Tuesday, 15 September 2015

image - tiff() resolution and compression are not reliably set in OSX -

Resolve and compression options are ignored in tiff () on my system (see information ) bottom). It appears in the same problem; I am posting a question here so that I can be more specific about my system.

For example the following code,


Generates a .tiff file that looks superficial, but when I use Photoshop to view the photo size, I see it

Enter image details here

It is compatible with tiff () , Make a file with the correct number of a pixel, but the wrong size of the inch (This inconsistency takes me into trouble when I want to control both size of the font size and the size of the image, for example publishers require a specific physical image size).

Note that the file is 2.5 MB, which looks very big for 3 "-by-5" black and white lzw-compressed tiff. I suspect that the compression option is also being ignored.

I get the same result with ggsave (which can be dependent under the hood at tiff () ?) And With png () , this is a common problem with R and OSX deal with image files.

I am using R Studio 0.97.449, as described below at OSX 10.8 with R 3.0.0.

  & gt; SessionInfo () R Version 3.0.0 (2013-04-03) Platform: x86_64- Apple's darwin10.8.0 (64-bit) location: [1] en_US.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF- 8 / c / en_US.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF-8 Enclosed Base Packages: [1] Statistics Graphics GrDevices utils Dataset methods are loaded (and not attached) through a single name space: [1] tools_3.0.0 < / Code>   

When I run my image using ImageMagick and then say, I see The following (modified) in my console:

  $ -verbose /Users/schaunw/Desktop/example.tiff Identity image: /Users/schaunw/Desktop/example.tiff Format: TIFF Image File Format) Category: DirectClass Geometry: 1000x600 + 0 + 0 Units: PixelsPerInch Type: GrayscaleAlpha Endianess: MSB Colorspace: Gray Depth: 8-bit Page Geometry: 1000x600 + 0 + 0 Settlement: Undefined Repetition: 0 Compression: None Orientation: TopLeft fILESIZE: 2.402MB Number Pixels: 600K   

File size, as you say, if large enough to be considered an image that is small, and it Showing the lack of compression the answer to that problem itself appeared when I tried to convert the type argument to tiff function: OS X told me that it is now X11 Does not support, and I'll need it if I use it If you want to run, install it manually.

So I have installed it, and it has run its example code again, but this time the "code" type is "Cairo".

  $ identity -verbose /Users/schaunw/Desktop/example.tiff image :: /Users/schaunw/Desktop/example.tiff format: TIFF (This is what I got from ImageMagick Square Image: Format: DirectClass Geometry: 1000x600 + 0 + 0 Solution: 200x200 Print Size: 5x3 Units: PixelsPerInch Type: Grayscale Endianess: MSB Colorspace: Gray Depth: 8-bit Page Geometry: 1000x600 + 0 + 0 Settlement: Undefined Recurrence: 0 Compression: LZW Orientation: TopLeft fILESIZE: 19.8KB Number Pixels: 600K   

Information Properly small file sizes and And LZW compression, but also note that ImageMagick has clearly stated that the print size is 5x3 that has not been done earlier.

So it seems like your problem is that OS X is no longer what to do with shipping with X11. Installing X11 should fix your problem

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