Friday 15 July 2011

ios - Moved Xcode project has missing files from other libraries -

I took a computer project to another computer, and I have some problems. I'm missing the NMSSH profile, and the libz.dylib file from the project, and I'm unable to find it, because the Inspector button is grayed out for it. The file is not even on my system Should not it be inside my project folder?

In addition, I am using MBProgressHUD , and I am using it by dragging my Xcode project, they can set the appropriate link. A library One of the libMBProgressHUD.a is missing, and I can not find it either.

Everything was working fine on my other computer, so I'm guessing there is a problem with the search path, etc.? Any help will be very much appreciated. The errors are as follows:

  ld: warning: option '' F / user / ramesh / documents / codedump_imp / iOS / Raspipi controller / ....... garbage 'undefined' for architecture Symbols i386: "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ NMSSH Session", referring to: Lead in objc-class-ref in user.pi.o: Symbol not found for architecture (i386): Error: Linker failed with command failure code 1 ( Use -V to see the orientation)    

You can download the missing file from the link below

and paste it into your iOS simulator folder. I hope this will work.

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