Saturday 15 August 2015

Turn off google maps visual refresh interactivity -

I embed Google Maps on my page, and set the visual refresh to true ().

Great work, apart from this map now all these clickable elements are by default. For example:

The bubble of attraction is help, I accidentally went into the street view, and so on.

How can I turn it off?


You can add this code to your initial function, just like That is said Dr. Mall

  var styles = [{featureType: "poi", elementType: "label", Stailrs: [{visibility: "off"}}}, {featureType: "transit", element types : "Labels", Stylers: [{Visibility: "Closed"}]}]; Map.setOptions ({styles: styles});   

Another solution would be to set Terena to MapTypeId.

And besides this, you can add

  streetViewControl: false   

Go to Map Option. (This will not disable the Street View option in the bubble, but it will no longer be included in the navigation controls)

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