Friday 15 July 2011

linux - Squid3 URL Block -

I hope that some rebel expert I'm trying to configure your squid.conf file. Configuration works, but here's the problem: When I just tried to block a site, then it makes it all a few blocks ...

Here is my code:

  Aelel manager protein cache_object ACL localhost src :: 1 ACL to_localhost DST L27k0k0k0/8 0k0k0k0/32 :: L ACL biz_network src ACL biz_hours time MTWTF 9: 00-17: 00 ACL SSL_ports port 443 ACL Safe_ports port 80 # http ACL Safe_ports port 21 # FTP ACL Safe_ports port 443 # https ACL Safe_ports Bandrg H 70 # Gopher Safe_ports ACL Port 210 # WAIS ACL Safe_ports Port # 1,025-65535 # Unregistered Ports ACL Safe_ports Port 280 # http- Management First ACL Safe_ports Port 488 # GSS-http Safe_ports Port ACL 591 # Filemaker ACL Safe_ports Port 777 # Multiling http ACL Connecting method connect ACL fortytwo_network src ACL BAD_URL dstdomain #### this 1st line is a cause that problem, allowing #### Http_access are biz_network biz_hours give http_access allow fortytwo_network http_access BAD_URL deny # ### This is the 2nd line that causes Land a problem reject Http_access Ruling from #### Http_access manager localhost http_access manager! Safe_ports http_access deny! SSL_ports http_access local host permissions http_access deny all http_port 8080 coredump_dir / var / spool / squid3 refresh_pattern ^ ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh ^ Gopher: 1440 0% 1440 Refresh_patel -i (/ cgi-bin / | \? ) 0 0% 0 Refresh_paper (release | package (.gz) *) $ 0 20% 2880 Refresh_pattern. 0 20% 4320 visible_hostname BenNahmias   

bold lines blocked all the URL will

All Without these lines, I can use the URL

My question is, what is the correct sequence of lines (those I have marked) so only my site will be blocked.

- Thanks in advance, Oral.

For those who use AVL blacklist, another person can filter web studios with squid proxy Good example is

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