Saturday 15 August 2015

Can't load Java Library -

I am very new to Java and I am trying to run a program from a friend. I keep this error and I am sure how to solve this problem.

The application is starting to fetch the data. Please wait ... (Approx. 10th) "exception" main "java.lang.UnconfirmedLinkError" in thread (about 10V) Could not load SWT library: java.library.path contains any swt-cocoa-4236 java.library.path No swt-cocoa library can be loaded in: C: \ Users \ Andrew.swt \ lib \ win32 \ x86_64 \ swt-cocoa-4236. The DLL library can not load: C: \ Users \ Andrew.swt \ Lib \ win32 \ x86_64 \ swt-cocoa.dll (Org.eclipse.swt.interal.C. & lt; clinit & gt; ; (At JavaJA 21) at ORg.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary (Library.Java Month 40) (library.Java: 331) .ecl Ipse.swt.widgets.Display. & Lt; clinit & gt; ( in the View.ManWindo.Open (MainWindow.JavaA: 77) in ViewManWindoMain (MainWindowJavaA: 65)

Apparently I'm missing the SWT Library (SWT-cocoa-4236 and / or swt-cocoa?), But I do not know where to take it This statement may be my ignorance If anyone can tell me in the right direction why I am able to solve this problem, I am so gratefulThanks!

It seems that the program you are running is not designed for your OS. OS is dependent and JVM Depad.I will use all SWT programs swt.jar which will be different based on the underlying OS. A program designed for Mac OS and it seems that you are running it on a non-Mac system.

How to 'solve it', it depends on what program you are running to be packaged.

Check the Java version you are using and download the appropriate SWT jar file.

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