Saturday 15 May 2010

javascript - YouTube API Player no longer works on Safari -

I have created a custom skin to play YouTube video. It used to work in all major browsers, now it does not work on Safari for desktop computers. This link is:

The console logs an error that is "Error: Error Calling Method on NPOBYE"

The error is caused by ytplayer.playVideo ( ) The script works fine in Firefox and Chrome on line 100.

Jamie got the answer for this one thanks, Jamie:

I changed the function called LoadPlayer. First, look like the function:

  // The "main method" of this sample is called when a person clicks "Run", the function is called Load Player () {// Flash Anyone Javascript Vir Params = {allowScriptAccess: "always", wmode: "transparent"} with other domain calls; // Element ID of Flash Embed Elements = {id: "ytPlayer"}; // SWFObject ( swfobject.embedSWF ("" + "& Amp; enabledJSp = 1 & Playerapiid = Player1 ",}   

The version number should be passed as a parameter in the URL according to the comment given below the forum. Therefore, changing this line:

  swfobject.embedSWF ("" +   


  swfobject .embedSWF ( "Http://" +   

fixed the problem.

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