Tuesday 15 March 2011

objective c - iOS App Crashes: Out of Memory despite ARC -

I have three entities, users, livecards and livepromos which I am collecting using core data. When I read this data in memory and add it to an object, my app crashes and returns the error shown below.

  User * user = (user *) [self getEntityWithName: @ "User" and Editor: @Selector (PopulateUsers :)); If (user! = Zero) {NSMutableArray * liveCards = [with self-assemble: @ "LiveCard" and Popular: @Selector (PopulatedLiccard :)); [User's setcard: live card]; NSArray * livePromos = [Makes Antithrinem: @ "LiveProMo" and Popular: @Selector (PopulatePromos :)); (Live card * card in user.cards) {NSMutableArray * cardsPromo = [NSMutableArray array]; (Promos in livepromo * live promo) {if ([card.cardId isqualToString: promo.cardId]) {[cardsPromo addObject: promo]; }} Card.promos = cardsPromo; }} User refund;   

This is what I am getting the error

MyApp (39516,0x3d38bb78) malloc: *** mmap (size = 1935958016) failed ( Error code = 12)

*** Error: Can not allocate area

*** Set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

Note: I am using ARC in my application

UPDATE I already have malloc_error_break < / Code> has attempted to set up a symbolic breakpoint and this navigator Krinsot is I

I also run equipment. Notification Utility on my application in iPhone Simulator, here is a screenshot that shows large memory Allocation in malloc I do not understand where this allocation is making!

Thanks to everyone for your input, the problem was that the UICollectionView was corrupt and the number of items was in the problem now Resolve

Not to be "obvious", but have you tried setting a breakpoint on malloc_error_break ? This prevents that function, and by looking at the rest of the backtrace you will show that it is responsible for this huge allocation in your code.

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