Saturday 15 August 2015

jenkins - CloudBees Back-up Plugin failing -

is the error message below is going on I Master Opansus my Jenkins Edition "Jenkins sole dis. 1.466.12.1 (Claudbiais 12.11 by Jenkins Enterprise) ".

I have verified that I am in the Linux box / MNT / jenkinsbackup. This is a user permission problem

Vertical / var / lib / Jenkins / Master jobs Building / Jenkins backup / Vertical / MNT / jenkinsbackup / backup Jenkins backup -19. Com on tar.gz (Permission denied) on (native resident method). ( at ( On $ 1._backup ( ( com.infradna.hudson on .plugins.backup.BackupBuilder.perform hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor at $ 1.perform ( ( on hudson.model.AbstractBuild $ AbstractRunner.perform ( on Hudson .model.Build $ hudson.model.Build $ RunnerImpl.doRun ( to ( on hudson.model.AbstractBuild $ ( ) on (Run.ja va: 1438) hudson.model on ( hudson.model.ResourceController.execute ( ( on June 23) The construction phase of 'Take Backup' changes due to failure The result: failure

Edit: I'm running as a daemon I Jenkins forgot to mention it, and not as the user.

Permission problem originated from mounted network folder. Only the root was allowed to write it. A suggestion on the Internet I found that to change the ownership of the folder to Jenkins: Nogrup (since Jenkins is running as Master), but you can not do it in a mounted folder.

But before moving the folder to first place, I had to change the permissions. I have learned that I can do this:

Mount-T CIFS // Network_Folter_Path / Jenkins / MNT / Jenkins- HO username = USERNAME, password = XXXX, dir_mode = 0777, file_mode = 0777

That folder was kept with the write permissions for everyone and was able to run the job.

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