Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Django sub-Form not display label when rendered on template -

After reading, and after working with Django forms for a while, it would seem very standard for me I have to present a Django form in the {{Form.as_p}} template, though my position is slightly different

I have 2 checkboxes with me:

Form.form: field_a = forms.BooleanField (initial = false, label = ('FIELD-A')) Field_b = forms.BooleanField (initial = true, label = ('FIELD- B '))

I can add the form object to The more you are, the more it happens: Trying to use the basic 'if' argument, to see if I should show one, or both areas, I know that Most would say, 'Just give them names of two different forms', but I would love to keep them as a form for the purposes of the organization.


  {% If 'Bold Well'%} & lt; Form action = '' method = 'post' & gt; {{FORM.field_a}} & lt; / Form & gt; {% Endif%}   

This returns only fields , and not field labels (just a checkbox). And when the other stack overflow closes, it should display the entire form including the label, yet it is not.

These methods still work, however:

field in METHOD 1

  {% FORM%} For & lt; Div class = "form" & gt; {{Field.label_tag}} {{Field}} & lt; / Div & gt; {% Endfor%}   

will display both forms with their respective labels and area input (checkboxes)



The traditional way of interpreting the entire form will display both fields and Label, this style is almost identical to Style 1 and Style 1.

Edit Method 3

  {{FORM.field_a.label_tag}} {{ Form.field_a}}   

This label and form will display the field. There is a possible work around, but I see why {{Form.field_a}} does not work on its own.

Therefore ...

< B> Why can not I hand that person's form with my related label? I am not looking for so many jobs to speak, because I want both the fields to be under that one form. Any ideas?

You have tried {code> {{FORM.field_a}} {{FORM.field_a. Label_tag}} ?

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