make the tabbar transparent and still want to leave the icon there. So that when you see it on the tabbar as if they are themselves, do I have code to do this? I currently have this code

  UIImage * tabBarBackground = [UIImage imageNamed: @ ""]; [[UTibber presence] Setbackgram image: Tabbar background]; [[UITebber Presence] SetSecurityist Indicator Image: [UIImage Image Named: @ ""]];    

Try this code

  - (zero ViewDidload {[Super Viewedload]; CGRTF frame = CGRactMake (0.0, 0, Self W. Bounds.Width, 48); UIView * trans_view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: frame]; [Trans_view setbackgroundColor: [[UIColor alloc] initWithRed: 0.0 green: 0.0 blue: 0.0 alpha: 0.5]]; // You can also change alpha values ​​[tabBar1 insertSubview: trans_view atIndex: 0]; // tabBar1 = Your Tabbed Reference [Trans_View Release]; }   

This will also help you

java - NullPointException on startActivityForResult(e.getIntent(), REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION); -

So I'm using Google Drive tutorials to help understand the basics of interacting with Google Drive and Works fine on code Samsung Ace 2 Android 2.3.6 is running, so I'm able to upload files to my Google Drive location. My point is that when I run the same application running Android 4.2.2 on my Samsung CII, it finds this account and allows me to upload a new file for uploading, but when I crash:

  startActivityForResult (e.getIntent (), REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION);   

Logkat gives me the following:

  03-26 18: 29: 39.686: E / Android Random (6775): Flat exception: Thread-256 03 -26 18: 29: 39.686: E / AndroidRuntime (6775): java.lang.NullPointerException 03-26 18: 29: 39.686: E / AndroidRuntime (6775): ( 3370) 03-26 18: 29: 39.686: E / AndroidRuntime (6775): ( at 03-26 18: 29: 39.686: E / AndroidRuntime (6775): on Com .blitz_labs.Google $ ( 03-26 18: 29: 39.686: E / AndroidRuntime (6775): at (   

relevant code

  public zero saveFileToDrive (last string fileName) {th D folder = new thread (New Runnable) {@Override Public Zero Run (try {{Files}. List request = service.files () list () setQ ("MIMETYPE = 'application / Folder 'and trashed = false'); Last FileList files = request.execute (); Request.setPageToken (Files.getNextPageToken ()); If (! Files.getItems () .isEmpty ()) {for (int i = 0; I & lt;. Files.getItems () size (); I ++) {if (files.getItems (.) Get ( I) .getTitle (.) Equals ("APP folder")) {parentKind = files.getItems (). Get (i) .getKind (); Parent = files. Gadgets (). Obtain (i) .getId (); }}} {File body = new file (); Body.setTitle ("APP Folder"); Body.setDescription ("app folder"); Body.setMimeType ("application /"); // Service is an authorized Drive API service example file file = service.files (). Insert (body). Execute (); Parent = file.getKind (); Parent = file.getId (); DriveFile = File; Logs. V ("File exists here:", "" + driveFile.getTitle ()); } String mediastorage = "/ sdcard / APP folder /"; FileUri = Uri.fromFile (new java.official (mediastoragedir + java.ofoofail.separator + filename)); // file's binary content file resource = new (fileUri.getPath ()); FileContent Media Content = New File Resource ("Text / Plain", File Content); // file's metadata file body = new file (); Body.setTitle (fileContent.getName ()); Body.setMimeType ("text / plain"); Body.setParents (Arrays.asList (new parent reference). SetId (parentID)); Final file file1 = service.files (). Insert (body, media content). Execute (); If (file1 = null!) {RunOnUiThread (New Runnable () {@Override Public Zero Run) {Toast.makeText (getApplicationContext (), "File uploaded:" + file.getTitle (), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT). Show (); log.V ("SUCESSFULL UPLOADTO GOOGLEDRIVE", "" + file1.getTitle ());}}); }} Hold (UserRecoverableAuthIOException e) {startActivityForResult (e.getIntent (), REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); }}}); Folder.start (); }   

What could happen to anyone, what is happening due to this?

I've included the file upload function, where the error occurs.

Thank you in advance for your help.

You like stuff

  last filelive files = request Exempt (); Request.setPageToken (files.getNextPageToken ());   

If you receive a NPE on the second line, then you do not get the file as a result.

You should protect yourself against the incident as a code.

  final file list file = request Exempt (); If (files! = Null) {request.setPageToken (files.getNextPageToken ()); }   

Specifically, for your error, you have to preserve your code in such a way

  if ((e! = Null) Amp; amp; (.getIntent ()! = Null)) {startActivityForResult (e.getIntent (), REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION); } And if (e = = null) {e.printStackTrace (); }    

iphone - How to abstract class names or types in Objective C to use as variables? -

I have found that many of my list controllers behave in the same way, and now I have a normal list of them named ListVC Is required when planning to make an example of ListVC, and pass it in all the specific things needed for that specific example

For example, if I need a list of customers, then I I'll do something like this:

  ListVC * customersVC = [[ListVCAbout] init]; CustomersVC.tableArray = self.customersList   

There is a time when I need to know the class type of some objects in my example, array self.customersList objects are from class CustomerClass . I know that I can do it, but when I have a method inside the list that needs to be returned to the type of object, then it does not help. For example, in LISTVICE, this old non-systemic method:

  - (customer class *) customerfafeter   

something like this should be: <<> - (self.objectClass *) objectAfterter

And I would like to set the object class as if it was done immediately.

  ListVC * customersVC = [[ListView Alok] init]; CustomersVC.tableArray = self.customersList customersVC.objectClass = [customer class class];   

How can I do something like this? Or if my view is wrong, then please suggest the correct approach. I'm starting a programming in

You can not change the return type this way. What you can do is return a id , which is an indicator for the objects of any class. Edit

  - (id) objectAfterFilter   

[CustomersVC objectsfiltersfilter]; [Cdc customer stuff];


  [(customer *) [customersVC objectfreaker]] doCustomerStuff];    

wpf - Windows 8 Desktop App: Open tabtip.exe to secondary keyboard (for numeric textbox) -

We are working on an desktop WPF app that runs on the Windows 7 tablet and some Surface Pro units with Window 8 for mixing.

We immediately saw that when a text box receives focus, the small keyboard icon no longer displays. We have solved this by running "TabTap.exe" on mouseDown event for all textboxes.

We have some numeric text boxes (although the quantity for an item on the order), and for the numerical entry that you want to open the on-screen keyboard, but it opens by default with the qwerty key.

I am searching extensively for any command line arguments which I can run on tabtip.exe to change my input mode, but there is no luck. It looks like a trivial work with a metro-style app, but it is impossible on the desktop side.

Is there a command-line argument for Can I use it to accomplish this?

in HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ TabletTip \ 1.7 (Windows 8) REG_DWORD is the standard layout value of 1 keyboard layout Code> Last UseDemovality Cardholder should also be 0 or 1 , if the tabt starts again, then this pen Writing will open from the area.

Cosine scoring in whoosh, python -

I have implemented some Python code that runs the search whoosh using BM 25 and were all fine, but now I'm trying to change the cosine of the scoring system, making me get this error:

ix.searcher in Tifaidif file "Tifaidiafghepa", line 18, (Waiting = Josh .Scoring.cocine)) as the explorer: attribute: error: 'cosine' in 'module' object Oi is characterized

If I cosine imports am

  whoosh.scoring import cosine   

I get it Is:

  file "", line 4, & lt; Module & gt; Cosine import Whoosh.scoring import Irrr: Name cosine   

Below is my code:

  import whoosh whoosh.scoring import whoosh the cosine Whoosh.scoring import .fields from those who whoosh.qparser import * whoosh.index import whoosh.query import * open_dir # Index path lab3dir = "../lab3/Aula3_1/" ix = open_dir (lab3dir + "indexdir ") # index is generated in the previous lab Diff Kosiin (Kweritims): list = [] dict = {} # dict com ID DOC e Sinilided ix.searcher (weighting = whoosh.scoring.Cosine ()) as finder : Query = QueryParser ("Content" Ri ", ix.schema, group = OrGroup). Purs (U (querytimes)) = resultor finder Calculation (results) for search (query, range = 100), r: list.append (r ["id"]) print r, results.score (i) dict [r ["id"]] = results. Score (i) return word   

any ideology ???

Thank you!

The document I believe is what you are seeing is wrong as you have found See the documentation () or source code () for the options available in

php - A script that works on a local computer but not the server -

I found a very good gallery (EasyGallery) script integrated into my website and it was working fine on the VMP server. on the computer. However, when I uploaded it to my web hosting (paid, php, databases etc) the script would not be loaded. I have tried the original version of both 3 separate web hosting scripts and modified version which I am integrating into my website.

So my question is that the gallery script which can be found here works with WAMP on my computer, but does not work on the server

PHP Version:

Paid Hosting - PHP Version 5.2.17 Wamp - 5.3.13 Other Web Hosting - 5+ (Corrected)

Required by Script: 4+ < Hr>

About the instructions on your website: I have set the correct permissions for the Image Folder (+ Subfolder) - 0755

Website and Gallery Address of

This style can be read bit, so there is no brown background but

Most likely this is a relative / complete path issue, so this works on your local computer but when you put it online, the path is counted incorrectly. Without a broken page code or link, I can not say that the path is wrong, but when it is a very common cause of problem to publish a website online from local host development.

The other most common reason is the directory permissions, because it is almost no problem at the local host and there is almost always a problem on the host server, there is something that only you can check, though.

c# - Missing Cookies; getting 1/3.. I thought this was handled automatically, why are things not working correctly -

This trend of cookies is not changing, I absolutely copy it correctly and it should be a simple task because it's automatic The form is handled anyway. Why am I not getting the proper cookie recovery?

  Public class HTTP: WebClient {public HTTP}: this (new cookie contributor ()) {} public HTTP (cookie container C) {cookie container = C; } Public CookieContainer CookieContainer {get; Set; } Secure Override WebRequest GetWebRequest (URI address) {WebRequest request = base.GetWebRequest (address); Var castRequest = Request HttpWebRequest; If (castRequest! = Null) {castRequest.CookieContainer = CookieContainer; CastRequest.Accept = "text / html, application / xhtml + xml, application / xml; q = 0.9, * / *; q = 0.8"; CastRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) Apple WebKat / 537.22 (KHTHML, like GECO) Chrome / 25.0.1364.172 Safari / 537.22"; } Refund Request; }} Public Zero Check URL () {Cookie Container Cookware = New Cookie Container (); HTTP client = new HTTP (cooker); String feedback data = client.DownloadString (url); = client.UploadString (URL, login data); RTB. Text = response data; }   

You probably want to hook in the webs and read cookies from there. The request does not change after the request is sent.

css - Different Font sizes in Sidebar -

I have different font sizes in my sidebar: Link: You can view it in "Partners / Links", Partners Links Is smaller than And if some letters are larger then others Can I explain this if I use aerial, font-size 0.8 AM? Thank you in advance, Rosa

The word "partner" span class Elements with Caps , where font size is set to 90% . Change it (remove the class, remove the span, or wrap the entire link inside span ) and it should be fine.

ruby - Why here the self is MyClass? -

  वर्ग MyClass def MyFun आत्म अंत अंत मेरा = mine.MyFun # = & gt; # & LT; MyClass: 0x10a3ee670 & gt;   

चूंकि मॉड्यूल, वर्ग, def सभी परिवर्तन गुंजाइश, यहां स्वयं MyClass के बजाय MyFun होना चाहिए क्योंकि यह डीईएफ़ के अंत में है ... अंत क्यों अभी भी यह MyClass पर रहता है?

<कोड> स्वयं का दायरा:

कक्षा परिभाषा के अंदर, स्वयं हमेशा वर्ग स्थिरांक (कक्षा का उदाहरण) ही होता है। ( उदाहरण विधियों को छोड़कर)।

उदाहरण विधियों के अंदर, स्वयं उस श्रेणी स्थिरता के उदाहरण हैं, जो कि संबंधित विधियों को कहते हैं।

  p rUBY_VERSION वर्ग Foo def p "यहां SELF है-> # {self}" अंत डीईफ़ डिस्प्ले पी "यहां एसईएलएफ है- gt; # {self } "अंत पी" यहां एसईएलएफ है-> gtc: # {self} "अंत foo = foo.display वर्ग & lt; & lt; Foo p "यहां SELF है-> # {self}" end   


  "2.0.0" "यहां एसईएलएफ है-> Foo" "यहां एसईएलएफ है-> Foo" "यहां एसईएलएफ है- & gt; # & lt; फ़ू: 0x1fc7fa0 & gt;" "यहां एसईएलएफ है- & gt; # & lt; कक्षा: # & lt; Foo: 0x1fc7fa0 & gt; & gt;"    

access variable defined in Javascript (jQuery) in php -

The javascript / html code in my php file is written using echo. I would like to use the image which is being kept in javascript in "place1" div and pass it on php

Here is my code:

  // Create a placeholder for an image - the user is dragging and dragging an image, here "echo id = 'place1' class = 'location'> gt; & lt; / div & gt;"; Echo; & Lt; Button ID = "Apply" name = "save" type = "submit" & gt; Apply changes & lt; / Button & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; '; // javascipt code to find the source of the image '& lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# apply") Click (function () {var frame = $ ("# place1"). Children ("img"). Attr ("src"); $ .ajax ({url: "thumbnails.php", type: "POST", data: frame});});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; '; // login frame variables (image source) in php ??? Not sure how to do this part. $ Frame = $ _ post ['frame'];      

in your jquery when sending you the data A key / value pair should be used :

key = value

With this in mind, enter your data < For the / code>, which you are sending, you are using your variable frame , but there is no key / value added in frame should be:

  var frame = "frame =" + $ ("# location1"). Children ("img"). Attr ("src");   

It will now allow you to capture the variable in PHP:

$ frame = $ _POST ['frame']

mongodb - Mongo - Query multiple locations at once -

I am currently trying to find all the users who live in one of the locations list (places This list may be large, compared to a union on server-side, doing multiple queries, this is not necessary).

The use case, for example, is to find all those users who live within 2 miles of any church in my current city, a list of coordinates is given for those churches.

Right now, this low-level query works:

  db.users.count ({location: {$ inside: {$ centerSphere: [[-84.330984, 33.8615 ], 2/3959]}}})   


  db.users.count ({location: {$ pass: [-84.330984 , 33.8615], $ maxDistance: 2/69}}) However, I want to be able to calculate the number of users living in a series of different locations. I.e. something like this:  
  db.users.count ({$ or: [location: {$ inside: {$ centerSphere: [[-84.330984, 33.8615], 2/3959 }}}}, {Location: {$ inside: {$ centerSphere: [[-85.331122, 34.97832], 2/3 9 5 5}}}}}})   

Right now, When I run this query, the Mongo document returns the error:

  Tuesday Mar 26 17:24:22 Exception exception: The count has failed: {"errmsg": "Exception: $ or This can not contain a 'special' query. "" Code ": 13291," OK ": 0}   

With this error and open GIRA ticket (), Mongo currently $ or $ Using multiple The ability to query the location is limited (or $$) operator, so I can not query the chain location

Is there a best practice or work-around to accomplish this? ? Again, I do not like to ask a different question for each place; Although I know that this may be the only option.

I am currently using Mongo 2.2.3, but there is no problem upgrading to 2.4, if it will solve this dilemma.


If you are familiar with Javascript, you can get it You can use mapReduce for.

However, there are two methods, which are essential for the construction of approximately $ $ and $ centerSphere, and you can not exceed the record of Matrred 1000.

Since monogodybie is limited to $ or operator, this is my first method to solve it.

Can IE8 play video without Flash -

The original question is actually the only option to play a video in IE 8, even though for every code Fallback with HTML5 Video?

In short, yes, this is the only real option.

OK, there are other plugins that can do this, such as Silverlight, but the net effect is the same. And of course, as browsers try to work with the standard HTML5 code, they are still using the flash behind the scenes.

The bottom line is that IE8 does not have original video gaming capabilities.

php - changing the hour interval on my sql query -

Then my date format appears on my page 6 hours ahead, how can I change it, so it shows the right time That this is my query

  $ query = "first name, last name, post, date-format (postdate, '% M,% d,% Y at% H:% i') Join in INNER posts by users as mydatefield userId = empl_Id postdate by ORDER ";   

This contains the value in the table

  $ query = "Enter in the post (post id, ampl_id, post, postcard) value ( '', '$ EmpId', '$ thoughts', NOW ()) "; $ Result = mysqli_query ($ db, $ query); Probably you are accumulating time in UTC and you are located behind 6 hours of UTC.    


Do not change your query Timeline Presentation There is a concern in the visual logic of your application, not the controller.

Every time you show a date / time in your page, just add teas offsets for the UTC value. You can see examples here:

android - No resource found that matches the given name (at 'title' with value '@string/action_settings') -

So I recently started trying to work in eclipse (just like today) I have Android developers I'm following the initial course, and by the end, everything has been fine. I've got to create a simple user interface () and have worded everything for the word, but when I try to run it, it says that

no resources Found that matches the given name ('@ string / action_settings' with the 'title' value).

I came back and checked everything, and whatever I explained, did everything and it still does? I am completely naob, so maybe I am forgetting something but I do not know what is there. I restarted eclipse, and it still will not run the app, and for the tenth time I have an error.

This is my design sheet:

activity_main.xml in layout

   & Lt; Button Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: text = "@ string / button_send" /> & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt;   

values ​​in string.xml

  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Resources & gt; & Lt; String name = "ap_name" & gt; My first app & lt; / String & gt; & Lt; String name = "edit_message" & gt; Enter a message & lt; / String & gt; & Lt; String name = "button_send" & gt; Send & lt; / String & gt; & Lt; String name = "menu_settings" & gt; Settings & lt; / String & gt; & Lt; String name = "title_activity_main" & gt; Menactivity & lt; / String & gt; & Lt; / Resources & gt;   

And all that I have messed up. Do not I see any problem?

Am I clarifying something?

Ha - I'm doing tutorial and I've got the same thing. You have copied / pasted the entire strings.xml file, but this file lacks that value, which requires an app. This is a bug in their tutorial

Add this line back to the strings: XML:

  & lt; String name = "action_setting" & gt; Here are some & lt; / String & gt;   

Where I put "something here", I can not remember what the original text was.

The problem is that main.xml (under the ridge / menu) which we definitely did not touch in the tutorial, referring to the string "action_settings" when you copy and paste your string from the XML file If so, it was removed.

swing - Cannot create multiple polygons in Java - only one -

निम्न कोड को देखते हुए:

  import java.awt.Color; आयात करें java.awt.Dimension; आयात java.awt.Graphics; Import java.awt.Point; आयात करें java.awt.event.MouseEvent; आयात करें java.awt.event.MouseListener; आयात करें java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; आयात करें java.util.ArrayList; आयात करें java.util.Iterator; आयात javax.swing.JFrame; आयात javax.swing.JPanel; / ** * * @ लेखक X2 * * / सार्वजनिक वर्ग पॉलीगोनरजफ्रेम {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {जेफ्रेम फ्रेम = नया जेफ़्रैम ("बहुभुज बनाएं"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Frame.setContentPane (नया ड्राइंगपैनेल ()); frame.pack (); frame.setVisible (सही); }} / ** * मुख्य वर्ग * @ लेखक X2 * * / वर्ग ड्राइंगपैनल एक्सपैंटमेंट जेपीएनएल लागू करता है माउसलाइस्टनर, माउसमोशन लिस्टनर {/ ** * * / प्राइवेट स्टैटिक फाइनल लम्बी सीरियलव्यूअरयूएनयूआईडी = 1 एल; निजी स्थिर अंतिम आयाम MIN_DIM = नया आयाम (300, 300); निजी स्थिर अंतिम आयाम PREF_DIM = नया आयाम (500, 500); निजी बूलियन बहुभुज = फॉल्स; निजी अंतिम प्वाइंट ट्रैकपॉइंट = नया बिंदु (); // 'डमी' बिंदु माउस निजी अर्रेलिस्ट और लेफ्टिनेंट; बिंदु & gt; अंक = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; प्वाइंट & gt; (); // एक पॉलीगॉन निजी अर्रेलिस्ट और लेफ्टिनेंट; प्वाइंट; सहायक = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; प्वाइंट & gt; (); // एक पॉलीगॉन पब्लिक अर्रे लिस्ट और लेफ्टिनेंट; प्वाइंट; कॉपी क्रिएट (अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; प्वाइंट & gt; इनपुट, अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; प्वाइंट & gt; आउटपुट) {int i = 0; यदि (आउटपुट == शून्य) आउटपुट = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; प्वाइंट & gt; (); जबकि (i & lt; input.size ()) {output.add (input.get (i)); i ++; } वापसी आउटपुट; } / ** * खिड़कियों के आयामों को सेट करना * / लोक आयाम मिलनामिकमकार () {लौटें MIN_DIM; } सार्वजनिक आयाम getPreferedSize () {वापस PREF_DIM; } / ** * केवल इस वर्ग के लिए आवश्यक कंस्ट्रक्टर * / DrawingPanel () {super (); addMouseListener (this); addMouseMotionListener (this); } / ** * ड्राइंग ही * / पब्लिक रिक्त पेंट कॉमोनेंट (ग्राफ़िक्स जी) {सुपरपिंटकंपोनेंट (जी); Int numpoints = points.size (); यदि (numpoints == 0) वापसी; // पॉइंट पॉइंट पॉइंट = (बिंदु) points.get (0) को खींचने के लिए नहीं; // बहुभुज ईटरेटर डालें & lt; प्वाइंट & gt; यह = अंक। निदेशक (); जबकि (यह hasNext ()) {बिंदु curpoint = (प्वाइंट) (); खींचना (जी, पॉइंट पॉइंट, कर्पॉइंट); पिछला पॉइंट = कलपॉइंट; } // अब ट्रैकिंग लाइन को आकर्षित करें या बहुभुज को पूरा करें यदि (बहुभुज == सच) {खींचना (जी, पॉइंट पॉइंट, (प्वाइंट) अंक.गेट (0)); } और // बहुभुज डोन == झंडा ड्रॉ (जी, प्रॉपवॉइंट, ट्रैकपॉइंट); } / ** * माउस लिस्टनर इंटरफ़ेस * / सार्वजनिक शून्य माउस चूल्हे (माउसईवेंट एव्ट) {int x = evt.getX (); Int y = evt.getY (); स्विच (evt.getClickCount ()) {केस 1: // एकल-क्लिक करें यदि (बहुभुज डोन == सच) {this.helper = this.copyCreate (यह। पॉइंट्स, this.helper); // सहायक निर्देशों में नए निर्देशांक की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ। स्पष्ट (); बहुभुज डोन = गलत; } Points.add (नया बिंदु (एक्स, वाई)); फिर से रंगना (); टूटना; मामले 2: // बहु-क्लिक polygonDone = true; Points.add (नया बिंदु (एक्स, वाई)); // repaint (); टूटना; डिफ़ॉल्ट: // कुछ भी नहीं तोड़ना; }} / ** * माउसमोशन लिस्टनर इंटरफ़ेस * / सार्वजनिक वाइड माउस मूवड (माउसईवेंट एव्ट) {trackPoint.x = evt.getX (); TrackPoint.y = evt.getY (); फिर से रंगना (); } / ** * अंक और रेखाएं खींचें * @ परम जी * @ पीआरएम पी 1 * @ पीआरएम पी 2 * / निजी शून्य ड्रा (ग्राफिक्स जी, प्वाइंट पी 1, प्वाइंट पी 2) {int x1 = p1.x; Int y1 = p1.y; Int x2 = p2.x; Int y2 = p2.y; // पंक्ति को पहले खींचें ताकि अंक / लाइन के शीर्ष पर दिखाई जाए, g.setColor ( ()) के नीचे नहीं; G.drawline (x1 + 3, y1 + 3, x2 + 3, y2 + 3); G.drawline (x1 + 4, y1 + 4, x2 + 4, y2 + 4); G.drawline (x1 + 5, y1 +5, x2 +5, y2 +5); g.setColor (; जीफिल (x1, y1, 8, 8); g.setColor (; जीफिल (x2, y2, 8, 8); } सार्वजनिक शून्य माउस ड्रेगग्ड (माउसइवेंट एव्ट) {/ * Empty * /} सार्वजनिक शून्य माउस दबाया हुआ (माउसइवेंट एव्ट) {/ * Empty * /} सार्वजनिक शून्य माउस रीलीज़ेड (माउसईवेंट एव्ट) {/ * Empty * /} सार्वजनिक शून्य माउस ईंट (माउसईवेंट एव्ट) मैं केवल एक बहुभुज हर बार आकर्षित कर सकता हूं, जिसका अर्थ है - जब मैं शुरू करने का प्रयास करता हूं नया बहुभुज "पुराना" बहुभुज गायब हो जाता है, लेकिन मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि क्यों  

तो मैं कई बहुभुज कैसे आकर्षित करूं?

पुराने बहुभुज को गायब होने का कारण क्या है?

मैं आपकी मदद की सराहना करता हूं P>

बहुभुजों को वास्तव में points.clear () पर कॉल करके मिटाया जा रहा है। इसका मुकाबला करने के लिए, आप अलग-अलग सूची में पिछले बहुभुजों के बारे में कक्षा का उपयोग कर समन्वय जानकारी को बनाए रख सकते हैं, जो कि "प्रगति" बहुभुज के साथ चित्रित किया जा सकता है इसे इन्हें रेखांकित किया गया है।

iphone - Remove iOS 6 ScrollView Center Alignment -

I am trying to create a page control in iOS 6. I am using the interface builder to create a scrollview and is spread out using the freemat simulated matrix screen.

There are 5 different views in the scrollview and there is a problem with the center view. I would like to align it to the left view and not to the center of the supervision. The problem is that when I 0pt from the left side, it automatically creates a barrier-aligned center X as a supervivise.

By aligning center X to Superviv, the obstacles are unable to complete the accidents.

How can I fix / remove it? scrollview

Page 2 and Page 3, and select Editor & gt; Select. Pin & gt; Horizontal transit leads to an obstruction between the right edge of page 2 and the left edge of page 3. Now you can select the speed of the center and remove it.

Actually the rule is that you can not remove an obstacle Xcode until other obstacles are present, fully determine the size of the position / everything You make those blocks from the PIN menu Are there.

objective c - What functions are called between subview's awakeFromNib and view's viewDidLoad? -

मेरे पास स्टोरीबोर्ड के भीतर एक UIView / UIViewController ( UIViewController ) है जिसमें एक कस्टम UIView ( कस्टम दृश्य ) जिसमें एक संबद्ध .xib फ़ाइल है जब मैं UIViewController :

  • CustomView ' awakeFromNib फ़ंक्शन को लोड किया जाता है, तो निम्नलिखित घटना का सामना कर रहा हूं < / Li>
  • कुछ (?) मेरे उपव्यू के फ्रेम को 0.0 की ऊंचाई तक सेट करता है; स्टैक ट्रेस से पता चलता है [UIViewController autoresizedArchivedView] (प्रासंगिक?)
  • UIViewController 'एस viewDidLoad फ़ंक्शन को awakeFromNib और viewDidLoad के बीच क्या होता है और मैं उसे कैसे नियंत्रित कर सकता हूं के बाद viewDidLoad:

    जियोमेट्रिक गुण संग्रहित ऑब्जेक्ट पर सेट नहीं किए जाते हैं < (शून्य) दृश्यडिडलोड {[सुपर व्यूडिडलोड]; NSLog (@ "% @% @", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd), NSStringFromCGRect (self.testView.frame)); } - (शून्य) दृश्यविलएपीपर: (BOOL) एनिमेटेड {[सुपर व्यूवैलप्रदर्शक: एनिमेटेड]; NSLog (@ "% @% @", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd), NSStringFromCGRect (self.testView.frame)); } - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडअपेर: (BOOL) एनिमेटेड {[सुपर व्यूडिडएपपर: एनिमेटेड]; NSLog (@ "% @% @", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd), NSStringFromCGRect (self.testView.frame)); }


      viewDidLoad {{0, 0}, {0}} दृश्यविकल्प: {{0, 0}, {0, 0}} viewDidAppear: {{80, 224}, {160, 274}}    

CSS - Images and Footer Problems -

ठीक है, अगर आप यहां जाते हैं:

आप 2 लेआउट मुद्दे देखेंगे

समस्या 1 - चित्रों को सोने के नीचे रहने की आवश्यकता है

3 लोगो की जरूरत है "गोल्ड" और lt; h4 & gt; टैग से कम होने के लिए लेकिन किसी कारण से यह ऐसा नहीं करेगा। मैंने & lt; div & gt; को रिश्तेदार की स्थिति को टैग किया है, क्योंकि इसमें अन्य divs हैं, जिन्हें नीचे छवियों को संरेखित करने की आवश्यकता है, और यह सही ढंग से करता है, हालांकि, यह अब & lt; h4 & gt; गोल्ड & lt; / h4 & gt; HTML से कम नहीं होगा

अगला लेआउट मुद्दा:

पाद लेख शरीर की सामग्री को काट रहा है

मैं नरक की तरह कोशिश कर रहा हूं ताकि नीचे एक पाद लेख प्राप्त हो सके पन्ना। सरल सही लगता है? गलत! लेकिन अब मुझे डिवि को तल पर रहने के लिए मिला है, ऐसा लगता है कि इसके ऊपर के शीर्ष क्षेत्र के डिवाइज को काट दिया जाता है। इसलिए, सभी सामग्री नहीं दिख रही है। इसके बजाय इसे पाद लेख के नीचे धकेल दिया जा रहा है। मैं इसे कैसे ठीक करूं? उस पर एक पैडिंग लगाने की कोशिश की, लेकिन अब यह सुनिश्चित कर लें कि कहां और / या कैसे? पाद लेख पर मार्जिन-टॉप कुछ भी ऐसा नहीं करता।

इस पर कोई भी मदद काफी सराहना की जाती है। मैं इस सरल लेआउट को क्रम में प्राप्त करने के लिए नरक की तरह संघर्ष कर रहा हूं। यह एक द्रव लेआउट होना चाहिए, क्योंकि मैं पाठ का आकार बदल रहा हूं क्योंकि पृष्ठ का आकार बदलता है, जो बिल्कुल ठीक लगता है, इन 2 समस्याओं को छोड़कर: संपादित करें < Em>

कंटेनर डिवेल को 100 पिक्सेल ऊँचाई मान लगाने पर यह कैसा दिखता है:

 div में 100 पिक्सेल ऊंचाई

यह इसे & lt; h4 & gt; गोल्ड & lt; / h4 & gt; के बीच बहुत अधिक स्थान दे रहा है < / कोड> और 3 छवियां हैं। कम से कम यह ओपेरा में मामला है। इसके लिए कोई भी संभावित काम हो सकता है?

यहां एक के लिए एक तय है

  .body {background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 2em 2em 52px 0;}   

आपके पास 3 उदाहरण के लिए {ऊंचाई: 100px; स्थिति: सापेक्ष, चौड़ाई: 100%;}   

बहुत ही बुनियादी सामान वास्तव में, आपको साफ़फ़िक्स का यहां देखना चाहिए

जब आप एक fl जोड़ते हैं ज्वार या स्थिति: निरपेक्ष; एक div में, एक तरह से यह अपने आरक्षित स्थान को छोड़ देता है जिससे माता-पिता div यह सोचने के लिए कि अंदर कुछ भी नहीं है और इसके लिए कोई कोड नहीं है <ऊंचाई> , साफ़फ़िक्स आपके लिए ये समस्या ठीक करेगा, क्योंकि मैं कहता हूं कि 3 लोगो सभी या तो floated या पूर्ण;

यह परिणाम मुझे मिलता है

 यहां छवि विवरण दर्ज करें

javascript - disabling a tag with input type=button -

तो, मेरे पास ऐसा टैग है जो दिखता है:

  & lt; id = " CreateBtn "class =" btn "शीर्षक =" "प्रकार =" बटन "& gt; & Lt; p & gt; + & lt; / p & gt; नया & lt; / a & gt; बनाएँ   

कभी-कभी, हम इसे सक्रिय करना चाहते हैं, कभी-कभी नहीं। मैंने इसे निष्क्रिय करने के लिए कई तरीके की कोशिश की है, विकलांग वर्ग को जोड़ना, संपत्ति को अक्षम करना, टाइप एट्रिब्यूट (जो मैंने आपको सीखा है कि आप ऐसा नहीं कर सकते हैं) को हटाने का प्रयास करते हुए इसे डिफ़ॉल्ट फ़ंक्शन को रोकते हैं, और jquery के < Code> .bind ('click', false) , लेकिन कुछ भी काम करने लगता है

मैं सोच रहा था कि जेएस या jquery चीजें मैं इसे अक्षम करने के लिए इस टैग को कैसे कर सकता हूं।

यह कुछ है, जो मैंने कोशिश की है:

  । इस $ ( '# createBtn') addClass ( 'अक्षम')। यह। $ ('# CreateBtn')। Attr ('type', 'button'); यह। $ ('# CreateBtn')। बाँध ('क्लिक', गलत); } और {यह। $ ('# CreateBtn')। RemoveAttr ('type'); इस $ ( '# createBtn') removeClass ( 'अक्षम')।।   

#createBtn एक ऐसी घटना से जुड़ा हुआ है जो इस बैकबोन व्यू के प्रारंभिक पद्धति में बनाए गए UI को अपडेट करता है।

  "#createBtn पर क्लिक करें" :  anchor को अक्षम करने के बारे में मैं यह कैसे जाता हूं: "renderNewTemplate",    

/ Code> टैग ( & lt; a & gt; ):

टैग को अपने href विशेषता को निकालने से अक्षम करें, और इसकी अस्पष्टता एक अतिरिक्त प्रभाव के लिए:

  $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {$ ("# createBtn") क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this)। FadeTo (" तेज ", .5) .removeAttr (" href ");});});   

और एंकर सक्षम करना:

  $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {$ ("# createBtn") क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (This)। FadeIn ("fast")। Attr ("href", "मूल href यहाँ");});});   

मूल उत्तर यहां पाया जा सकता है - मैं इसे रीसाइक्लिंग कर रहा हूं क्योंकि मैं इसे अपने सभी परियोजनाओं में उपयोग करता हूं जिसके लिए एंकर टैग को निष्क्रिय करना आवश्यक है

c# - More than 2 millions rectangles in a WPF canvas -

मैं अर्धचालक wafermap  यहाँ छवि विवरण दर्ज करें

उन सभी छोटे आयत को निम्नलिखित आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने की आवश्यकता है; 1) इंडेक्स को दिखाने के लिए टूलटिप 2) वेफर्मप परिभाषा से शामिल करने या निकालने के लिए क्लिक।

1400 x 1450 के मरने के मामले में wafermap में मरने वालों की संख्या 2 मिलियन पार हो सकती है। < P> कुछ बिंदु पर मुझे एक खिड़की में सभी मरने की ज़रूरत है (ज़्यादातर ज़ूम इन में होने वाले अधिकांश क्लिक)।

वर्तमान में मैं प्रत्येक को अलग से आयताकार आकृति का जोड़ कर जोड़ रहा हूं और समन्वय की जानकारी को संग्रहित करता हूं ( टूलटिप के लिए एक संलग्न संपत्ति के रूप में सूचकांक (10,10))।

मैं प्रत्येक मरने के लिए अलग शैली का उपयोग करता हूं; कुछ गणना और मरने की स्थिति के आधार पर।

  डाई स्टाइल 1 = नया स्टाइल {TargetType = typeof (आयत)}; DieStyle1.Setters.Add (नया सेटर (आकृति.फिलप्रोटीटी, ब्रश.मदियमस्लेटबालू)); DieStyle1.Setters.Add (नया सेटर (आकार। स्ट्रोक प्रॉपर्टी, ब्रश। व्हाइट)); DieStyle1.Setters.Add (नया इवेंटसेटर (माउसडाउनइवेंट, नए माउसबटन एवेंटहैंडलर (डायस्टाइल 1_MouseDown)));   

यह दृष्टिकोण धीमा है और उच्च मेमोरी का उपयोग भी करता है। तो क्या WPF में इसे हासिल करने का एक बेहतर तरीका सुझाया गया है? क्रिसमस पेड़ की रोशनी के लिए एक डिजाइनर बनाने में, मैं एक ही समस्या में भाग गया

जब आप 100 + वस्तुओं तक पहुंचते हैं तो UIElement या आकार का उपयोग करना बहुत धीमा है बड़ी संख्या में मदों को संभालने के लिए सबसे अच्छा तरीका, छवि के अपने प्रबंधित बफर और क्लिक्स को संभालने के लिए एक संरचना के साथ डबल-बफरिंग का उपयोग करने पर जोर देता है। मैंने अपनी परियोजना को पोस्ट किया है जिसे आपको अच्छी शुरुआत देनी चाहिए इसे यहां प्राप्त किया जा सकता है:

आप नियंत्रण में रुचि रखते हैं \ ChannelitemsCanvas.cs। इसे आपकी आवश्यकताओं के अनुरूप संशोधित किया जा सकता है और आयताकारों को संग्रहीत करने के लिए एक ट्रैड-ट्री का उपयोग करता है ताकि क्लिक करने के लिए घटनाओं को तुरंत निर्धारित किया जा सके।

jquery - Add class to parent li a when drop down is visible -

After having a stupid issue, when a sub menu is visible, then just add a link to a square. It's cascading and adds class to all Lee, even in a sub menu.

  & lt; Ul id = "nav" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" target = "_ self" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "dropdown" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" target = "_ self" & gt; System Manager & lt; Span aria-hidden = "true" data-icon = "& # xe000;" & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" target = "_ blank" & gt; Link 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt;   


  $ ('li.dropdown'). ('Mousecenter Mouseove', function (e) {e.preventDefault (); if (E.type === 'Mousecenter') $ (this). Andclass ('Hilite'); and $ (this) .removeClass ( 'Hilite');});   


  body header # header CONTAIN NAV # NAV-OUP UL # NAV Li.Dropdown Litight {Color: # DB 4105; }   

How can I get it to apply on Dropdown A and not have it cassed near the children?

You should use, just change your CSS,

  Body header #headerContain nav # nav-wrap ul # nav li dropdown. Lift & gt; A {color: # dB 4105; }    

bash - Extract occurrences of character in file line by line -

I have a large file of a bilingual dictionary with formatted lines in the form:

  Abatement: disminucion; Mitigacion; Moderacion; Rebaja; Deduccion; Supression; Anulacion   

I am trying to figure out which line is the most translated word, and to do so ; I want to find a line with the most events of then the echo of the English word.

I have been able to bring something closer, but it uses sed to trim the data, which means that I can not bring back the English word in line.

Any thoughts?

  awk -F '[:;]' 'if (nf> n ) {N = NF; W = $ 1}} END {print w} 'filename    

android - How to detect single tap on canvas drawings or bitmaps using onTouchListener? -

The object of this game is similar to a bubble popping game. Every time a bubble has touched, there is a conversation / event.

So far I have it. I am new to this, but my professor asked me to use Touch (scene, visual event) and in that method, I will use some events. GetSource (); To be able to contact me for the purposes of tactile drawing / bitmap image.

Any advice or help would be great! thanks a lot.

  The main activity of the public class increases the activity tools OnTouchListener {OurView v; Bitmap icon1, icon2, icon3; Float x, y; @ Override protected void saved create (bundled Instansstet) {Suprknkret (saved Instensstet); V = new ours (this); V.setOnTouchListener (this); Icon1 = Bitmapfirenet Decode processing (getResources (), RDWLIC.IC_Luncher); Icon2 = BitmapFireterDiscover Resource (getResources (), R.drawable.ic_launcher); Icon3 = Bitmapfinderator Datasource resource (getResources (), RDWLC_IC_Luncher); X = y = 0; SetContentView (v); } @ Override Protected Zero at Pause () {Super. V.pause (); } @ Override Resume at zero () {super.onResume (); V.resume (); } The public class runs ourView SurfaceView tool Runnable {thread t = zero; Ground holder holder; Boolean IITOK = is incorrect; Public OurView (Reference Reference) {Super (Reference); Holder = holder (); } @ Override Public Wide Run () {While (IITOK == true) {if (! Holder.getsrace (). IsValid ()) {continue; } Canvas C = Holder.Loccanvas (); C.drawargb (255, 100, 120, 10); C.drawBitmap (icon1, x = 50, y = 100, empty); C.drawBitmap (icon2, x = 180, y = 100, empty); C.drawBitmap (icon3, x = 310, y = 100, zero); Holder.unlockCanvasAndPost (c); }} Public Nil Break () {isItOK = false; While (true) {try {t.join (); } Grip (Interrupted e) e.printStackTrace (); } break; } T = Null; } Public resume resume () {isItOK = true; T = new thread (this); T.start (); }} @ Override Public Boolean On Touch (see We, Motion Event Me) {try {Thread Solid (50); } Grip (Interrupted e) e.printStackTrace (); } Me.getSource (); Switch (me.getAction ()) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: x = me.getX (); Y = me.getY (); break; Case Motion Event Action_up: break; Case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: Break; } Back true; }   


You painted your bitmap on the known coordinates So why not just check a boundary? Like if x & gt; 50 and X & LT; 100 and Y & gt; 100 and Y & lt; 150 then they crowded the tapped icon 1 (assuming their bitmap as 50x50) a few seconds ago

ios - Camera controller not working when taking screenshot -

I took a screenshot of the overlay image with the background camera controller. But the background camera controller layer is hidden when taking a photo


  CGRCT rect = [previewView bounds]; UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (rect.size); CGContextRef Reference = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); [PreviewView.layer renderInContext: reference]; UIImage * img = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphicsEndImageContext (); UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum (IMG, zero, zero, zero);    

The camera preview layer is not a common collar and is not taken into account with the render In the context of In reference, only one type of CALayer works with a screenshot directly from the camera buffer directly in the most effective way.


Recently I was dunked in the database fine tuning. I have some suggestions about SQL Server and have decided to create some index

but do not understand that encoded , with are among options Type index will help? I tried to do Google but failed to see a simple explanation for using them.

  nonclassed index IX_NC_PresidentNumber on dbo.Presidents (PresidentNumber) included (President, Year, Office, Rating Points) where Voter is not faucet (DATA_COMPRESSION = ROW) DBO.Privates on Disapproved Index IX_NC_PresidentNumber (President Number) (DATA_COMPRESSION = Page)   

Which scenario should I use above? Will they increase performance?

Data compression will also help your query execution, because after compression, when you run a query , The lower the page / range will load, because I / O decreases, reducing I / O is always a good option

Android: Load activity or intent from fragment page -

I am trying to load an activity from within a piece. I just used Base Android sample code and added some different layouts. The code below works partially, however, the intent / activity starts swiping on page 3 and not just page 4. I think this has begun even once when swiping from page 3 to page 2. I think it all on some pages to swipe with Android will ease to preload

Is there any way to any activity load when you swipe from one piece page to another is? Or maybe I actually swipe to the right page after launching the activity in some roundabout ways? I have not found any other error besides undesirable behavior.

  public static class DummySectionFragment piece extends {/ ** * part of the section number of the piece argues. * / Public static final string ARG_SECTION_NUMBER = "section_number"; Public DummySectionFragment () {} @Override public view onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, bundle savedInstanceState) {if (getArguments (). GetInt (ARG_SECTION_NUMBER) == 2) {LayoutInflater inflater2 = (LayoutInflater) getActivity (). GetSystemService (event .LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); See mDialogView = inflater2.inflate (R.layout.activity_main2, null); Return mDialogView; } Else if (getArguments (). GetInt (ARG_SECTION_NUMBER) == 3) {layout Inflettr inflater2 = (layout Inflatr) getActivity (). GetSystemService (References LAOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); See mDialogView = inflater2.inflate (R.layout.activity_main3, null); Return mDialogView; } Else if (getArguments (). GetInt (ARG_SECTION_NUMBER) == 4) {layout Inflettr inflater2 = (Leautinflatr) getActivity (). GetSystemService (References LAOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); See mIntentView = inflater2.inflate (R.layout.page_four_layout, null); Intention = Intention = getActivity (). GetApplication (), PageFourActivity.class); StartActivity; Return mIntentView; } Else {// Create a new textview and set its text to section / number of the segment argument in the segment. TextView textView = new text view (getActivity ()); TextView.setGravity (Gravity.CENTER); TextView.setText (integer.getArguments (). GetInt (ARG_SECTION_NUMBER))); Return text view; A}}    

If you are a Use ViewPager With piece , I think you should help. Look at the function as you guessed when using the ViewPager, Android normally loads pages on either side. This number can be set using. You can try to set it to 0 or something else, did not test.

sql server - Convert the result of dynamic sql to xml -

मैं निम्नलिखित टी-एसक्यूएल निष्पादित करना चाहता हूं

  declare @sql varchar (max) = 'Xml पथ (' '' '), रूट (' 'रूट' ')' घोषित करें @t तालिका (x xml) @t exec (@sql) में प्रविष्ट करें के लिए 1 ए, 2 बी का चयन करें   

हालांकि, मुझे

संदेश 6819, स्तर 16, राज्य 5, पंक्ति 2 का त्रुटि संदेश मिला

XML फ़ाइल के लिए अनुमति नहीं है INSERT कथन

एक अतिरिक्त चयन बयान में एक्सएमएल बनाता है जो क्वेरी को एम्बेड करें।

  declare @sql varchar (max) = 'चुनें (चयन करें 1 ए, 2 बी xml पथ (' '' '), रूट (' 'रूट' '))' declare @t table ( X xml) @t exec (@sql) में डालें    

ios - Simplest algorithm of measuring how similar of two short audio -

How to measure the similarity between the two audios on the iOS application is to check any open source or simple implementation.

To calculate the distance between just 1d vector, audio can be represented by 1-D vector. But the audio length will be different, so some pre-processing is needed.

Go ahead to get some clues here, thanks

variable length Equality between two scenes can be counted efficiently with DTW:

This algorithm is easy to implement and there are many existing implementations related to the wiki page. .

Just speak, audio can be presented by 1-D vector,

It is advisable to split on audio Frames and it has 2-D vector features , Where for each frame you have an array of values ​​for different frequency bands. If you want to deal with music, for every frame is a good idea for an FFT speech, it is better to calculate

Again, you can use several existing libraries for mail frequency features. One of those speech recognition toolkits

caching - do i need to change the owner of nigix cache files to the owner of application folder -

I have installed nginx as a reverse proxy caching server in my Ubuntu.

Getting the files

The owners and content of this folder are www-data and my app is the owner

I should change the owner of my cache files Roots for pages to be saved in Nginx cache?


  Cash-control no-store, no-cache, re-modified, post check = 0, pre-check = 0 keep-alive-alive content -Encoding gzip content length 3817 Content-type text / html; Charset = utf-8 Date Fri, 29 Mar 2013 10:19:23 GMT Thursday, November 19, 1981, 08:52:00 GMT Ends Pragma no-cache server nginx / 1.1.19 Vary Accept-Encoding X -Cache-Status This is my response to MISS X firebug   

Itemprop = "Text">

References :.

  set-cookie A non-numeric or 0 value with a time in cash-controlled "no-cache", "no-cache", "no-cache store", "private" or "x-axel-xb-excis" "Maximum-Age" ends with: 0    

Depending on your updated question, your upstream server gives the expiration time in the previous and cache-control: no-cache Etc.

  cash-control no-store, no-cache, should-authorized, type Ost check = 0, pre-check = 0 ends Thursday, November 19, 1981 08:52:00 GMT Pragma no-cache   

So nginx does not cache correctly To determine the canning, there is a way to ignore these headers and tell NGN to hide bad expressions, headers etc. X-Excel-Experimental Exshares Expired Cache-Control Set-Cookie; Proxy_hide_header Pragma Cash -Control control;

It shows that, from you too Can, eg.,

  1d is terminated;   

To expire the proxy cache for 1 day.

How to hide & unhide with Javascript & CSS using a checkbox in Internet Explorer -

I tried it for days working in IE, and ultimately the user was presented with a warning window warning users The form that did not completely work in IE still, people are still using IE to fill out the form and I have to send an email back and forth to finish their registration, so I want to see it Am i really I can fix the underlying problem. Here is my longest registration form for an event:

I decided to handle the length of the form while revealing form elements while clicking on the user's various checkboxes, E.g. The housing section below the form is Javascript here:

  function togglehead (this field) {var item = document.getElementById (thiselem); If (item) {if (item.className == 'non-violence') {item.className = 'hidden';} and {item.className = 'unhidden'}}}}   

Here's the relevant CSS:

 . Hidden {display: none; Hidden flurry; Border: None; Text-decoration: None; Background: transparent;} Nonviolence {Performance: Block; Overflow: Auto; Border: None; Text-decoration: None; Background: Transparent;}   

And here is an example html:

  & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "housing" value = "yes" onclic = "javascript: togglehead ('housing quest')" /> & Lt; Div id = resident class = hide & gt; Whatever - More Farm Gum ... & lt; / Div & gt;   

How can anyone make this work in IE? I searched the overflow pile when I initially worked on it in a while ago. I tried the suggestions of a number, which was the answer to the same but slightly different problems, but none of them was working for me (I would like to tell you that I have tried, but I can not remember now Can).

Thanks, Rob

UPDATE: I have confirmed to myself that the code is IE 9 & amp; 10 (Regardless of what other testers were saying to me), then this question is specifically for IE 8 and below. Obviously, some of my users are still using older versions of IE In fact, a favorite printing for one screen shots was sent to me to register a registration instead of setting up another up-to-date browser! Sigh

Enter an ID for the first input: < Pre> & lt; Input id = "test" type = "checkbox" name = "housing" value = "yes" /> & Lt; Div id = "housecall" class = "hidden" & gt; Whatever - More Farm Gum ... & lt; / Div & gt;

Then use this jquery code:

  $ ("input # test"). Click (function () (if ($ (this). (":" Checked ")) {$ (" div # home-form "). Show ();} and {$ (" div # ) Hide ();}});    

javascript - change double letters in string -

I am creating a function that can return an array with the characters of a word. It needs to save a few double letters as one of the arrays. I have an array that contains double letters. I have a list of words (some time ago) The problem is now that it saves the letter 2 times for the first time and it saves double characters from the word in the alphabet from the letter. The function itself is running in a loop, which receives the word from the JSN object. The ceremony is made in a way that I could think, but if there is a better way (clearly) please tell me how how.


  var word = 'voorheen'; Var doubles = ['A', 'O', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'EU', 'U', 'Au', 'OU', 'UI', 'NG', 'C ',' IJ ']; Var characters = getLetters (word, couple); Console.log (letter); Function getLetters (words, doubles) {var characters = []; Var special = []; Var Indexes = []; (Var s = 0; s & lt; doubles.length; s ++) {if (word.indexOf (couple [s])! = -1) {special. Peash (doubles [S]); Indexes.push (word.indexOf (doubles [s])); Console.log ('special:' + special); Console.log ('index:' + indexed); }} For (var i = 0; i & lt; word.length; i ++) {if (specials.length & gt; 0) {for (var j = 0; j & lt; special; length; j ++) {if (i & lt; index [j]) {letters.push (word [i]); Console.log ('i:' + i); Console.log ('j:' + j); Console.log ('Letter:' + [i]); } If (I == index [ja]) {letters.push (special [j]); Console.log ('i:' + i); Console.log ('j:' + j); Console.log ('Letter:' + [i]); } If (i> indexed [j] + special [j] length) {letters.push (word [i]); Console.log ('i:' + i); Console.log ('j:' + j); Console.log ('Letter:' + [i]); }}} And {letters.push (term [i]); }} Return letter; }   

Chrome log output:

  ["v", "v", "oo", "o", "o", " Code> ["V", "O", "R", "H", "EE", and / or P.> 

, "N"]

  var word = 'voorheen'; Var doubles = ['A', 'O', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'EU', 'U', 'Au', 'OU', 'UI', 'NG', 'C' 'Ij']; Var characters = word match (new regxp (doubles.joined ("|") + ".", "G")) [];   

Regexes Capture as much as possible (unless it has been specifically announced), then the two-letter combinations are . , which matches any single character.

Bonus points because it can be expanded to include a combination of any length: P

Dynamic variables in perl -

I'm thinking how I can do in Perl, what I usually do in Lisp:

  (defvar * verbose-level * 0) (defun my-function (... and key ((verbose-level * verbose-level *) * verbose-level *) ...). ..)   

This means that my-function is run on the basis of the current state, but I can pass it to a different level which All calls will also affect:

  (defun f1 (and key ((Verbose-Lev * Verbose-level *) * Verbose-level *)) (format t "~ S: ~ S = ~ S ~%" 'f1' verbose-level * verbose-level *) (F2: verbose-level 1) (Format T "~ S: ~ S = ~ S ~%" 'F1' * Verbose-level * * Verbose-level *) (F2: Verbose-level (1+ * verbose-level *)) (format t " ~ S: ~ S = ~ S ~% '' F1 '* Verbose-level * * verbose-level *) (Diffin F2 (& amp;; key ((verbose-level * verbose-level * ) * Verbose-level *)) (format T "~ S: ~ S = ~ S ~%" 'F2' * Verbose-level * Verbose-level *)) [17] & gt; (F1) F1: * VERBOSE-LEVEL * = 0 F2: * VERBOSE-LEVEL * = 1 F1: * VERBOSE-LEVEL * = 0 F2: * VERBOSE-LEVEL * = 1 F1: * VERBOSE-LEVEL * = Zero Zero [18] & gt; (F1: Verbose-level 4) F1: * VERBOSE-LEVEL * = 4 F2: * VERBOSE-LEVEL * = 1 F1: * VERBOSE-LEVEL * = 4 F2: * VERBOSE-LEVEL * = 5 F1: * VERBOSE -LEVEL * = 4   

(Note that variable binding is returned when it comes out - even from unusual - functions).

How can I do this in Pearl?

Example, in , I have our $ verbose = 0; . How do I write a work that binds the $ verbose to its argument and can restore its value in return?

The Perl concept of global variables is similar to the special variable in CL.

You can type "shadow" local :

  our $ var = 1; With the value of a global variable ("before") function; {# Block creates a new area local $ var = 2; Ceremony ("inside"); } Funk ("after"); Output:  
  before: 1 inside: 2 after: 1     Pre> 

If you select Local < / Code> value, then the new value is seen in the entire dynamic scope, that is, all the functions are said in. Any way (errors, returns, etc.), after leaving the scope, the old value is restored Tail calls do not extend the dynamic area, but the scope is counted as exit.

Meditation Given that the complete variable name of the global variable is from a different package, you do something like

  local $ other :: package :: var = 3; other :: package :: fancy ( "Away from a package, away");   

This is usually used to provide configuration for packages with a functional (non-OO) interface. And.

android - UI components are not functional using a MapFragment? -

Then I have the following code in a fragment class while trying to show a Google map, although the location has been successfully detected And zoomed in, all other UI components (like location buttons) are not displayed and the map is not responsible for gestures in some way. What's the problem?

If I try to call the SetupMap () before the footage, then the map is not apparently ready and I get a blank pointer with GetMap. Creatives on public view (LayoutInflator Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {mMapFragment = MapFragment.newInstance (); Piece transaction fragment transaction = getFragmentManager (). BeginTransaction (); Section transaction.ed (ridmap, ammoffraagment); FragmentTransaction.commit (); V = see inflater.inflate (R.layout.afragment, container, false); SetupMap (); // increase the layout for this piece returns v; }

And I have set my map with:

  Private zeros setup map () {if (mMap == null) {mMap = ( (MapFragment) getFragmentManager () FindFragmentById ( .getMap (); // Check that we have been able to get the map. If (mMap! = Null) {// Set Location etc ........ mMap.getUiSettings () SetAllGesturesEnabled (true); MMap.getUiSettings () setMyLocationButtonEnabled (true). MMap.getUiSettings () setZoomControlsEnabled (true). MMap.getUiSettings () setZoomGesturesEnabled (true). // Zoom into Google Maps mMap.animateCamera (CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo (14)); MMap.setOnMapClickListener (this); }}}    

insert a piece inside another < Code> piece is difficult.

Try this code instead:

Ensure that you use if you are developing for API 17 (Android 4.2), then you should use the library Have to support.

Read also:

Centering fluid div having max-width -

I'm trying to focus my content device. It is set to 100%, and the div is contained in the body, which is also set at 100%. I have a max-width: 1400px because I do not want my content to stretch more than the screen if the screen resolution is high. The thing is, it does not use margins: Auto My content stands at the left side of the screen more than 1400px.

If I delete the max-width, then everything is fully focused on the expanded screen, but the content is spread over the whole screen ...

  # Content {width: 100%; Height: auto; Status: Completed; Top: 400px; Margin: 0 auto; Margin-top: 50px; display none; Max-width: 1400px;   


The easiest way to get it, set Do you have width property for your maximum requirement, and max-width: 100%; Add . This will prevent it from being larger than 100%, but still can go to the maximum width. Additionally, you should remove the complete status:

< / Div>

ios - How do I correctly use paymentWithProduct: since I can no longer use paymentWithProductIdentifier: when dealing with In-App purchases? -

I'm trying to detect in-app purchases for iOS. I am trapped due to the practice of law. Product identifier: has been removed. If I still work, I would like to use it, this code is:

  - (IBAction) Pressback 20 coins button: Sender {sk} * payment = [payment of SK payment Withdrawal identifier: @ "com.mydomain.inappPractice.20Coins"]; [[SKPMentQueue Default Qu] Ad Payments: Payment]; [[SKPMantQUU Default QQ] AdranceAction Observer: Self]; [[SKPMentQueue Default Qu] Ad Payments: Payment]; }   

Now everywhere I see, it says that the payment of the updated method is in line with the payment: It seems very inconvenient for the identifier to lose part. I am assuming the correct (renewed) method of writing my method, something like this:

  - (IBAction) Pressback 20 Coincountry: (ID) sender {SKProduct * myProduct = // is not sure Or what's put here SKPayment * PAYMENT = [Advanced payment with SK payment: myProduct]; [[SKPMentQueue Default Qu] Ad Payments: Payment]; [[SKPMantQUU Default QQ] AdranceAction Observer: Self]; [[SKPMentQueue Default Qu] Ad Payments: Payment]; }   

Suppose I only have 1 in-app purchase. Can I use that product with the specific product identifier of my product? What is the right way to define my product?

Try it: As Posted Here: SKProduct * selectedProduct = & lt; # # From the reaction list of products #; SKPayment * Payment = [With SK payment payment: selected product]; [[SKPMentQueue Default Qu] Ad Payments: Payment];

android - Nexus 4 does not show the RSA dialog when connecting USB in debug mode -

I factory reset, and my computer is newly installed. I have enabled USB debugging, and connecting to the computer shows that the drivers have been successfully installed, and I can see so much in Device Manager. But the phone does not show RSA dialogue to please the connection, and in DDS, it is offline ... My alliance is official Android 4.2.2 Has anyone got this issue? Please give advice! Thanks!

/ * **** Update * ** * / I tried on my office computer when the office is connected to the computer, the dialog pops up, which shows the RSA key fingerprint But as I tried it on my home computer, any communication and notifications at the bar only Using

Go to the terminal (cmd in the window), SDK / platform-tools folder.

Then launch the adb devices command.

You'll then see "Fingerprint Popup on your device."

If not, then unplug the USB cable, restart the PC, plug the cable on the phone and again Launch the Adobe Command.

php - Server unresponsive during long running script -

I have a website on IIS 7. To better understand my problem, I will present it in a simple scenario, suppose I have two web pages, index.php and with report.php With each of the content:


  & lt ;? Php echo "Hello world"; ? & Gt;   


  & lt ;? Php sleep (60); // Simulate a long moving script like report generating? & Gt; Say  index.php  is the home page of our ecommerce system where visitors will visit and  report.php  is the page where Whenever people want to report (most likely during the day) in the management view, the problem occurs when the entire server becomes unresponsive, which takes a few minutes to see the reports. Unless the report is ready, visitors looking for  index.php  will not get any response. This is also applicable on ASP.NET. Are there any solutions for this?   

This is the iis6 & amp; 7. In essence, a new thread works with each new incoming request. So for some time a personal page will not have any effect on the processing of other pages when sleeping. I tested it using 2 pages.


  & lt;% @ page language = "c #"%> & Lt;% = DateTime.Now.ToString ()% & gt;   


  & lt;% @ page language = "c #"% & gt; & Lt;% = DateTime.Now.ToString ()% & gt; & Lt;% System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (10000); & Gt%;   

After being called Index.aspx, the page. Aspx can be repeatedly called & amp; Returns every request at the present time, while sleeping on request before index.aspx.

If something is requesting to block your server, it may be a shared resource used on your site. In the example above, if index.aspx requests unique access to a resource, then a file or DB is called, many requests of Page. Aspx will have to wait until index.aspx is finished. Resource released.

CSS Selector Strategy: (Prefix using a parent class: .widget .widget-item {}) or (Directly: .widget-item {}) -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < 8 उत्तरों

यहाँ एक बहुत ही आम स्थिति है। मान लें कि हमारे पास कुछ मार्कअप है:

  & lt; div class = "widget" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "विजेट-आइटम" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt;   

हम 2 विकल्प के साथ .widget-item शैली कर सकते हैं:

विकल्प 1: पैरेंट क्लास का उपयोग कर प्रीफ़िक्स


  .widget .widget-item {/ * शैलियां} /   

विकल्प 2: सीधे क्लास तक पहुंच

  .widget-item {/ * शैलियाँ} /   

क्या कोई भी महत्वपूर्ण प्रदर्शन लाभ / उपसर्ग के हिट हैं?

अगर मुझे एक और कंटेनर में कक्षा का पुन: उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, तो .other .widget-item कहें, क्या उपसर्ग के लिए कोई वास्तविक लाभ है? (ज्यादातर समय, मुझे माता-पिता के बाहर कक्षा का पुन: उपयोग करने की ज़रूरत नहीं होगी, इसलिए कोई फ़र्क नहीं पड़ता है?)

मैं खुद को इन गहरी चयनकर्ताओं का इस्तेमाल कर रहा हूं, जब मुझे शायद नहीं चाहिए?

यह आदमी कहता है कि आपको गहरा घोंसला होना चाहिए:

यह आदमी कहता है कि आपको उन्हें सरल, अनावश्यक रखना चाहिए:

मुझे माफ़ कर दो अगर यह एक डुप्लिकेट है, एक को खोजने के लिए प्रतीत होता है।

यह जांचें मैं जितनी बार मैं कर सकता हूँ उतनी गहरी झंझरी से बचने के लिए, क्योंकि यह आपकी शैलियों को वास्तव में भंगुर बना देता है रखरखाव के पहलू से, सरल .widget वर्ग चयनकर्ता सड़क को ठीक करने और बदलने के लिए आसान है।

प्रदर्शन-वार, मुझे लगता है कि @ सही है। ब्राउज़र के लिए छोटा चयनकर्ता चेन कम काम हैं।

linq to entities - Building Jagged Tree With Parentless Nodes In C# -

I have a list of related items that I need to create the structure of a tree I though some tree nodes of these Mulhin And I want to stick to each of these nodes in the root. LINQ and using my results I've created the following I, however, the nodes can not deal with that no parent branches ....

  var list = from ( O resultList [QueryList.Length - 1] .toList () New GroupItem {ItemCode Selection = o.ItemCode, ItemDescription = o.ItemDescription, Item = (resultList in TG [QueryList.Length - 2] .toList () where tg Do .ParentCode == o.ItemCode new GroupItem, {ItemCode = tg.ItemCode, ItemDescription = tg.ItemDescription, items from t = (resultList [QueryList.Length - 3] where t.ParentCode {ItemCode = t.ItemCode, ItemDescription = T.ItemDescription, item = (resultList from su In == Select tg.ItemCode new GroupItem [QueryList.Length - 4] where su.ParentCode == t.ItemCode new SelectableItem {ItemCode = su.ItemCode, ItemDescription = su.ItemDescription,} Select ToList ())}) Cast .  () ToList (.)}) Cast & lt; SelectableItem & gt ;.) ToList ()}) Cast. & Lt; SelectableItem & gt; () ToList ();   

I really want to do ... what a way to quickly and easily with this object from LINQ?

  root ^ | | ____ node 1 | | | & Lt; ------ Parent Relationships | ________ node 2 | | | | | ____________ node 3 ^ | | If a parent is connected to the root then text after "    

It looks like you do something like this are trying to:

  list lt; From the list & lt; GroupItem & gt; & Gt; Results list = ... var roots = new list & lt; GroupTime & gt; (); ICollection & LT; GroupItem & gt; Original language = root; (Parents in the original constellation) (Parents. ITIMES = NODELWAL. Where (node ​​= & gt; node.Parentcode == guardian) .imcode) .Cast & lt; SelectableItem & gt; (). ToList (); } // Add the original nodes from the root: Roots. Additional Range (nodelevel. Where (node ​​= & gt; node.printcode == faucet)); // Ready to go to the next level: parentLevel = nodeLevel; }    

target a slide with jquery cycle 2 plugin with callback -

I am using the following callback event with jquery cycle 2 plugin, what does this currently . Watch 1 After the slideshow the transition to the next slide is complete. But how can I target a specific slide, so that slide 1 can only fade in after the transition is completed? $ ('.cycle-slideshow') .on ('cycle-after' function (Event, Option hash, OutgoingSlide EL, incomingSlide EL, Forward Flagged) {$ ('watch1' ) .Fedine (2000);


Thank you!

You need to bind a variable for your slide like this:

Pre> $ ('cycle-slideshow'). ('Cycle-after', function (e, option hash, outgoing slidesl, incoming slide EL, forward flag) {var active = $ (incoming slider EL) if ( ('# slide1')) {$ ('Watch. 1 '). Fade In (2000);}});

This means that after slide 1 is animated, your Watch 1 element will be erased. I believe this is what you need to do.

c - Using Pointer to Pointer of Struct while adding nodes in the binary tree -

I want to know why we use, indicating indicator to the pointer when inserting nodes in the binary tree. But, while crossing the binary tree, we can see the tree in the root node by simply simple indicator. But why insert node?

Can anybody help me understand the reason or reference link, why it is the indicator for the indicator.

  / * This program cleans up all the three methods of * # TRUSTALLL & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #to & lt include, stdlib.h & gt; / * We basically describe how a particular node looks in a binary tree .... Every node in the tree has three main elements, left children, right kids, and data include I * / Struct treenode {int data ; Straight Turn Node * Left child; Straight Turn Node * Right Shirts; }; Zero Inner (Straight TreeNode * BT); Zero Preder (Straight TreeNode * BT); Zero Post Order (Straight TreeNode * BT); Enter Entry (Straight TreeNode ** BT, Int number); Main () {int num, element; Trynnode * bt; Int i; Printf ("Enter the number of elements inserted in the tree"); Scanf ("% d", and number); Printf ("Enter the elements inserted inside the tree"); (I = 0; i & lt; num; i ++) for {scanf ("% d", and element); Insert (& amp; bt, element); Printf ("\ n"); } Printf ("Order Trader \ n"); Inorder (BT); Printf ("Pre-Order Traversal \ n"); Preorder (BT); Printf ("Post Order Traveler \ n"); Posthumous (BT); Return 0; } Int insert (struct treeNode ** bt, int num) {if (* bt == null) {* bt = malloc (sizeof (struct treeNode)); (* BT) - & gt; LeftChild = Zero; (* BT) - & gt; Data = number; (* BT) - & gt; RightChild = zero; Return; } Other {/ * * / if (num & lt; (* bt) - & gt; Data) {insert (& ((* bt) -> leftChild), num); } Else {insert (& ((* bt) -> Right Chald), num); }} Return; } Zero Inner (Straight TreeNode * BT) {if (BT! = Null) {// Left Node Inner (BT-> Left Child) Process; Print data of / * parent node * / // printf ("% d", bt-> data); / * Correct node procedure * / inner (bt-> right-handed); }} Zero preorder (struct TreeNode * bt) {if (BT) {// parent node first process on printf ("% d", BT-> data); // Left node process pre-order (BT> leftChild); // Pre-node Process Pre-Order (BT> RightChild); }} Zero Post Order (Straight TreeNode * BT) {if (BT) {// process left child post order (BT-> left child); // Process the right child post order (BT-> right child); // parent node printf process ("% d", bt-> data); }}    

"I want to know why we use it While pointing to the pointer when inserting the nodes in the binary tree, however, while crossing the binary tree, we just add the ordinary point to the root node, but why inserting the node? "

We do not really need the code to answer if you modify in an external function in C Not want) data type (if you must know the data. Just like:

  main () {int x = 2; Change_me (x); Printf ("% d \ n", x); // print2} zero change_me (int x) {x ++; }   

has no meaning You are receiving a local copy of (in this example) of the occultation, any changes made in the price are within the local area if you want you need an address to transmit those changes back to the calling function :

  main () {int x = 2; Change_me (& amp; x); Printf ("% d \ n", x); // print 3} zero change_me (int * x) {(* x) ++; }   

This applies to the indicator. In the example of a linked list, if I want to honor print , then I need to cross the tree and read the data. is. I do not have to change anything, that's just the indicator. However, if I want to modify the tree:

  the straight node {int val; Straight node * next; }; Main () {struct node * head = malloc (sizeof (struct node)); Head-gt; Val = 3; Insert_a_node_in_front (head); } Insert_a_node_in_front (node ​​* ptr) {struct node * temp = ptr; Ptr = Molec (size (structure node)); PTR- & gt; Val = 5; PTR- & gt; Next = temporary; }   

OK, what do you think? We did not actually include that node because the value of head has never changed. It still indicates the original node with val == 3 . The reason is the same as before, we have tried to change the value of the local copy of the parameter. If we want to prevent the changes, it needs the address of the original copy:

  insert_a_node_in_front (& amp; head); } Insert_a_node_in_front (node ​​** ptr) {struct node * temp = (* ptr); (* Ptr) = Molec (size (structure node)); (* Ptr) - & gt; Val = 5; (* Ptr) - & gt; Next = temporary; }    

Can't load Java Library -

I am very new to Java and I am trying to run a program from a friend. I keep this error and I am sure how to solve this problem.

The application is starting to fetch the data. Please wait ... (Approx. 10th) "exception" main "java.lang.UnconfirmedLinkError" in thread (about 10V) Could not load SWT library: java.library.path contains any swt-cocoa-4236 java.library.path No swt-cocoa library can be loaded in: C: \ Users \ Andrew.swt \ lib \ win32 \ x86_64 \ swt-cocoa-4236. The DLL library can not load: C: \ Users \ Andrew.swt \ Lib \ win32 \ x86_64 \ swt-cocoa.dll (Org.eclipse.swt.interal.C. & lt; clinit & gt; ; (At JavaJA 21) at ORg.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary (Library.Java Month 40) (library.Java: 331) .ecl Ipse.swt.widgets.Display. & Lt; clinit & gt; ( in the View.ManWindo.Open (MainWindow.JavaA: 77) in ViewManWindoMain (MainWindowJavaA: 65)

Apparently I'm missing the SWT Library (SWT-cocoa-4236 and / or swt-cocoa?), But I do not know where to take it This statement may be my ignorance If anyone can tell me in the right direction why I am able to solve this problem, I am so gratefulThanks!

It seems that the program you are running is not designed for your OS. OS is dependent and JVM Depad.I will use all SWT programs swt.jar which will be different based on the underlying OS. A program designed for Mac OS and it seems that you are running it on a non-Mac system.

How to 'solve it', it depends on what program you are running to be packaged.

Check the Java version you are using and download the appropriate SWT jar file.

java - Save byte array as .class -

I am using ASM to replace Java class Instead of loading the byte array in memory, I would like to save the resulting byte array in the .class file. ASM manual says that this is possible, but does not give an example. how can I do this?

Just open a file-output stream , in Type the byte array and type close .

jenkins - CloudBees Back-up Plugin failing -

is the error message below is going on I Master Opansus my Jenkins Edition "Jenkins sole dis. 1.466.12.1 (Claudbiais 12.11 by Jenkins Enterprise) ".

I have verified that I am in the Linux box / MNT / jenkinsbackup. This is a user permission problem

Vertical / var / lib / Jenkins / Master jobs Building / Jenkins backup / Vertical / MNT / jenkinsbackup / backup Jenkins backup -19. Com on tar.gz (Permission denied) on (native resident method). ( at ( On $ 1._backup ( ( com.infradna.hudson on .plugins.backup.BackupBuilder.perform hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor at $ 1.perform ( ( on hudson.model.AbstractBuild $ AbstractRunner.perform ( on Hudson .model.Build $ hudson.model.Build $ RunnerImpl.doRun ( to ( on hudson.model.AbstractBuild $ ( ) on (Run.ja va: 1438) hudson.model on ( hudson.model.ResourceController.execute ( ( on June 23) The construction phase of 'Take Backup' changes due to failure The result: failure

Edit: I'm running as a daemon I Jenkins forgot to mention it, and not as the user.

Permission problem originated from mounted network folder. Only the root was allowed to write it. A suggestion on the Internet I found that to change the ownership of the folder to Jenkins: Nogrup (since Jenkins is running as Master), but you can not do it in a mounted folder.

But before moving the folder to first place, I had to change the permissions. I have learned that I can do this:

Mount-T CIFS // Network_Folter_Path / Jenkins / MNT / Jenkins- HO username = USERNAME, password = XXXX, dir_mode = 0777, file_mode = 0777

That folder was kept with the write permissions for everyone and was able to run the job.