Friday 15 July 2011

rstudio server - Error in grobToDev.default(gTree, dev) -

I'm trying to create an app with Bright + GridSVG. This problem has been consistent and I have no information about it is not.

My server R:

  Library Library (Latis) Library (Grid SVG) Saturn Surface (function input, output) {Data = Reactive ({inFile = input $ file1 if (is.null (InFile) returns (NULL) read.csv (inFile $ datapath, header = input $ header, sep = input $ sep, quote = input $ quote)}) feature = reactive ({returns (colnames (data)) ) Output $ classUI = renderUI ({classify by selectable "classlabel", "classify by:", featurelist ())} output $ svg .grid = reactive ({dat = data () features = featurelist () #group = dat [ , C (which (attributes == input $ classlabel)]] subsetted.features = features [-c (which ( Styles == Input $ Classlabel))] # classlabel.level = Level (group) xyplot.out = xyplot (subsetted.features [1] ~ subsetted.features [2] | input $ classlabel, data = data) tempsvg & lt; - tempfile (fileext = ".svg") on.exit (unlinks (tempsvg)) GridToSVG ​​(name = tempsvg) svgoutput & lt; - readLines (tempsvg, n = 1) svgoutput})})   

This is my JS:

  & lt; Script & gt; Var Networkopupbing = New Shiny Output binding (); $ (Network Optuper Bunding, {Search: Function} {Return Dollar (Scope). Find ('.Light-Network Output');}, Render Value: Function (L, Data) {$ (L). Html Data.join (''));}}); Shiny OutputBinding.Register (NetworkTypeputBinding, 'Timely PortrayOnetworkBinding'); & Lt; / Script & gt;   

There is an error message in the console:

  Error in grobToDev.default (gTree, dev): We should not be here! Do you know any reason?   

I 'do not help with the cause, but I had the same error message and did it It was resolved by:

  • Quit RStudio.
  • The latest version of R was 3.2 in my case.)
  • Restart Arstudio
  • Reinstalling the GridSVG package

    The problem has gone away

    BTW: Here is a systematic way to restore your packages:

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