Sunday 15 July 2012

How can I develop a list template for a dynamic list in Liferay with action buttons? -

I already have another webapplicationdeveloper for this post to read such blog posts But do not get any idea action to get the dynamic data list customly applied in the button in the template.

I also tried the dynamicdatalist portlet in VM template, including that default record_action.jsp but the property below it is working and it is not even set

  Journal.template.velocity.restricted.variables =   

Portal-Ext property , but still not me the action button is getting in my custom template <.

  # sets ($ categoriesService = $ portal.getClass () forName ("com.liferay.portlet.asset.service.AssetCategoryLocalServiceUtil"): / p> 

I already have this Have tried) .getMethod ("getService", blank). Evanok (Blank, Null)) My answer is: Yessss, it works. But I want to use a JSTL Lib (like or & lt; ui & gt;) In my opinion, the easiest way to do this is to include a jsp file in the theme server contact. Put your file in your theme: your theme / document / path / to / your / JSP / file. Enter this piece of jsp and code in your VM (for example portal_normal.vm): $ theme.include ($ themeServletContext, "/path/to/your/jsp/file.jsp")

In this case, $ theme variables can not display $ themes as it is ... :( Please help: < P>

Skip Velocity, it is too bad to use tagline, and switch to the freemaker language: More powerful and full support of the taglib. / P>

The topic here There is an example to use FreeMaker for C, but there is also a good starting point in the template in the dynamic data list.

Also see the Freemer Guide: < / Div>

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